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Everything posted by rellikki

  1. rellikki

    cheaters made my crazy

    I would advice you to find a clan or a group of friends to play with. It's pretty much the only way to prevent cheating nowadays. Public servers are never safe.
  2. rellikki


    It's about time someone started doing a BTR-90. Looking forward to it. :)
  3. rellikki

    Must played campaign

    You can find some quality (?) missions in the Favorite Missions Topic from this forum section. Like W0lle said in your previous locked thread, we're not here to do the work for you. How did you ever plan to play OFP multiplayer if your internet is so slow that you're not even able to search yourself? :rolleyes: Just recalled you planning that. Closing.
  4. rellikki

    The Code Blue Thread

    I have updated the OFPR.info mirror for the units. Shouldn't be corrupt anymore. Here's the new link: ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/CBA1.0.zip
  5. rellikki

    WW2 island_Beta release by Daraofp

    Nice job. The island looks very good so far. You might want to get rid of the helipads in some military bases though. I don't think they had much choppers during the world war. ;) I also noticed some wooden planks in some other military base, whatever they were supposed to be. Would it be possible to combine several of them into one model, instead of placing them separately? They seem like frame rate killers when I turn my face at them. :eek: Mirror by OFPR.info: Dara's WW2 island (Beta)
  6. rellikki

    New Gala Island in progres

    Closing thread. Use the release thread for further discussion from now on. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=94624
  7. rellikki

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    Congratulations. :) I've seen this happening before. A finnish game magazine "Pelit" made a full review of the FDF mod some years back.
  8. rellikki

    how to change a unit side

    Please search before posting. This question has been answered numerous times ever since the release of OFP:CWC.
  9. Well, this is only a guess, but it might work. Try opening the mission.sqm file in the mission folder of yours with Notepad for example. At the very begin of the file, there should be lines like this: class Mission { addOns[]= { [b]"BRDM",[/b] "bis_resistance", "BMP2", "BIS_WeaponPack", "6g30", "Kolo" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "BMP2", "bis_resistance", "6g30", "Kolo" }; This config entry lists all the required addOns for the mission. Note that it's just an example and you might have something else listed there, but make sure you have "BRDM" listed under addOns[]=. If not, simply add it there like seen above. Or maybe if you already do have it there, you might need to remove it. Either way, this might get rid of the error message. You probably have similar config entries under class Intro, class OutroWin and class OutroLoose at the very end of the mission.sqm file, depending if your mission has any of those cutscenes. If it does, look for those config entries and do the same as I adviced above.
  10. rellikki

    I wonder....

    Use descriptive thread titles.
  11. Please search before posting. This question has been answered numerous times ever since the release of OFP:CWC. See here, for example: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=87110 Closing.
  12. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    That's not really a mod but a mission, but anyway, you can find the mission inside the VTE mod package. The mod itself includes all the required addOns.
  13. rellikki

    Panavia Tornado IDS/ECR/ADV

    It's obviosly the OFP version. After all, this is the OFP forum. Please head to the Arma forums if you're looking for an Arma addOn.
  14. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    I'm afraid not, Fuzzmaster. I've also been looking for one with no luck. :(
  15. rellikki

    M65 A1 Powersuit

    Please use the dedicated addOn request thread in the future for questions like this.
  16. Such patterns are impossible to avoid, no matter how much you work on the texture, unless you'd use a totally different texture for every grid. That's just how the eyes work - They can easily detect a repeating pattern. So personally I can live with it and it doesn't even look too bad from those screenshots. :) So I think you've done a good job.
  17. rellikki

    Mission requests and ideas

    Yeah, those are pretty much the missions that already came with the mod, but thanks for at least trying to help. Still looking for some co-ops, if anyone has any. :)
  18. rellikki

    Mission requests and ideas

    I'm looking for multiplayer co-op missions for the CSLA II mod. The mod itself only comes with a very few co-ops, so I would really appreciate if anyone has any more missions to share. Thanks.
  19. Please use the dedicated addOn request thread in the future. To answer your question: I'm afraid not.
  20. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    I believe this is the resistance addOn: http://ofp.gamepark.eu/index.php?showthis=2562 As for the soldiers with flashlights, the only one I can think of is the Farmland NBC units: http://ofp.gamepark.eu/index.php?showthis=8899
  21. rellikki

    Outbreak Situation

    Looks very promising. I like all horror type of missions. I'm looking forward to it. :)
  22. rellikki

    Arma 2 MW2 Ghost?

    Please use the dedicated addOn request thread in the future if you're looking for an addOn. For any more questions about a specific addOn, use its own discussion thread.
  23. rellikki

    V.I.R.U.S. -Mod Statement

    It's not a reason to post in the wrong forum section, unless you're planning this expansion for Arma 2. Moving. Edit: Moreover, I don't see a reason to start a new thread when you made the statement in the other thread already. Closing.
  24. Schancky, I think PMC Tactical is planning to port it over to Arma 2. They already did it for ArmA, so I believe it'll soon arrive to Arma 2 too.