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Everything posted by rellikki

  1. rellikki

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    They look really nice. The only thing I found disapointing is the lack of semi firing mode for the assault rifles. Of course the full auto mode could be used as substitute, but then you need to be careful not to push the fire button for too long... Also, I got some error when I tried to test the grenadiers. Something about a missing model or something... But anyway, they worked fine after I hit OK at the error message and tried again. Mirror by OFPR.info: Thyrian Infantry [34,7 MB]
  2. rellikki

    Nogovan Light Infantry Addon Pack 3.0

    Good job again. I've updated the ofpr.info mirror. :) Nogovan Light Infantry v.3.3 [24,5 MB]
  3. rellikki

    Antonov An-2

    Good job! Here's a mirror by ofpr.info: Antonov An-2 [6,59 MB]
  4. rellikki

    P3dUnwrap v1.1.5

    Good work again, Fab. :) I've updated the ofpr.info mirror, here: P3dUnwrap v1.1.5 [156 KB]
  5. rellikki

    Texture Replacement Addons

    Here are mirrors for the Everon texture replacements, hosted by ofpr.info: Everon texture replacements [123 MB] Everon island replacement [1,25 MB]
  6. This might get kinda complicated because the AI will try to exit the vehicle if tires are broken, etc, but try this. Make a trigger, activated repeadetly, with condition: !unit in vehicle_name And on the activation field: unit assignAsCargo vehicle_name; unit moveInCargo vehicle_name That would move the unit back into the vehicle whenever he exits. First make a trigger and drag a group line between it and the group. This will give the trigger new activation options. From those choose "Whole group" and "Not alive". This would make the trigger activate when either of the group member has died. Put in the activation field whatever you want to happen after that.
  7. Simply make a trigger with condition: player in vehicle_name And then write on the activation field: vehicle_name lock true This will lock the vehicle whenever the player enters it. If you wish to unlock it at some point, write "lock false" instead.
  8. rellikki

    Texture Replacement Addons

    Thanks, marcomio. Here's permanent mirrors by ofpr.info: Kolgujev texture replacements [100 MB] Kolgujev island replacement [1,56 MB] Would be nice if you could work on it more. Maybe replacements for the other islands too... Some more variety of the textures wouldn't be bad either, because at the moment everythings looks pretty plain.
  9. rellikki

    How the hell do i download oxygen?

    By clicking "Download". No, seriosly, what exactly is your problem? You should be more specific when starting a new thread. Describing your feelings doesn't quite tell your needs. If you're unable to find a working download link, try here: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=1640
  10. rellikki

    Aim, Fire, miss.....

    The this selects are variables. Every eventHandler have their own defined variables with different meanings. In this case, 0 means the unit who the eventHandler was assigned to and 4 means the ammo fired. So basicly the command would literally mean: "Once the unit has fired, delete the fired ammo of the shooter". See here for more info: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Operation_Flashpoint:_EventHandlers_List http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Variables :)
  11. rellikki

    WW4 Modpack 1

    Sounds good, Sanctuary. And the new animations look great! Since you're into tweaking the choppers' configs right now, I was wondering if there'll ever be new helicopters in the mod? Especially the East side lacks of lightly armed transport choppers in vanilla OFP... :confused:
  12. rellikki

    Texture Replacement Addons

    The textures look very good, marcomio. If you want, I can help you hosting them on ofpr.info, once you've uploaded them on a temporary host.
  13. rellikki

    Aim, Fire, miss.....

