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Everything posted by Risasi

  1. Risasi

    Shape changing trees

    Did you upgrade your video drivers after changing cards? I noticed similar changes when cycling through different cards and not completely removing and reinstalling the video card driver.
  2. Risasi

    Checking Framerate

    Anybody here know how to get a FPS display while in-game, WITHOUT using dxdll? I'm trying to create a concise analysis of what kind of framerate hit one suffers from running dxdll. When testing with vanilla OFP I haven't found a way to display this info so I can compare between dxdll and no dxdll. (Heisenberg's theory applies) Thanks --- P.S. I have a bunch of different computers laying around my house and the office (Everything from P-3's to AMD XP's to Core 2 Duo Pentiums), and a bunch of different video cards. I'm trying to put together a report of what kind of performance one can expect from their computer.
  3. Risasi

    Checking Framerate

    Hmm, so what you guys are saying is there is no built in framerate display? Wow. That's bad. Alright, I guess I'll have to live with it. What I was doing was installing dxdll, then disabled everything but FPS display. However it still seemed that I was taking a performance hit. My concern is any of these other programs might also give me a invalid data. Hardly scientific, but I guess I'll have to work with what I got. I'll download Taksi and see how it compares with dxdll. Thanks guys.
  4. Risasi

    Addons problems.

    Yep, sure.
  5. Risasi

    Addons problems.

    Uh, okay. First; It sounds like you might have put your mods directly into your main addons, dta, etc folders? (My path is; C:\program files\codemaster\operation flashpoint\* ) What you should do is create subfolders in the path above. For instance when I install WGL or FFUR-SLX on a machine what I will do is create a sub-folder for the main mod. (i.e. C:\program files\codemaster\operation flashpoint\@wgl) Then I create a separate shortcut on the desktop, the shortcut link should look something like; C:\program files\codemaster\operation flashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE -nomap -nosplash -mod=@wgl What this does is run the mods in that subfolder without trashing your main install. Many mods and addons are not compatible with each other. Anyway, you will find that OFP will load the *.pbo's found in those mod subfolders. (i.e. C:\program files\codemaster\operation flashpoint\@wgl\addons) (i.e. C:\program files\codemaster\operation flashpoint\@wgl\dta) etc, etc... If this is the case, that you didn't create addon subfolders I would recommend you first start by uninstalling everything, then doing a fresh install of OFP:GOTY, then keep your mods separate, don't overwrite original files. If this is not the case please explain further.
  6. Risasi

    Low Performance, where am I going wrong?

    I know this is old...but I'll post here in case someone else is having similar symptoms. I too am noticing large frame-rate hits. But only when I have put many groups onto a map. Usually in a small area, so they're all duking it out at once. It seems to be related to Dxdll. However I am also running some high-texture islands. Right now I'm eliminating all my addon content. I'm down to Dxdll, high texture islands, or a combination of the two. Typically I'm getting 30-35 average on map (sometimes a little higher, 60 on the main screen). With say 10 tanks and a few squads of men I'll see frame-rate drop to 8-12fps. If I turn off Dxdll completely it seems to work considerably better, however I have no frame-rate display, so who knows. I'm running an XP 2000+, 512MB memory, ATI 9600 Pro as a test rig. My performance score is 4000 I'll post here if I find any better conclusions. --- [EDIT] Okay, I've eliminated the retextured islands. It's DxDll. Not sure how. I turned everything but FPS to "off" and it still slows my frame-rate down...hmm, more playing next weekend. --- [EDIT TO ADD] Okay, I am a dumbass. First the test card I was using is not a Radeon 9600 Pro, it's just a 9600. I swapped it out for a spare 9700 Pro I had laying around. (BTW: After doing so, no huge performance increase like I expected) I reloaded drivers, removed OFP and mods. Reloaded OFP, patched to 1.96. Then installed Dxdll, and only turned on the FPS option. I was still seeing slowdowns. I turns out I think it's just the number of units I have on screen at one time. I was running two different tests; Vanilla install using Everon, one test used 50 tanks. The other test is 200 men. In both instances I usually see slowdowns around 14-18FPS. Anyway, I'm not going to post in this thread anymore. I am going to start another thread dealing specifically with hardware related performance issues inside of OFP.
  7. Risasi

    Ballistics in OFP?

    Okay. I'm sure this information can be found elsewhere, but for the life of me I cannot find it. I've searched for over an hour now. What about physics for ballistics modeling? Do we have to account for windage and elevation? i.e. When one shoots his rifle does the bullet travel in an arc rather than a laser like straight line? I think it does for OFP:E, but I just assumed it does the same in OFP for PC. An answer would be appreciated. Regards
  8. Risasi

    Ballistics in OFP?

