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Everything posted by Rynthas

  1. Rynthas

    Regarding Atari patch 1.08

    FYI, I've got the US patch up on my ftp server for public consumption. It'll remain there unless bandwidth utilization spikes like crazy: ftp://nuchabi.net/pub/ArmA_USUpdate_108.zip
  2. Rynthas

    Hacks & Cheating..

    Actually, I think Evo has an exploit that allows people to bypass ranks as far as vehicles go. I once saw a Corporal flying a AV-8B GBU...and that's not a two-seater, so it couldn't have been his AI. AI should really be the same rank as the player controlling them, it'd solve a lot of annoying issues in Evo.
  3. Rynthas

    A Bridge Too Far

    Half a year? What? It only hit store shelves here in the US last month. There may have been _beta_ versions available half a year ago.
  4. Rynthas

    M1A1 Shell Problem

    Yeah, you'd think sabot rounds would still have a little splash. Sure, it may not impact you directly, but heavy objects at high velocities do tend to send bits of what they hit zipping off. Small rocks & concrete shards can still hurt plenty, after all.
  5. Perhaps not the best forum to post in, but I recently picked up a TM HOTAS Cougar. Now I'm trying to get it to function correctly in ArmA (preferably with non-TM pedals). If any other ArmA playing cougar owners out there care to lend a hand, PM me (preferably with an IM screen name. I use Trillain, have 'em all). ArmA doesn't recognize a lot of the whiz-bang buttons and dials correctly, as far as I can tell. I think I can circumvent it by programming the joystick, but a little help there would be appreciated.
  6. Rynthas

    A call out to Cougar owners?

    Yeah, I'd tried programming it, but it didn't respond as expected. Granted, it was only a couple minor things... I also bought some Saitek pedals to go with it, but since they're USB I had to do a PPJoy kludge to get both working with ArmA. Right now it looks like I've got 3 dead buttons and a broken wheel on my Cougar, and with the half-working PPJoy stuff I've got to do to get it all running, I'm seriously debating just RMAing the lot as a return instead of a replacement and picking up a second Sidewinder FF joystick. I figure if I'm going to have to use PPJoy, I may as well do it on the cheap and just use my current joystick as a throttle and possibly pedal replacement. Basically, I was wanting to map a few things to the Cougar's throttle -- Enter (action key) to the IFF/Radio forward button, and use the Antenna wheel the same as a mouse wheel. Sadly, the Antenna wheel is broken...and the forward position is the only working button out of the 4 possibles on the IFF/Radio switch.
  7. Rynthas

    Multiple Joysticks

    Ahh. I just found it odd that PPJoy will allow you to select 32 buttons, but PPJoyJoy will only allow you to map 16. I'll just have to see what sort of comprimise I can come to.
  8. Rynthas

    Multiple Joysticks

    Well, got _most_ of my problem fixed... Now I'm left with getting the POV hats working, and the other 16 buttons (Anyone know why PPJoyJoy only allows you to select 16?)
  9. Rynthas

    Multiple Joysticks

    Yeah, my problem is that it doesn't identify _anything_ about what's plugged in. It gives me generic names, like there's nothing connected at all.
  10. Rynthas

    Multiple Joysticks

    Using a TM HOTAS Cougar and Saitek pedals...this doesn't work for me, at all. Setting up the virtual joystick, I'm trying to figure out which axis PPJoy is calling which. Use the scan button, and get _no_ result at all. Calibrating it through windows after installing it, hoping that it'd give me enough information to go back and do it properly was also unhelpful -- no input at all registered.
  11. Rynthas

    Autorotation landing

    It'd be really nice if there was a more obvious indicator of engine failure. The current alarm would be a good pick, I think. Most of the time when my engine dies due to small arms fire hitting my helo, I don't notice until it's too late to throttle down, just because my only cue is audio. By the time it sounds like it is dead, I'm already well on my way to a nasty wreck.
  12. Rynthas

    Your home/city/farm on Sahrani?!

    I completely misread that as "Remove laser curse", and thought you were having a problem with your cows getting bombed routinely...
  13. I know some of the questions I ask have been covered in part elsewhere, but I wanted to create a thread to cover them all and make sure that the latest details are in one place. I've been strongly considering picking up some extra gear to make flying in ArmA more fun -- a HOTAS setup, a pair of pedals, and the TrackIR system. It looks like people have setups like these working, more or less, with some small problems like responsiveness issues. So, to those of you with pretty extensive setups, how would you rate their operation in ArmA? What quirks and bugs have you encountered, and on what equipment? Have you found a reliable workaround? Do the configuration options allow you to have a pretty solid setup, or are there glaring faults that you see? Lastly, have you had any problems with buttons? I ask this last one because I've got a 5-button mouse, but ArmA only detects three of the buttons. I can imagine the same thing happening on a joystick. I'm looking at dropping $300+ for this, so I figured I'd play it safe and check with the community first.
  14. Rynthas

    beep beep beep

    Yeah, I've wondered about this as well. All too often I don't hear the large explosions (AT hitting the tank I'm in) but instead I get a little "Beep-beep-beep." Same rings true for aircraft, though any damage sets it off. I'd really much rather have audible damage sounds and the beeping as a critical failure indicator: Tank engine is on fire, time to get out...or helo engine is on fire/shut down, need to restart it or autorotate down. Oddly, I tend to hear bullets pinging off of my vehicles, but not the huge booms...