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About shadow

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    BI Developer


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    ArmA, handguns, web site development
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    Shadow ASP

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  1. shadow

    Tom Clancy dies aged 66

    Tom Clancy is my only favourite author. All the books I have read have been anything but dull. Rest in peace, Tom.
  2. The updated addon config you sent me solved the issue, Massi. Thanks ;)
  3. This is reproducable by taking a new blank mission, add two units (1 player & 1 playable) and export as mpmission. So deffo a addon config issue. I'm not good with addon configs so I can only guess. Maybe missing addon dependencies defines in the addon?
  4. Unfortunately, this addon doesnt work on dedicated servers. 2013/09/15, 13:29:09 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. mas_weapons_m4 2013/09/15, 13:29:09 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. mas_weapons_pack This happens when adding a Delta Ghost (Recon) Teamleader(L). Have not tried with any other units. Weapons Pack work fine on dedi server.
  5. Can you post a sample? I'm also unable to get this script to work with any independent group. // OA PMC faction (broken) if (_faction == "PMC_BAF") then { _unit setVariable ["infantry", ["PMC_VIP_Bodyguard","PMC_Field_Security_Patrol","PMC_Field_Security_Team","PMC_Security_Detail","PMC_Security_Specialists","PMC_Field_Support_Team","PMC_Team_Sword"], true]; _unit setVariable ["vehicle", ["PMC_Patrol"], true]; _unit setVariable ["lightarmor", ["PMC_Tactical_Patrol"], true]; _unit setVariable ["armor", ["PMC_Armored_Patrol"], true]; _unit setVariable ["air", [], true]; }; // OA BAF faction (broken) if (_faction == "BIS_BAF_MTP") then { _unit setVariable ["infantry", ["BAF_Fireteam_MTP"], true]; _unit setVariable ["vehicle", ["BAF_MSection","BAF_MTeam","BAF_MPatrol"], true]; _unit setVariable ["lightarmor", ["BAF_MechAT","BAF_MechSec"], true]; _unit setVariable ["armor", ["BAF_WPlatoon"], true]; _unit setVariable ["air", [], true]; }; // A2 GUE faction (broken) if (_faction == "GUE") then { _unit setVariable ["infantry", ["GUE_InfSquad","GUE_InfSquad_Assault","GUE_InfSquad_Weapons","GUE_InfTeam_1","GUE_InfTeam_2","GUE_InfTeam_AT","GUE_GrpInf_TeamAA","GUE_GrpInf_TeamSniper","GUE_MilitiaSquad"], true]; _unit setVariable ["vehicle", ["GUE_MotInfSection","GUE_MotInfSquad"], true]; _unit setVariable ["lightarmor", ["GUE_MechInfSection","GUE_MechInfSquad"], true]; _unit setVariable ["armor", ["GUE_TankSection"], true]; _unit setVariable ["air", [], true]; }; // OA Takistani Locals faction (broken) if (_faction == "BIS_TK_GUE") then { _unit setVariable ["infantry", ["TK_GUE_Group", "TK_GUE_GroupWeapons", "TK_GUE_Patrol", "TK_GUE_ATTeam", "TK_GUE_AATeam"], true]; _unit setVariable ["vehicle", [], true]; _unit setVariable ["lightarmor", ["TK_GUE_Technicals", "TK_GUE_MotorizedGroup", "TK_GUE_MotorizedPatrol", "TK_GUE_MechanizedPatrol", "TK_GUE_MechanizedGroup"], true]; _unit setVariable ["armor", ["TK_GUE_T55Section", "TK_GUE_T34Platoon"], true]; _unit setVariable ["air", [], true]; }; // A2 UNO faction (broken) if (_faction == "BIS_UN") then { _unit setVariable ["infantry", ["UN_Patrol"], true]; _unit setVariable ["vehicle", ["UN_MotorizedPatrol"], true]; _unit setVariable ["lightarmor", ["UN_MechanizedPatrolBMP2","UN_MechanizedPatrolM113"], true]; _unit setVariable ["armor", [], true]; _unit setVariable ["air", [], true]; };
  6. Thanks, just what I needed to know. I read through the entire manual but I could not see anything relating to tasks at all. I think some info giving the user more control over task generating would be good. I.e. "how limit amount of tasks", "how to generate new tasks on the fly", "how to specify type of tasks to be generated". One last question: are the start-up text (sidechat) from all the modules or is there a single switch to turn it off?
  7. I've disabled rmm_tasks so no more convoy tasks. How do I disable the capture base tasks? I just want to try out MSO but with my own missions.
  8. shadow

    Terrorattack in Norway's capital, Oslo.

    So far 91 confirmed killed in both areas. 84 people at Utøya and 7 at the PM's office. :( The Norwegian justice system needs revising. Its not designed for this. :mad:
  9. Its always been like that. If you think this file will give your members individual squadlogos you'll be disappointed. This file gives you individual avatars for displaying on a web site. It doesnt change anything for whats displayed in-game.
  10. I updated the good ol' squad.xml to support individual avatars on a website. The layout is also changed so its more a single column page with the members under the squad section instead of side by side. The theme can be edited in the stylesheet. The avatars are defined within <avatar></avatar> in squad.xml for each member. Download here
  11. I have retail A2/OA , Sprocket BAF, Steam A2, Steam OA and Steam BAF installed. Steam PMC automatically installed to retail A2/OA when I clicked "play" in Steam PMC, then launched the retail A2/OA. So yes, Steam PMC should work fine with retail OA.
  12. shadow

    Gun myths

    That would be the De Lisle
  13. shadow

    Gun myths

    Thats correct. Role of thumb is for every inch you add 100 f/ps. But .45 is not commonly used in SMGs and rifles. I can only think of UMP45, UMC45 and the old Thompson. I'm sure there are more but still the .45ACP is mostly used in handguns only. Just to show that a supressed .45 still has some kick here's my MK23 w/B&T Impulse II-A supressor and lasersight from Laserdevices. (Sorry if speed is slow). The clip was recorded using a Samsung S8000 Jet.
  14. shadow

    Gun myths

    The heavier the bullet the more propellant is needed to push it to achieve equal velocity. That is why a heavier bullet is used in subsonic ammo for recoil-operated weapons. In effect the recoil is close to identical in the two examples I posted earlier. I tried it with a USP9SD I borrowed. Personally I prefer .45 with a supressor (same ammo regardless if I'm using a supressor or not). 230gr, 920f/ps with the 6" barrel of the MK23.
  15. shadow

    Gun myths

    Not really. Normally subsonic loads uses a heavier bullet. Normally you would use a 147gr (grain) bullet for subsonic 9x19 and use 115-124gr bullets for supersonic loads. This is generally not an issue with .45ACP or larger. Force=(weight*velocity)/1000 Lets compare a 147gr subsonic bullet travelling at 950f/ps to a 115gr supersonic bullet travelling at 1200 f/ps (typical result with a 5" handgun). (147*950)/1000= 139.65 (115*1200)/1000= 138 In this scenario the subsonic load is travelling with a stronger force.