    FYI; I was play testing WGL 5.12 on Everon w/ WGL re-texturing. I was taking pot shots at a squad of men in some buildings. A few of them had hit the dirt when I started shooting. I noticed my bullet was kicking up dirt in front and to the left of them. So I had to count for elevation, AND adjust for windage. So I was a little stoked when I saw that. Thanks WGL.
  9. Risasi

    Elite player looking to get the pc version

    Hey BLITZ, I just bought it off of Amazon for $13 + $4 shipping. Be sure to get game of the year edition. Mine says; "PC GAMER PRESENTS" on the front. Works great, comes with version 1.8x, with the 1.96 patch in a sub-folder. And there is NO comparison to Elite. Six of my main LAN gaming machines run it fine. They are various AMD 1800+ - 2200+ machines, 512MB memory, Geforce 5500FX or better, or ATI 9800 Pro's or better. I also have a couple 2Ghz or better P4's, but haven't got around to testing them yet. My test machine however is a 2000+ w/ 512MB, and an ATI 9600 Pro. I have been using it to test mods. It runs; WGL + WGL Textures + DxDll FFUR-SLX 2.5 Be sure to get DxDll, Islands with high quality textures. And one of the two packages above for starters. You'll love it.
  10. Risasi


    That is an affirmative. I was playtesting WGL 5.12 + WGL texturepack + DxDll, on Everon. As few as 35 FFAR's will light up two BMP's and four extra squads... I also think I'll be able to hotkey the rudder on my joysticks to 'X' and 'C'. Haven't tried yet.
  11. Risasi


    Okay, I've been fooling around with OFP:goty for a week or two now. I am pissed it took me this long to find this game. Unfortunately I had a friend tell me it sucked years ago, and I never gave it another thought. Anyway, I've been playing with tons of mods now, I've been browsing the forums here (a wealth of information). If you guys are ever considering shutting down please contact me. I'll host it. I've been looking for a setting or mod that allows me to fly a helicopter like the real thing. None of this auto-leveling, constant altitude stuff. I want direct control of my cyclic and collective, and yes, even my tail rotor if possible (assuming that heli has a tail rotor). I'm a bit of a sim nut, cut my teeth on Gunship (the original in 1986). Without these nuances it's hard to do pop-up/pop-around w/ a hill or building. It's near impossible to tree-top skim and drop collective torque just long enough to unload troops. Stuff like that. I have a couple Saitek X45's, this is why I'm asking. I'd love to setup a co-op mission w/ my friends on our LAN gaming night. Thanks, Bryan
  12. Risasi


    Wow. Again, fast responses. Thanks guys. Okay, I'll just live with it. Really, it's pretty hard to complain about what BIS has done with OFP. There is just so much content it's amazing. I will definitely hook up my X45's then. Also Pulverizer, I am familiar w/ the whole sidewinder series. They are a pretty decent joystick. However once I happened upon the <a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/Saitek-X45-Joystick-Throttle-Nice_W0QQitemZ140169786880QQihZ004QQcategoryZ74944QQssPageNam eZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem" target="_blank">Saitek</a>, I was sold. You might want to check them out if you are interested in sims that make use of joysticks. I know Saitek has released some later models, but the X45 has the ability to hotkey something like 83 individual buttons. That's good enough for me. I know used, this model can be bought pretty cheap now. I anticipate that I might eventually have 4-6 workstations set up specifically for flying. The group I generally play with are a bunch of guys from my church. Right now there are usually 12-16 of us that like LAN play. But some of the younger boys are getting to the age where they are old enough to buy their own equipment, and play a more adult game like this. Something tells me even though ArmA has all the eye candy, we will be playing this game for years to come. I suppose I will eventually move to ArmA, but I'll wait until there are some really nice mods like OFP has. I hope this explains some of the weird questions I've had on this forum. Again, thanks for all the earnest responses. I really appreciate the help. Regards, Bryan
  13. Risasi

    Ballistics in OFP?

    Yep, that's what I thought you meant Sanctuary. Your "cone of fire" is quite common in real firearms. Depending upon such variables as rifle design, bullet design, consistency in bullet load, and a whole bunch of other boring stuff. And if your .0002 is as tight as I think it is, the weapons in OFP are crazy insane accurate. But what the hey, it is just a game after all. Thanks for all the info though, helps me set my expectations. Risasi out (who is still waiting for his copy to arrive from Amazon)
  14. Risasi

    Ballistics in OFP?

    Wow, thanks for the info. I wasn't expecting so many quick answers. Okay, so its not using true flight physics. Too bad, that would have been mucho sweet. I'd go build my own virtual island just to get some long range target practice in. Ammunition is getting pretty expensive nowadays. When you say dispersion I assume you are speaking of the inherent inaccuracies found in projectile weapons? I assume that .0002 is at some arbitrary distance? Like say 1, 10, or 100 yards? Wow, if so I wish my AR's were that accurate...
  15. Risasi

    Elite player looking to get the pc version

    OFP looks awesome, I don't know how I missed this game, but I just heard of it about two weeks ago. And I'm the big simulation nut of my group. Anyway I bought a couple copies of Elite, that was to tide me over until the OFP:GOTY I ordered from Amazon shows up. My question; is FFSX+WGL compatible? (i.e. can I run both at the same time?) ---- I rarely get time to play games, but when I do it's mostly LAN parties w/ friends. Usually we'll get together for a Fri-Sat about once a month during the fall through spring time of the year. It looks like ArmA has the better eye candy, but I'm guessing OFP with addons has more depth? Not to mention easier on the system requirements.