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Everything posted by shrike

  1. shrike

    Mission not loading on dedicated server

    erm...of course we are aware of case sensitivity and user rights but in my situation that is not to the problem...it's as if some addons just don't like Linux, even if I fail to see a reason for this coz' it shouldn't make a difference... Not many news on the Linux server from BIS lately...how long will we be stuck with 1.90f?
  2. shrike

    Mission not loading on dedicated server

    We're experiencing the same problems with DKM Comanche maps on our server... It works locally and on a Win32 server but it doesn't on our Linux Box. The installation on the Linux box is a mirror image of my client installation, I only stripped it from single missions, campaigns and HWTL stuff. Idea anyone?
  3. shrike

    The Iraq Thread

    It's not as if TBA's motivation has not been clearly stated several years ago already: http://www.newamericancentury.org/RebuildingAmericasDefenses.pdf This paper was finished in September 2000 and created as requested by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Libby. Founders of the organization (PNAC) were the abovementioned plus: Peter W. Rodman, responsible for international security Richard Armitage, vice secretary of state Richard Perle William Kristol, AKA "Bushs brain" Zalmay Khalizad, now responsible for relationship management with the Iraqi opposition Since I have neither the time nor the necessary English skills to participate in the discussion properly I thought I might provide this for your information only, without expressing my opinion. Edit: Spelling
  4. shrike

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (JAP @ Mar. 05 2003,14:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> The one with the chinooks landing with the green smoke. Cheers Care to post a URL for the mission ?<span id='postcolor'> Hi Jap, this sounds very much like the first mission of Daywalkers Vietnam Multiplayer coop campaign "Brothers in Arms". Since the campaign aint finished yet (I think he finished 6 out of 10 or 12 missions) it still isnt available for the public. You can play all finished missions on our addon server though, see IP below. Have a nice weekend Shrike
  5. shrike

    Problems with goty edition

    Yeah, right! Stomp on my feelings! If it wasn't hard enough to lose my trusty 1.5 year old OFP 1.0 CD which never left my CD drive until Resistance came out... Rest in peace, you will not be forgotten! *violin playing*
  6. Hi, are there any known issues with the use of the GOTY edition as a basis for a dedicated (Linux) server? Being too dumb to take the OFP CD out of the cover without breaking it in half, I had to buy the GOTY edition for my fresh server installation. Since then we are experiencing lots of server crashes, especially when used with BAS D/R addons (happens without addons, too, but rarely) It goes down randomly, sometimes after 2 minutes, sometimes after 2 hours. My beloved segmentation fault is back like it was in the pre 1.90 Linux times. The funny thing is that my client (GOTY, too) crashes to desktop when the server goes down, in exactly the same moment. My fellow players dont have this problem, they just lose the server but their game stays up. The server was running fine with its old installation, using the upgrade path OFP CWC - OFP RES - 1.90 - Linux dedi 1.90f. So apparently it's a problem with the GOTY edition in combination with Linux dedi and/or BAS Delta/Ranger addon. Any idea to resolve the issue?
  7. shrike

    Linux server

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">So Shrike you bought your server and pay €50+€150 a month? Makes my server seem Cheap @ €150/month including the rent of the hardware. <span id='postcolor'> Doh'! The problem in Germany was that you couldn't rent decent hardware at the common Game Server providers. We wanted a huge machine so we had to buy it ourselves...well, buy may be the wrong word, my job in IT allows me to get stuff pretty...*cough*...cheap. And you have to take into consideration that we are running 2 dedicated servers on this machine/line. But I agree the price you're paying is very good considering the powerful hardware you have! Sorry for the offtopic...
  8. shrike

    Linux server

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Do you have any information on traffic used approximately?<span id='postcolor'> I don't know whether this question was directed to me so I'll just answer My bill for January said we had 120 GB traffic, this includes both servers. They weren't running at full load in Jan, I am expecting a traffic of 180 GB this month. To allow a cost comparison: I am paying € 50,00/month for the 19" rack spot (2 HU) + 1 € / GB which I consider a very good price for a colocation server with a true 100 Mbit connection.
  9. shrike

