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Everything posted by rip31st

  1. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Only texture so far. RVMAT's are what you're refering to when you say Material?
  2. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    That is going to be one sweet looking Cromwell. Glad to hear I was of assistance. Sometimes the little things that is left out of a tutorial can be frustrating. LOL
  3. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    OK OK OK...I spent the last couple days learning a little bit about UV mapping. All I can say is it can be frustrating with just about any program out there from 3dmax9 to blender. Finally I just started experimenting in the o2 UV editor and low and behold, I found a light at the end of the tunnel. Now the other part I spent a bunch of time messing around in Gimp & paint shop pro. Now I'm no artist as I've claimed not to be one 100 million times. But here are some results of messing around with the UV mapper and some textures for a couple hours with my 109: Before: After: Much better! I think it is a improvement. What are your thoughts?
  4. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Spit XIV E in work:
  5. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Thanks! I'm in a learning process! I see many examples I can learn from Faust & Frizy for example. Many more...
  6. rip31st

    FF Studio (WW2)

    All I can say is Faust & Frizy put out first class work! Can't wait to put all this equipment into action! Maybe they can help me a little bit on some textures!
  7. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Yes good idea. Talks all along of releasing packages in phases was and is still the overall goal. Otherwise you would be waiting forever.
  8. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Yeah, you are correct I did miss a road wheel. Â Ooops! Â FIXED! Smaller and more:
  9. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Just started painting it. I can hear the evil dark side of the force music from star wars playing...
  10. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Are you planning to further develop the paint scheme on that? The base colour doesn't look quite "yellow" enough to be RAL 7028 Dunkelgelb. Since there are "Tigers" I hope there will also be a Sherman Firefly (with a crew of proper British tankies) to kill them with. Are there no "Panthers" in the making? The real 40mm Bofors Mk III required an average of 500 rounds fired for each a/c shot down. An important role of ack-ack, however, was to deter and disrupt attacks, not necessarily to shoot down aircraft. I can't really imagine that being realistically portrayed in ArmA, however. I agree with the colors on the Tiger 1. I put those there so folks can see them and give some input on those things. I will be changing the color when I get around to it. The real RAL 7028 seems to have more yellow then the one on the tank I did. RAL are german vehicle colors for those that don't know. As far as I know there is a Firefly in work right now. I will keep you posted on that. A gentleman from Hawaii is working it. On the bofors, with some testing, we will make it playble for the game. Right now as it is, it doesn't miss when AI are manning the guns. It will be adjusted. Here is the PZ3f in work:
  11. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Adjustments come after testing occurs. That should pin down any problems we have as far as accuracy is concerned. Sometimes AI can be over powering in a vehicle. Sometimes not. Testing will help find and fix most of those issues.
  12. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    German equipment on the chalkboard:( that means it will probably go into work next ) -Flak36 otherwise known as the 88 -Pak40 75mm gun -Pak36 37mm gun -Flak30 20mm gun -Stug III B -PZ IV D -PZ 38T -PZ II C -PZ III H -Stug III G -Various PZ VI Tigers -SdKfz 232 -SdKfz 251C -SdKfz 7 HT -HE111 -JU88 -JU87 German equipment in work -Tiger I -PZ 3F -Opel blitz -Various weapons I will give you a list of upcoming allied equipment soon.
  13. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Normal maps is the answer. Letting the game engine perform lighting on the objects works fine for me and most. I know some are picky with that stuff. I'm just not going to go there for this mod. IF people want to volunteer their work. They can. Things like the rvmat's, Detailed UV mapping, specular lighting, etc, etc...just isn't on the agenda for me because of time. Here's some more bofors: The bofors works great with AI! Thanks again project RACs for putting together such a nice peice. My paint job doesn't do it justice!
  14. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    AstWalker has agreed to give us permission to use his wonderful work in this mod. Here is a pic of his German 663 Schartenstand style bunker: Festung is also his work! wld427 handed over a 40mm bofors from project RACS earlier today! Looks great! It's in need of a paint job and then it will be in game after a few minor adjustments:
  15. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Good work on the Cromwell. Â It's coming along nicely! Here is another Tiger I WIP pic - took her out on a test drive just a bit ago: Bunch of work on it still left to go.
  16. rip31st

    FF Studio (WW2)

