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Everything posted by ravenholme

  1. I broadly agree, but the Apex campaign makes it obvious that CTRG is NOT a British-only initiative, as the teams on Tanoa and their CO are all American, so it is a joint British-American group at the very least.
  2. ravenholme

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Yep, exactly what I was going to say. Take the time you need Night, you don't owe this to anyone, so don't go sacrificing your mental health for it.
  3. Looks incredible, I really like the parts where CUP stuff has been used to round out vanilla factions, so seeing more work go into that is great. The only downside is that I really dislike the inconsistency in naming, where CUP vehicles retain their ARMA 2 (often the correct) name alongside Arma 3's variants (i.e. the Kasatka next to the Orca) - Feels like they should probably be renamed for that faction to be brought in-line with the faction's naming scheme. Other than that, awesome work and I really look forward to seeing how you flesh out the other factions with the CUP equipment! (In my dreams, I hope that you'll also flesh out factions that should exist but don't, such as the Horizon Islands Armed Forces/Defence Forces, so that we have a native INDFOR/BLUFOR for Tanoa)
  4. ravenholme

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Yeah, the Devs really need to take a look at AI driving, and maybe even revert it to pre-Tanks levels, because I was trying out tacops Stepping Stone on Dev (I always find playing an 'old' campaign a good way to evaluate the effect of a new set of updates in the wild) and the infantry branch of Disintegration Point is hopeless due to the Panther you're supposed to RV with deciding that it'd rather go for a swim in that lovely Malden Sea.
  5. ravenholme

    ArmA 3: Callsign Minotaur

    Sure thing, I might give it a run through again at some point and see if I can't spot any more for you. I know I noticed a few during persian dialogue but I felt that kinda added to the charm of it. Colour me intrigued regarding your new project, too, look forward to it based on Minotaur and Last Ditch!
  6. ravenholme

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    Going to throw my hat into the ring and say that the Nyx is my standout favourite part of the DLC, if we disregard the various engine improvements to tanks generally. The Armata is nice and all but 3 MBTs would oversaturate that area vastly, the Rhino is a great addition to NATO (that LOAL missile) but the Nyx is pure awesome - it's fast, mobile, can fit inside a surprising amount of vehicles, and it is the perfect addition to the AAF armoury, a recon AFV that can still pack a punch. My one regret regarding the Nyx is that they didn't give us a mortar carrier version.
  7. I decided to play the infantry version of Disintegration Point whilst on Tanks Dev Branch... When you are asked to RV with the APC after Point Carlsbad for attacking Point Yellowstone, the APC often doesn't turn up. I hijacked a Qilin and went looking for it and discovered that both Panthers had decided to drown themselves in the sea to the east. I'm assuming this is potentially due to the changes in Armoured Vehicle behaviour etc resulting from Tanks, as I've noticed several oddities occasionally in scenarios with them since going onto Dev. (Only addons I'm running are CBA A3 and ADR 97, which I'm fairly sure are not responsible, though I'll drop CBA and see if the behaviour persists)
  8. ravenholme

    ArmA 3: Callsign Minotaur

    Just got around to playing this and am kicking myself for waiting. Fantastic stuff, apart from the occasional spelling and grammar mistakes (For ex. in the outro text to M5, it talks about the FIA being "severaly weakened" instead of "severely weakened"), it could easily pass for a BIS-own campaign. Crying shame that circumstances prevented you from getting it in to MANW. You *may* want to give it a pass when Tanks officially releases though, I think the refinements to both damage models and armoured unit behaviour may be having unintended consequences here and there. (Getting the armoured units under my command to do.. anything whilst on Devbranch was often a trial)
  9. Can confirm that they are not scripted to miss, because I've taken out the tank every time with the strike. Going to add my voice to those saying that these missions are absolutely fantastic, the briefings especially were great for setting the scene and immersing me from the off. Lessons have definitely be learned from Laws of War (which was also brilliant) and I think that you (BIS) are definitely onto something with this style. One oversight/bug though, in the first mission of Stepping Stone
  10. ravenholme

