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Everything posted by roguetrooper

  1. What is the key combo to switch keyboard layouts in the editor? Edit: found out. Alt + left shift
  2. I have ArmA 2, Operation Arrowhead, BAF full and PMC full. I do not have NOR HAVE I EVER HAD any custom addons or mods. I have made a 'simple' MP map, situated in Chernarus. Placed some objects from the mission editor on the map; including a train and two waggons (they have been ArmA 2 content right from release). Recently somebody wanted to join this map which I hosted FFA on the internet. The person was rejected with the error message that the map would be based on content that has been deleted; "castructures_rail" would be missing. Sorry folks for my wording, but what sh** is this? There is only stuff on the map that EVERY ArmA2 player has. No mod, no nothing. How can something be missing that is included in the very core package of ArmA2 ? Remind, I do not have any unofficial stuff. I never had unofficial stuff. The map was made and hosted without the existence (neither enabled nor disabled) of any mod or addon. It is also unlikely that the guy who wanted to join has deleted any inherent core stuff. Is it possible to select a Chernarus-server on the internet although you only have OA? That would be the only explanation I have. :confused: and :mad:
  3. roguetrooper

    Strange/stupid addon-handling

    This leads me to the off-topic question how somebody who likes OA can not have Arma2 (i.e. does not buy it - and no, I am not a rich poser who has too much money). :o OA should not have been a stand-alone, but an expansion that requires ArmA (as every official expansion should do). This would reduce the chaos even provoked by the official parts of the Armed-Assault-2-world. :(
  4. Version 1.3: Download Link 1 Download Link 2 Stealth Fighters Based on my recent map "Proving Grounds". The stealth mode has been changed a bit. The uniform colour can be selected in the lobby. The combination black + weapon MP5A5 looks quite spy-/scout-ish. Nothing complicated, nothing to know. Just install and play. 1-on-1 is fun as well as playing against 6 humans or A.I. An Arma2 infantry deathmatch for 1-7 players/A.I. No mods or non-official addons required! See the briefing for information. Maps: Chernarus, Proving Grounds, Zargabad. Requires Arma2 and OA. Configurable: weather, time, weapon, time limit, score limit, uniform colour, A.I. skills. A.I. can be en- and disabled. Special: Players have a stealth device to make themselves invisible. There are several lobby options to configure the stealth device. Installation: Copy the three pbo-files into your folder ...\Arma2\mpmissions\ Made by RogueTrooper@freenet.de May 2011
  5. Sorry, but they should rather spend their time on important things instead of retexturing existing units. Just use the existing Russians... the tricolore on their shoulders and their uniforms being green instead of grey has not the faintest impact...
  6. Version 1.3. The chimneys and the railway station of Chernogorsk now offer an extra level of environmental pollution! "Nature started the fight for survival, and now she wants to quit because she's losing." - Mr. Burns :D
  7. Just use the ingame action-menu [ENVIRONMENT] and select the grass detail you want (five levels from disabled to very high) - any time. Enough of grass now! :D PS. I've added the ingame-action-environment-menu in the latest version, which somehow makes the lobby selection obsolete.
  8. roguetrooper

    Ability to roll

    Concerning realism... with a backpack you would not be able to perform such a roll... maybe except with very tiny ones, such as the Czech vest pouch.
  9. roguetrooper

    New Army

    Instead of adding another currently existing army - which would basically only a new set of textures and slightly changed 3D models - it would be more interesting to add some real-future/futurish units (30 years ahead or so). Such as picture-googeling for "future soldier"... the first ones already give nice impressions.
  10. It should probably be round (random(x)) or floor (random(x)).
  11. "sp default" equals "normal" in your graphics menu
  12. This trigger turned out to be useful to suppress rain. It deactivates rain as soon at it is about to start: multiple activation condition: rain > 0 on activation: [b]1[/b] setrain 0; It seems as if 0 setrain 0 has no effect, but changing to zero rain within one second seems to work. Nevertheless there will be thunder (which is not as annoying as a permanent rain sound). Edit: Mkay. It is not possible to deactivate rain. At least in multiplayer it can not be prevented. Despite of the trigger rain > 0. Either the command is bugged or they don't want rain to be influenced by the mapper/player :mad:
  13. Place a gamelogic or invisible helipad or cola tin on the building you want to destroy and put this code in the logic/pad/tin's init line: nearestObject [this,"building"] setdamage 1;
  14. Maybe you should add boom setdamage 1; bldg_base1_02 setdamage 1; Or have two triggers. One with bldg_base1_02 setdamage 1; and one 3 seconds later that creates the bomb. I think, spawned bombs and rockets explode when their damage is 100% (or damaged at all). I also don't know how much damage infantry bullets inflict on a building. Maybe the damage limit should be a bit higher? (Would be strange if one bullet destroys the building?) Or instead of a trigger try to put this into the init line of the location loc_base1_02 (after bldg_base1_02 = nearestObject [loc_base1_02,"building"]; ) bldg_base1_02 addEventHandler ["Dammaged", {boom = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle (position (_this select 0)); boom setdamage 1; _this select 0 setdamage 1]; or bldg_base1_02 addEventHandler ["Dammaged", {if (getdammage _this > 0.01) then {boom = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle (position (_this select 0)); boom setdamage 1; _this select 0 setdamage 1}]; I hope I've distributed all (s and [s and {s in a right way... When you use a trigger however, you should add isServer to its condition line, to prevent all clients to spawn the bomb isServer and ((getdammage bldg_base1_02) > 0.01)
  15. When you want a heavily clouded sky without thunder and rain, you should use 0 setovercast 0.69;
  16. roguetrooper