    Good work Faust & Frizy!
  17. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Were working on a way to walk on top and sit on the tanks.
  18. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Yes I will do a Tiger II and King Tiger. I will also do a pz2 and 3.
  19. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Tiger 1 still in work:
  20. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    The Battle of Tali-Ihantala was probably the single most important part of the Fin/Soviet war. From what I understand there was some heavy Artillery action. Lots of Soviet armor, aircraft and infantry were lost. Some point to the Soviets giving low estimates of loss to keep morale up. It would be a great piece to this mod having all the panzerfaust, stug's, artillery, soviet tanks and aircraft...etc.
  21. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    We were discussing this. Our thoughts included doing things in phases. We want to included a Russian front. Not only in Germany or Poland, but Finland as well. By mentioning this I'm not trying to circumvent other existing work. I have seen the FWW2 mod on the Armaholic website. I love what I see there. I'm not sure of it's status or whether or not it's active. I haven't talked with them yet to see if they wanted to have participation. I would love it. It would make things a lot easier. But in answer to your question. I love all things WWII, so yes, there will be Russian tanks, infantry and aircraft. Just picked up the complete series of Jane's WWII aircraft and tanks today at a local book store. Not trying to beat a dead horse here - The "boss" factor won't rear it's ugly head here. That is the greatness of community driven inovation in putting together something like this. The mod is so open, I could really care less if someone takes the work. It's pretty easy to model something different. Besides with all the screenshots and wireframes posted and several hundred eyes on it daily it's going to be pretty hard to claim as someone elses work. Not to mention, my work is nothing to brag about. So go right head LOL. On a side note. I am anxious to get back to work on some items such as the Tiger one I wire framed. It's been a busy few days here with the holiday weekend so I haven't done much. Some other stuff floating around resident in my memory: -I've got a guy that's got great map making skills. He presented me with a very nice map of an area close to where he lives in real life and did an excellent job. His Idea was to break down some areas already included on the map I created. He's also refining some of the areas on my map to work in conjunction with the 75m terrain grid I've got. And to make it a bit more AI friendly. We've been doing some AI testing and found some problems with AI and objects. -Also while were talking about maps. Speaking of big maps. I plan on doing Calais to Berlin. Berlin to Warsaw. Warsaw to Moscow and Moscow to Helsinki before this whole thing is over. Possibly more. -Were also addressing the way AI in aircraft address ground targets. There are some issues there with the dynamics and how they handle a target - which is fixable. In other news: Project RACS will be helping out. They have a 40mm Bofors they are willing to donate to the cause. Thank you very much wld427!
  22. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    I would love to have them! Yes they are part of the D-Day experience. I will model them when I get to that point. If others volunteer their help with them and allow permissions. I will openly accept them.
  23. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    I would love to make some things clear here. -I'm not the "boss". I really don't care to be in control. My efforts here don't reflect of a person that carries and "ego". I do not believe my work is above that of others. I know the quality of my work isn't at a high level of expectation. I don't care to compete with other mods, rather I try to include them. Several people have asked to be involved and many people more to be asked. I have sent tons of PM's to folks and received tons of PM's wanting to help. When it comes to intellectual property rights. I respect them completely. HOWEVER I feel MY WORK can be used at anytime, by any person, for any reason so long as it's NOT used for profit. They can play with it. Make adjustments to it. Repaint it. I encourage it. IT's not some BIG secret. Let's face it folks. Us moder's, atleast to my knowledge to the most part aren't here to make a profit. They are 99.9% doing it for free so others can have FUN! THAT IS THE POINT. FUN! So in my opinion, why have the ego or isolate yourself? I'm not here to drive a wedge in the community between my mod and someone elses. I really don't even consider this to be my mod. "My mod" is just a figure of speech that refers at my attempt to help organize the community in a friendly matter so people can HAVE WWII fun. I really want all the input I can get. I appreciate everyones responses. Which I've gotten tons of it. I really want people's help. I really want people to open up and be open with their work like I am with mine. I want the modders community to be able to openly share. I was just talking to Chammy today on helping out with sound. I have PM's outstanding to ASTWalker asking him if he would allow us permission to include his wonderful work.
  24. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    All things are taken into consideration. That's why I've opted for very basic models. But nevertheless, it's always worth it to check something out.
  25. rip31st

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    Looks pretty good! I will have to get a closer look at it.