    It's pretty much impossible to make the AI's shot always count. If it's a cutscene, it may be possible to fake it. For example: First film as the unit fires the RPG. Then change the camera angle to the chopper and createVehicle an RPG round on the chopper's position, so it'll look like it actually got hit. An example: rpg = "RPG" createVehicle getPos chopper You might also want to add this eventHandler for the RPG operator, so when and if he actually hits the chopper, there won't be duplicated explosions, as if it got hit twice with the real RPG and the "faked" one: this addEventHandler ["fired", "deleteVehicle (nearestObject [(_this select 0),(_this select 4)])"] This eventHandler will remove any fired ammunations of the unit as he launches them. There will be the muzzle sound, effects and everything, but no bullets / rockets.
  14. rellikki

    Minustah mod

    Hello, Yes co-op would be really appreciated. Thanks for your effort. Good luck with it!
  15. You should use eventHandler "fired". See here for more info: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addEventHandler It'll execute every time the person fires, so you should remove the eventHandler after one shot (if you wish to), using this command: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/removeEventHandler
  16. rellikki

    Minustah mod

    Personally I'd prefer to play with Tonal Redux instead of MINUSTAH mod (The mod is heavily based on Tonal redux, the insurgents and island are exactly the same), but yes, I might be interested of the campaign, so you have my support. Go for it. What are the missions going to be like? I was wondering if it's possible to make it multiplayer compatible too. We often play Tonal Redux in our group, but it kinda lacks of co-op missions...
  17. rellikki

    Research soldier like this

    As far as I know, such units haven't been released, but probably the closest thing resembling the Gurlukovich units would be ORCS Naval infantry. They have the same camo, but they'd still need balaclavas and those tanker helmets to look exactly like the Gurlukovich units.
  18. rellikki

    P3dUnwrap v1.1.5

    It's a very useful tool. Thanks for releasing. :) Mirror by OFPR.info: P3dUnwrap v1.0 [155 KB]
  19. rellikki

    Texture Replacement Addons

    Here: http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10247 :) As for the Everon textures, they were never released, as far as I know.
  20. rellikki

    New Taviana Screen Shots!

    What will happen to the OFP version then? Will you abandon it and move to ArmA?
  21. rellikki

    WW4 Modpack 1

    Looks pretty good to me. I take it that's been scripted so the AI wouldn't do that automatically? Also, how is the release of ArmA II going to affect your work on the mod? You know it was already released in Germany. Will you keep sticking on OFP? :)
  22. rellikki

    WW4 Modpack 1

    Sounds promising. :) As for the binoculars, I'm also used to the "ironsight forced" version, but I probably wouldn't mind too much if I had to manually switch to the optics. I guess it has some advantages. About the climbing animation in the mod: Would it be possible to disable it? The jump animation is cool, but the climbing animation may break some mission making abilities / playthroughs. You can actually climb over barbedwire fences with it which is uncool. :eek: Imagine a mission where you're held prisoner and "I'll just jump over the fence, hop".
  23. rellikki

    WW4 Modpack 1

    I sent you a PM about the effects again. I hope it helps. :) Now about this update. We got to test the new spectating script and everything worked as should. No errors or anything. The SP version was a nice addition too. About the animations. In some of the animations the character gets kinda deformed... They'd look very thin from certain angles, like this: You can see some normal shaped characters in the background for comparasion. The animations generally are pretty good. Some more variety wouldn't be bad though, eg. putting gun on shoulder, maybe sweeping some dirt off the clothes or slapping a bug off... scratching butt... :eek: One animation that I don't like is the one where the character would suddenly take a big lean to look behind. Looks kinda weird, as if he got scared or something.
  24. rellikki

    WW4 Modpack 1

    Hello Sanctuary, Apparently your PM folder is full so I couldn't send this message to you... It's about the burning effects we talked about. We tried the new locality checking commands with my friend and he still couldn't see the flame and smoke effects in MP. He did install everything correctly as I instructed. I'm not sure, but I think there's something wrong with the script itself or the way it gets executed... I think it should be executed like: [player,_this select 0] exec "burnn.sqs" But I'm not 100% sure about this either. I thought that the simple locality check would do the trick... Your best bet probably would be to ask someone who really knows, for example at OFPEC. Or you could, again, have a look at how ECP or FDF does it. We'll be testing it more and will report to you if we find a working solution to it. :)
  25. rellikki


    The ofp.info domain has expired, our new address is: http://ofpr.info/ :)