    Black Screen "Receiving" Flashing

    The Receiving-Screen is indeed extremely annoying the way it currently works. When I start or join a MP map, I have that screen for about 15 seconds sometimes while my char is already in the world and the world around me is running while I sit at that stupid screen not being able to act. Can't the game start after the stuff that is executed behind that screen is finished? Often enough in MP I am killed while this screen denies me access to the world that is already running.
  17. Version 1.2 uploaded (links in initial thread). Tried to fix that error. It's almost impossible to end up with an error-free MP mission when you only have one computer :-/
  18. Are backpacks dyeable? Since some infantry is and some infantry is not, I don't know if I am using the right code for backpacks or if backpacks just can't be dyed. I've tried to dye the player's backpack black with: unitbackpack player setObjectTexture [[color="Red"]0[/color],'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)']; unitbackpack player setObjectTexture [[color="Red"]1[/color],'#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)']; No success.
  19. roguetrooper

    A day to Policeman

    The town's name is Zargabad :p
  20. Is there a way to disable the sound of the sea (near the coast)? And ONLY this sound while other sounds are not affected (enableEnvironment also effects wind and bird-tweet). Am I paranoid? Am I the only one who finds the sea-sound to be extremely annoying?
  21. A question to the devs: Where have you the BAF music track "Warpipes" from? How has it been recorded? Is it real Bagpipe sound or synthetical? Since I play (German medieval) Bagpipe, I am interested in it. (Of course the track are Great Highland Bagpipes... but I also play Scottish stuff).
  22. roguetrooper

    A new chat window

    Many people complain about the chat window. Indeed it is really inconvenient. Especially the system messages destroy the player's chat. When somebody joins in progress, the chat is spammed in an ugly way with several lines of what mods and such that player is using. Maybe the chat window could be something like MMORPGs have, with different tabs. One tab for system messages only, one tab for human player chat only, one tab that contains unit chat (both A.I. and players) and maybe one tab for everything. There should be an indication what tab you are currently in. Also all chat and message history should be persistent instead of being edged out when there are 7+ lines of chat. A scroll down bar would do it. There may also be options for frame- and text background colour and opacity, overall size and text size. This example, which had been done within one minute in Paint is just meant to sketch it an give an overall impression:
  23. Map Name: Proving Grounds Game Type: Deathmatch 1-20 on Proving Grounds Download Link 1 Download Link 2 Download Link 3 (best link) Size: 45 kilobytes Requires Arma and OA. No custom mods required. See the briefing for information! (Of course there are always persons who refuse to read the briefing and have questions afterwards that are answered in the briefing). The High Command wants you to test the new P.S.D. (Personal Stealth Device). You are opposed to a number of enemies on the Proving Grounds. Players have a stealth device to make themselves invisible. The device is based on a battery and has cool sounds for activation and deactivation, which can be heard by other players (if in range and 'line of hearing'). Every second the device is enabled, it consumes power and every second the device is disabled, the battery recovers. The MP lobby allows to define these parameters: * power consumption per second * power recovery per second * if stealth is broken by firing and/or being hit * chance of failure (0% - 10%) and explosion when the device is activated Further MP lobby settings are: * weather and time * available weapons: GL PSO rifles or LeeEnfield or M14 or M249 (machine gun) or L115A2 (sniper) * health and hit- options * score and time limit At all there are 23 options to configure the game. Installation: Copy the pbo-file into the folder ...\mpmissions Made by RogueTrooper@freenet.de, April 2011
  24. Increasing the Anisotropic Filtering helped for me to disable that snow effect. But I see in your options screenshot that it is already on a high setting...