Hmmm, anyway to address this little bug me and a friend found just now: Because of the way Yomies are handled (Independents until they're switched to hostile when they notice you), me and this friend were being shot at by survivors and military for running over zombs in the supply truck. It's quite annoying =/
Ah, a pity you don't have QG, some of the things in there would be great additions, also.. you might be able to update it with some of the 1.14 things, like proper weapon emplacements and structures.
Still great fun though, me and this friend are organising enough money to buy a Urals Repair/Fuel and a UH-60, and setting up camp at Valejo. (Could you add more vehicles for sale at the military base as well? The other helis, not the Gunship ones but the things like the Little Bird and Hip)