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Snake Man

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Everything posted by Snake Man

  1. Snake Man

    PMC Baltic Command released!

    PMC Baltic Command (formely known as PMC Command Campaign) PMC Baltic Command is a CE campaign that puts you in the role of NATO commander of a mixed battalion-sized force, fighting the Reds in their backyard swimming pool, the Baltic Sea. Many months of work has created a wonderful mix of scripts that simulate the operational level of command, with orchestrated land, air, and sea operations. You are given lots of tools, such as Wild Weasel jamming strikes and artillery-fired mines, to take the war to the enemy. But don't worry, it won't be easy. You'll need all your OFP skills to peel away the layered enemy defenses. Pilot your specially-equipped recon helo to put your binoculars on the enemy front lines, and coordinate combined-arms missions like Rommel did. But beware, as the enemy will track your radio signals and launch missile strikes at you. The missions are open-ended, with no set path to victory. You will be judged on each mission for both your ability to take the objectives, and to keep friendly casualties down. Develop plans for flak suppression and airstrikes. Coordinate airborne and armor forces to take widely-flung objectives. Employ snipers, seals, and grunts to take and hold objectives in the face of withering counterattacks. PMC Baltic Command demonstrates what can be done with the best of the best addons and scripts developed by the OFP community. Required addons UAV Dragonwarrior ------------ DragonWarrior.rar C130v2 ----------------------- ofp.info USMC Symbols ----------------- CoC homepage Mirror 1 --------------------- ofp.info LSR Ranger/Deltas ------------ ofp.info LSR SEALs -------------------- ofp.info bas Blackhawks --------------- ofp.info bas Littlebirds -------------- ofp.info JAM3 (three!) ---------------- ofp.info CAVS Vehicles ---------------- JAM_Vehicles.zip, PMC mirror. SA-11 Gadfly ----------------- ofp.info CoC Unified Artillery -------- filefront Mirror 1 --------------------- ofpr.info CoC Tomahawks ---------------- CoC homepage CoC Mines -------------------- CoC homepage Mirror 1 --------------------- filefront Mirror 2 --------------------- ofpr.info CoC Divers v1.0 -------------- CoC homepage Mirror 1 --------------------- ofpr.info Bn880 Tracers v1.24 ---------- BIS topic Official PMC Baltic Command Forum and PMC Tactical. Finally, the campaign itself. Download v1.1 PMC_Baltic_Command_v1.1.rar - 21mb. Mirror 1 filefront Mirror 2 megaupload Mirror 3 mediafire Mirror 4 bigupload
  2. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience

    CoC CEX is only required in our dedicated multiplayer server as we have few nice CEX missions there and I'd hate to see X amount of users to drop out while we start one of those missions. Most likely at some point CEX as well as possible future UA will be required addons even in SP mode.
  3. Snake Man

    PMC Baltic Command released!

    Unfortunately there is no way to save it, its the savegame bug thats been with us for so long (only now on ArmA v1.09 it will be fixed, this again unfortunately wont help you). The second best option for saving a game is to just hit ESC and leave your computer running while you go away, if this is not possible, then you are completely out of options and just have to play 1 try = 1 mission style. Sorry that there is no easier solution for this. Hope you still find time to complete the missions.
  4. I have learned by testing that the water colors in ArmA are as follows. Water Depths: 0m = land 0-50m = turquoise, shallow water 50-?m = dark ocean blue, deep water I did a small test map where I placed -5m, -50m, -100m depths and even -300m depth, all worked fine, no RPT errors or anything out of the ordinary in-game when sailing around RHIB in there. Actually it was scary to look overboard to see the edge from -50m into the abyss of -300m My problem is now that while those depths are okay, I'd like to specify the water color changes according to my own depth scale, so does anybody know if the water depth colors can be adjusted by config? See also PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA Tools Visitor 3.
  5. Snake Man

    Setting pivot point

    This topic is good as any to ask; Armored_Sheed: should I always do center all (if model was not built that way already) to any models, including helicopters, aircrafts, cars or static ground objects?
  6. Snake Man

    Durg's Vegetation Fix

    I'm interested to know in more details how did you create/edit the objects?
  7. Snake Man

    BISoldier Model Tutorial

    They are just called Synide's MLOD's as he created the converter which did the conversion. The MLODs arent more to his than any ODOL Explorer created is mine. You dont need to ask any permissions.
  8. Snake Man

    Lost-World Returns

    I signed the petition because VTE needs water buffalo and other animals of the jungle.
  9. Snake Man

    How to see animations in O2

    Proxy visible in Buldozer (cargo, pilot, driver, gunner etc) in PMC Tactical forums might help you out.
  10. Snake Man

    Community Sound Mod - idea

    Okay guys, let me know when you have decided which of the sounds are the best, when you have reached one unified 100% agreeable decision, I will do this mod for you. Haha
  11. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience

    We run 100% VTE only there, if you get errors then there is something wrong in your install.
  12. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience

    Dragon44 thanks for the DHC4 model, much appreciated. BraTTy yeah long time ago I sent you a PM, ikonboard shows it unread (dunno if thats true), so check your inbox
  13. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience

    Hey icehollow, nice to hear you are enjoying it. I would be interested of this mission you mentioned (or any missions you've done for that matter), any chance you could send it to me? Btw our VTE server is online 24h, check out details here.
  14. Snake Man