    Arma 3 Aegis

    To clarify a wee bit, this is the F-35 from ArmA 2 (I believe) getting ported and re-textured to suit the new content of the Jets DLC. Still an amazing thing though, and I can't wait until Jets releases and mod makers are given decrypted access to the .pbos for the inevitable re-textures from the various modders.
  11. ravenholme

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Those British F-35 textures... thank you, so very, very much.
  12. ravenholme

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Don't think he did, the fisherman is wearing oilskins by the look of it - archaic one-piece ones that are a bit like a boilersuit.
  13. ravenholme

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Makes sense, you've got an incredible amount on your plate as it stands.
  14. ravenholme

    Arma 3 Aegis

    Fantastic looking stuff - there aren't enough mods that expand vanilla content, so seeing one is great. Definitely keeping an eye on this, best of luck!
  15. ravenholme

    2035: Russian Armed Forces (5.3.0)

    Fantastic mod guys, can't wait for the update :) Any plans beyond the infantry stuff? (i.e. New vehicles etc rather than just reskins, which work well as it is)
  16. ravenholme

    TAF - Tanoan Armed Forces

    One thing, from having finished the campaign (Apex Protocol), I realised that these guys should probably be called the Horizon Islands Armed Forces. Tanoa just seems to be the North Western region of the Horizon Islands chain/nation, going by the cutscenes.
  17. ravenholme

    TAF - Tanoan Armed Forces

    Just a heads up, but your mega download link is lacking the decryption key. Other than that though, good work. I was quite surprised when APEX was apparently lacking any homegrown army for Tanoa.
  18. ravenholme

    M1117 Guardian ASV [WIP]

    Lookin' tidy, great work Cleggy.
  19. ravenholme

    M1117 Guardian ASV [WIP]

    Looking beautiful. Any chance we'll get it in liveries for ArmA 3 factions? Thinking specifically generic NATO and AAF Digicam...
  20. I imagine not, because he can only make what he has models for, and the whole transformation aspect would make Valkyries a pain, to say the least.
  21. You've already seen me gushing about this on Facepunch, but I thought I'd contribute here. Looks awesome dude, and thank goodness for someone actually running with the 2035 setting. Maybe it will help BIS stop listening to the people who want ArmA 2 2 and cause them to run with the 2035 setting, which is hilariously conservative as is.
  22. And I disagree with you again. They have always stated that the core of ArmA is the infantry experience, and everything else supports that. Secondarily, Kerry is an infantryman, and they decided to focus on him as a character, I'd guess for both story reasons ("Kerry, we know you're a groundpounder but we really need you to fly this blackfoot!" Yeah, no, not happening) and gameplay reasons (Flying Helicopters etc can be challenging so it wouldn't be fair to force someone to do it to complete the campaign). But for the Infantryman, the experience was very nicely varied, throughout Survive, Adapt and Win you jumped around the balance of power, got to participate in combined arms assaults (Or be on the receiving end of them), participate in and conduct sneak raids, spot for artillery, etc. The standout scene for me though is definitely the final mission of Adapt, the battle with the CSAT Recon Troops in the town was excellent and tense. I will agree that the Scuba stuff got severely under-used, I think Adapt was the perfect place to have some Underwater gameplay (Again, once Kerry was back in the NATO fold, he wouldn't be being ordered to stuff outside his rank and file purpose and slightly more nebulous role as FIA liason), but that opportunity was sadly passed up. Again, I think, because they really, really lack content for the Divers to interact with. (There is one Scouting mission where you go to an Underwater Wreck in Adapt, but that's it.) And, actually, another point of contention - CSAT had a large number of troop types and vehicles, etc, but they were also severely under-used in the campaign, with AAF being the primary antagonists.
  23. The ending is very much a cliffhanger, which yeah, is pissing people off a lot. I wonder which ending BIS will consider Canon going forward. The NATO ending wraps things up, but in a completely unsatisfactory manner, the Miller ending just makes the global situation much worse because of the NATO black ops he was involved in. (I think, by the sounds of it, that I'm fairly lucky I did the Miller ending first, as it is a 'better' ending than the NATO one, which feels like a shoe-in)