    Linux 1.90 crashing

    Now that you mention it...We have been experiencing lots of crashes lately, too. It started about 3 weeks ago. What I don't get is that before it was very stable, the OFP server was up for 4 or 5 days in a row without restarting. Now, all of a sudden it keeps crashing although we did not change a single bit on the server installation... Whatever the reason may be...why did it start now anyway? If find it very odd that nobody heard a complain from Linux server admins for a long time after the release of 1.90f beta. Now everybody is reporting the same/similar problem, and for all of us it started around 2-3 weeks ago... What could a player possibily change in his OFP installation that crashes the server? And it is getting worse, crashes seem to appear more often now, e.g. yesterday night on Zeus...5 total crashes in 1 hour which also meant from 34 to 3 players in one hour...highly frustrating at least! Maybe it's time for a Linux 1.91 release server...any heads up on this, BIS? While you're there, please look into the lag/desync spikes caused by connecting players. I know the problem exists on Win32 as well but the effect on gameplay is less obvious.
  10. shrike

    All-time best missions list

    Best PvP map: One Road C&H by Tactician. No fancy scripting, but perfectly balanced and great fun with/against good players. Tacticians Lowlands CTF is also very very good, a large scale ctf requiring skilled low insertions... I am no coop expert but I like Blakes missions a lot.
  11. shrike

    Linux server

    It is very stable now but it seems to be way more delicate with high ping players and people connecting while a game is running than the Win32 server. We can have an almost perfectly smooth match with 30 players until just ONE high pinger connects during the game. From there on desync will skyrocket to 500 to 100.000 for most players and only drop after 30 secs to 5 mins!! Other than that: Good work!! </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">or has it now become stable enough to run on a shared server without it effecting other games running on the same server. <span id='postcolor'> Stable enough I'd say yes, but I doubt there will be much processing power left for any other games...We are running 2 instances of OFP on one machine and both do run fine together (max. load was 34 / 30 players at once), not affecting each other. At this point, server load went up to 3 with both CPUs running at 98%, using around 800 MB of RAM. I hope there will be a 1.9x FINAL version of the Linux server soon...
  12. shrike

    Is there gona be a new linux dedy patch?

    Although BIS did a good job with the last Linux sever version I hope a new version will be out soon. It seems that Linux version is more delicate with high pingers and/or connecting people than the Win32 server, you can get some pretty steep desync spikes. It seems to me that Win32 server suffers less from this problem. Other than that it runs very stable, it can be up for days without crashing, degrading performace wise though and eating up more and more memory. A heads up would be great, thx Shrike
  13. shrike

    Best players online

    Best overall infantry player I've seen in my small gaming universe is Ali [sHoP Euro],formerly known as Ali Akbah. Unlike many other skilled shots he keeps moving constantly and contributes to the match targets as well, not only cranking up his stats at ambush points. Enron Exec, Vodkabeast and our old sheep hugger Farmcoot are very interesting adversaries, too...*cough* But what do I know...I've gotten my butt handed to me by countless players so... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But to players who spread enjoyment in the game have a good attitude, dont rambo, make the most of teamwork, and doesnt complain/whine/abuse other players, and yes that includes nOObs. Good players help the noobies get into the game not abuse them<span id='postcolor'> I have to agree with Skunk Monkey here, a good attitude is everything for an enjoyable MP game.
  14. shrike

    Modern usmc marpat

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What would be *REALLY* cool is if they were released with the BAS Ranger/Delta Pack! Imagine that! MARPAT, Desert and Woodland Rangers and ton and I mean TONS of new rifles for them to play around with.<span id='postcolor'> I second that....our addon server is shivering in anticipation... Great work!
  15. shrike

    Hardware performance use with a dedicated server.

