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Everything posted by ravenholme

  1. ravenholme


    Would be cool EDIT: Tried out a crash site mission - Worked fine and was fun Suggestions: New "FLARE" kits: Yellow - Tool kit, used on vehicles to repair some damage, specifically tire/rotor/engine damage. Green - Fuel Can, used to refuel a vehicle. A pity you can't create new, specific items for this. I edited my version to have an M16 with M203 so I could use flares when in the dark without NV
  2. ravenholme

    Project RACS

    Cool Those militia remind me slightly of the Partisans in Queen's Gambit.
  3. ravenholme


    Downloaded, will test it for you ASAP (Be singleplayer though)
  4. Absolutely excellent work Congratulations on getting the site up and running.
  5. ravenholme

    Arma MechWarrior Project (AR-MW)

    I'm guessing that since he said Mechwarrior, he means Battletech. Y'know, Timberwolf, Raven, Catapult, Shadowcat, Bushwhacker and the like. Good work man, was considering the possibility of a MW mod in ArmA a while back (Before moving onto day dreaming about a CnC mod)
  6. ravenholme

    Project RACS

    Looking very good Hope we see a Mig 29 in the future (A man can dream) This project is absolutely excellent, keep up the good work guys.
  7. ravenholme

    Project RACS

    Excellent. I can't wait to see the Navy in all it's glory. Are you going to replace the standard RACS UH-60 with your RACS UH-60? Think it would look better due to it's use in Queen's Gambit (The Royal Flush campaign, your skin is vastly superior to BIS' own)
  8. ravenholme

    Sigma Six Vehicle Pack

    I can understand your love for old cars, I myself love the '67 Chevy Impala. Looks great Sigma-6
  9. ravenholme

    Project RACS

    You say that about the drop zones in North Sahrani, in my opinion, that's enough reason for the RACS to maintain a Para battalion, considering the tensions between the two countries. (And the fact that eventually the North and South are united)
  10. ravenholme


    Excellent work If you don't mind my asking, what do you have planned next?
  11. ravenholme

    Dynamic Sound AI - RC 1.0

    Would it be possible to have two different soundsets defined within one side? (By editing unit configs maybe? I'd like the SLA to use the Spanish voices, but I'd like the Russian Federation units to speak, well, Russian) And is there any chance of an "Official" UK/British soundset if that is possible? (Preparing for the PUKF release in the very distant future)
  12. ravenholme

    Sahrani Life

    Somebody had to say it. Well done "Papa" Hellop.
  13. ravenholme

    EricM Hind Pack BETA1

    Have given this a whirl: It's extremely good. Well done to both EricM and RKSL.
  14. ravenholme


    I'll have a shufti round the net in some spare time, I'll inform you if I dig up any Geiger counter sounds that fit your specifications.
  15. ravenholme


    Might be nice to hear a Geiger Counter clicking as an audio cue that you're entering a fallout zone. Backstory for them along the lines of Cities that have been consigned to the undead being nuked in an attempt to control the outbreaks (Meaning in Europe and the US and the like), and then natural methods by which fallout moves occuring (Small, radioactive debris in the wind etc)
  16. I used to watch my Dad play Comanche Gold, didn't realise that they kept the call sign in the later games. *sigh* I want to play them now
  17. ravenholme

    Project RACS

    Agree with Casimir, that looks awesome. Another great addon in the works. Will keep an eye on this.
  18. ravenholme

    Project: UK Forces

    Absolutely awesome! Excellent work Can't wait to play with a working British Army
  19. Excuse me, but did you ever play a game called "Comanche Gold"? It's just I'm CERTAIN that Griffon 2-6 was the players callsign in that. *Cough* The mission is great, hadn't been able to play much because I had exams, but mine are finished now, intend to make a good go at this weekend.
  20. ravenholme

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    We need a Desert Camo one, so we can re-enact the HECU assault on Black Mesa Research Facility (Points for getting the reference) Excellent Osprey, well done Gnat.
  21. ravenholme

    M1114 Uparmored

    Hope we get a version in the original woodland camo for use in Sahrani. But even if we don't, that's an awesome addon, congrats to you both.
  22. ravenholme

    Generic Opfor

    Because its silly to force something to OPFOR when theres no real reason to? If you're making Chechen style rebels why force them to OPFOR which almost all Russian style addons go to? Making them independent is the most simple solution to units like these. They aren't a real standing military so why force them in alliance to one? Opposing forces is also a relative term, playing as a Russian soldier BLUFOR would be the "OPFOR". And that trick doesn't work when trying to spawn random AI among other things, infact any trick with spawning random AI to another side usually results in them getting into a civil war and killing most of themselves off. But crucifies any chance of using the RACS forces against the "Generic OPFOR"
  23. ravenholme


    But it would be simple to set up spawning AI bandits on the East side... interesting.
  24. ravenholme


    But it would be simple to set up spawning AI bandits on the East side... interesting.
  25. ravenholme

    Warfare v1.0

    Including an airlift script for the constant flow of supply trucks? Hmm, that's reminds me of a certain setting for an interesting mod *Worm sign!* That game was the first I ever played. It was great. We need a Dune Mod :P