    PMC First Fight - Campaign

    Well there is no news posted because... there is nothing to post about. As I said above, v0.5 has been done long time ago, I gave it to one person to test through email but he has not reported anything back. Anyways here is the changelog at the moment: --- fixes v0.5 - long day, undisclosed location, added few idling soldiers and uaz. - gulan heights briefing typo "suprise", fixed. - gulan heights added briefing support part. - gulan heights added troops to some mission related towns. - gulan heights added SU34 air patrol. - gulan heights added tent + ammobox / camp stuff to the objectives. - gulan heights bmp patrol near objectives were not good, tweaked. - gulan heights objective triggers tweaked to more practical setup. - gulan heights changed the hind to MG equipped version. - gulan heights changed another hind to KA-50. - gulan heights aa 2, adjusted targets position. - gulan heights added car patrols, as roads felt so empty. - gulan heights added soldiers to gulan. - long day added defenses to gulan, fd65 farmhouse and hotel type valley. - long day, added car patrols. - long day, added airbase defences. - long day, added vehicles to airbase. - disabled team switch. - seek friends ending cutscene fired while radiocomms was playing, fixed. - silent watch, red dusk bugged team loadstatus, fixed. - silent watch, added patrols and defenses. propably more interesting now. - silent watch too early, BIS changed engine, added half an hour. - missions 7, 8, 12-14 had no radio replys, fixed. - all briefings got minor adjustments. - added bn880's random weather. - swift sweep, one radio comms missing, fixed. - estrellas and forward cutscene units start on top of buildings, fixed. - first fight outro, added "(cutscene)" to mission name. - forward briefing typos, fixed. - foothold, activated weaponpool again first army mission. - red dusk briefing typos, fixed. - gulan heights briefing typos, fixed. - silent watch briefing typos, fixed. - silent watch intro, stupib job to get job done titletext, changed. - us forces arrive cutscene, any guys dead, will lay on the ground, fixed. - cmp overview.html, added linefeed after the description. - added 5 new missions. - added all 1.07 (1.04 really?) included weapons & equipment. - gulan heights ending triggers faulty, fixed. Wow, that was longer than I remembered it, indeed it has been few months almost since I last edited it I recall the work was done but untested... so I guess I could use you community guys as guinea pigs to test it out, meaning just release v0.5 now.
  15. Snake Man

    need help with A-1H skyraider

    Vietnam: The Experience would like to help... except we need to know for sure if this model is 100% and honestly created by you, not just ripped out of battlefield vietnam?
  16. Snake Man

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    I cant say for sure, but when I was running it on 5km viewdistance, the roads were drawn much further away than buildings/objects. Oh and also the big Hotel object was drawn much further out than other objects around it. The terrain/city looks great. Running a humwv convoy through it intense
  17. Snake Man

    Sakakah Al Jawf OPEN BETA

    Congrats for the big city desert terrain release, images and videos look pretty good. Heh download size is 175mb so I guess this is the ArmA/Visitor 3 world we are living now
  18. Snake Man

    O2 exports to max really small

    In the latest (second) release of O2PE, the export function is missing. Is there any way to export from O2 into 3DSMax?
  19. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience

    Vietnam: The Experience modification from OFP is now on ArmA, we have already released quietly two full pre-alphas and few hotfixes. We are working very hard to fix the ported OFP models and tweak the config. We cannot do this alone, we dont have the modeler and texturer we need at the moment. If anyone wants to help, please contact us in our web page or forums here or email us directly at tactical at nekromantix dot com Thank you and remember, Vietnam needs you
  20. Snake Man

    AI using laser designator

    Remove all his other ammo or better yet even weapons, just leave laserdesignator and he wildly shoots the target with laser beam. I witnessed this at least with T72 targeting, dunno if they would use laserdesignator against infantry, try it out.
  21. Snake Man

    Vietnam: The Experience

    Well where is your ArmA located? How is your VTE mod dir named? What parameters you use to launch ArmA with VTE loaded?
  22. Snake Man

    Insurgent Idea

    Snakeman, can I have your direct email?? Yes, its on the above quote(?). Whats the confusion? If you mean by finding contact info page... I dont think we have one in there, other than that dunno what might be confusing.
  23. Snake Man

    New interview with Maruk

    I dont completely understand this sentence, does it mean that like OFP v1.96 there will be no more cd (dvd this case) checks so we dont have to keep disc in the drive when playing?
  24. Snake Man

    Insurgent Idea

    Guys can you send me the face textures what you have, I've read/heard that you cant get them configured into addon so I could do that for you (I think heh). I'm also wanting to get some dirty insurgents to fight on at my desert terrain, the SLA just seems somehow so out of place in there. So if I can help, I'm happy to do so. You can rar up the images and email to me in tactical at nekromantix dot com.
  25. Snake Man

    Sakakah Al Jawf

    When you created that terrain, did you do it "freehand" by just looking reference images of the city on other window, or did you use the background image/overview in Visitor (if there is one, I think there is) and then place objects pretty much with 1:1 accuracy? I watched Film, it was great looking city layout. But how about giving us a footage when you are on the ground, perhaps driving a humwv / truck convoy through the dense building areas, that would give really different perspective to the city?