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What sort of Spec CPU is best to run say a 20 slot server smoothly? 800mhz? 1Ghz?<span id='postcolor'> Hm, I fear that is not enough for a full scale MP game including vehicles and aircraft. All I can say is that our server (specs below) starts struggling with 30 players. This doesn't mean it's unplayable but that's where desync spikes start to occur (#monitor shows 5-15 fps) and one of the CPUs reaches 97-99% load. Of course it depends heavily on the amount of moving objects on the map, a Desert Island 30 player infantry only TDM map runs as smooth as single player if there are not too many high pingers on it. But where is the fun in that? feel free to msg me if you have further questions but I am sure you could get more professional advice from one of the veteran server owners around. Good luck Shrike
  16. Most impressive TJ! Can't wait to see it in action!
  17. shrike

    Three new seb nam coops

    Downloaded and uploaded to our server. They will be tested asap. Thx for providing more food to the hungry
  18. shrike

    Map filename convention

    I vote A.
  19. shrike

    Post your specs!

    AMD XP 2400+ MSI KT400 Ultra mobo 1 Gig DDR RAM Leadtek Geforce 4 4400 128 MB 80 GB IDE (IBM 7200) / 80 GB Seagate Terratec DMX 6fire soundboard Speaker Videologic Crossfire 4.1 Compaq 17" LCD Yamaha CDR (dunno model something with 24x burning) Pioneer Slot in DVD drive (IDE) Pioneer Slot in CD drive (SCSI) with permanently inserted Resistance CD Â Logitech MX 700 mouse Logitech Cordless Desktop Optical Keyboard DSL 768 down/128 up OS is Win XP Pro I have to admit I wouldn't spend so much money for all those bells and whistles but my job allows me to get this stuff much cheaper or for free. Resistance SP runs fine with detail on high, viewdistance 1200, 1280x1024 32 bit SEB NAM pack could still use some boost :-)
  20. shrike

    Whats the on-line record?

    puh...*wipes sweat from forehead* After I joined the FH attempt for the MP record I must say I am happy I refrained from trying the same on our server...it was insane! Chat box at 5 msg per second, filled with childish BS and profanity...oh my freaking god! Not FH's fault of course... I would NEVER EVER want to admin a real game this size...now I am actually happy the OFP server engine can't handle this number of players on todays PC architecture...
  21. shrike

    Whats the on-line record?

    Ok folks, I am sorry but we will not open up the server to more than 40 players this weekend. Reasons being 1) I am still not overly impressed about its performance, but I got some nice hints on how to spice it up which I will try this weekend. 2) Our website is not ready for going public. I wanted it to be online for feedback and stuff. 3) Lack of maps low on vehicles and scripts. I am pretty sure it's close to impossible having a smooth 64 player match on a map with lots of objects and vehicles/air. I want it smooooth, I hate laggy matches. I apologize for raising big expectations. However I would be happy to welcome some of you for some nice games...in the end 20 vs. 20 isn't that bad! And it would help me with further tweaking... If someone provides me with a fast and nice desert map with lots of players slots we can even try to raise the number and look what happens. Have a nice weekend Shrike
  22. shrike

    Vietnam servers

    Nothing happened, we just had a few winter maps last night. It fits better with the current weather  Our addon server is just this, a server with multiple addons on it. Nam is just the most popular at the moment but we will not limit ourselves to vietnam missions only in the long run.
  23. shrike

    Whats the on-line record?

    I will keep you informed. Right now I am working on tweaking the server for maximum performance. But a few games with 40+ players during christmas holidays were a little diasppointing, #monitor command spit out only around 10 fps. I was well playable though. The server only choked while someone was connecting. What I still dont get is: The more players are on the server, the lower the kbs output gets. It can go up to 4Mbit+ with 20 players and goes down to < 1 Mbit with 30 players. Any hint would be appreciated. The funny thing is that the Linux command "top" shows that neither of the 2 CPUs is running at more then 90% with 30 people playing. I'll post here as soon as I know more. Edit: If someone with similiar specs could send me their server.cfg and the other configs I could do a comparison. Maybe I just lack the knowhow...
  24. shrike

    Vietnam servers

    The 2nd server in my sig is mainly running the NAM pack 2. We now have about 20 Nam maps and we are uploading new missions daily. There are some capture & hold maps, well thought out ctfs and some great coop missions for up to 30 players.
  25. shrike

    Dedicated servers

    Check my sig. There is a Teamspeak 2 server up at the same adress. Cheers