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Everything posted by rellikki

  1. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    No. I wasn't really satisfied with the work at the time and never got around to finish it.
  2. Remove the 'osobnost' selection on the character's model in Oxygen.
  3. I was experimenting with something similiar before and found that removing the geometry of the feet prevented the character from dying when sprinting. Try doing that for both Geometry and Fire Geometry of the model.
  4. rellikki

    Locking Objects (Items)

    Well, as long as you create the object on each client, I believe it should work alright, depending on the object type.
  5. rellikki

    Locking Objects (Items)

    Objects created with the camCreate command cannot be interacted with.
  6. rellikki

    Model draw question...

    I've seen some wallhacks in use so it's definitely possible at least somehow: s5eI41ui4uw Someone with a little bit of more knowledge on these things might be able to shed some light on that.
  7. rellikki

    Malden forest???

    It's possible that Malden used to have the same forests as Everon and Kolgujev during the development, but I don't ever remember them being so in the release version. It's been as it is since the demo version. There are some third party modifications of the Malden island like FDF Maldevic which change the forests similiar to what's in the picture, which you might have recalled.
  8. You need to have a working installation of the original Operation Flashpoint (not CWA) for Buldozer to work.
  9. rellikki

    Missing editor functions?

    Sounds like your editor is in Easy mode. In the top right corner of the mission editor click on where it says 'Easy' and it should switch the editor to Advanced mode. Then you'll have access to all the available functions.
  10. rellikki

    We are in need of one more sub rank in ARMA 3

    This again? There's probably been a dozen threads discussing this same matter. I'm sure you'll find the answer as to why isn't it going to happen in one of those. Please search before posting.
  11. rellikki

    editor addons

    Editor upgrade 103 by Mikero is the latest one. It's much more organized than any of the previous ones and also backwards compatible with them. I'd recommend using that. It's best not to use any of the other ones at the same time to avoid potential conflicts and errors.
  12. I have no problems with the weather commands in CWA. Your problem might be related to this, quoted from BI Wiki:
  13. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    I remember Colonial Wars mod featuring an AR-10. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=4808&newlang=eng
  14. rellikki

    Papers, please - mini game

    Already a thread here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154426-Papers-Please Please search before posting.
  15. Good work with the update. My feedback so far: I also like the new, darker variant of the Multicam better, but there's always room for improvement. Right now I think the pattern appears to be a little bit too red in the shade. A quicker solution to the problem Icarus described would be to select the whole model and changing the lighting settings from vertex properties (Points -> Properties -> Lighting) to 'Always in shadow'. This removes any lighting that could be cast on the models and can also help with camouflaging in the distance. You're probably already aware of this but the interior of the AH-1 is missing textures. The two exhaust things in the back seem to be untextured too. It also seems that the Hydra rockets are a little overpowered. I think the vanilla FFARs are already too powerful and these are much worse than that; I could take out two buildings next to each other with just one rocket and over half a squad of infantry. I'm not exactly sure how powerful they are in real life but since the game lacks any real hard cover and the AI can sometimes be a little dumb, I think a good solution would be to compensate by not making the weapons so powerful, just as was one of the reasonings behind the extended armour on WW4 units if I recall right.
  16. Try setting their behaviour to "careless" in the waypoints' settings.
  17. If you're looking for vehicles to use in your project, these could be useful: CV-22 Osprey by Sole, free to use without explicit permission as stated here by the author himself. There's also a lot of useful stuff in the OPGWC mod — including LAV-25s; also free to use.
  18. Personally I prefer the original Multicam textures; the new one looks too bright to me. Multicam should go well in both desert and woodland and from your picture it looks like the UCP/ACUPAT blends in better than Multicam, which is kinda weird if you're aware of the latter's reputation among professional soldiers. I'd suggest decreasing the contrast and brightness a little. If you're using the newer Oxygen for Arma, there's a function to export to the old OFP friendly format under File -> Export -> P3D Old version. If you can't get it to work, I could probably help you out with the model.
  19. Sounds good. I was actually planning to do something very similiar but it seems like you beat me to it. WW4 could definitely use some new vehicles, so I'm looking forward to the next version(s).
  20. rellikki

    Binmod Release Thread

    jacoul-croquant, since this is an international forum, please post in English. Or if you're communicating in French, at least try to post an English translation like -Run- does so everyone can understand.
  21. Yes, some of the PBO tools don't convert mission.sqm correctly from what I've experienced. The one linked by kenoxite has worked fine for me but can sometimes be slow when unpacking large files.
  22. rellikki

    View Distance?

    I wouldn't say it's impossible. The game just hasn't been optimized for such view distances, meaning that it could run better than it currently does. But it really depends on your system specs; I myself can play with max view distance just fine without too big of a performance drop.
  23. rellikki

    From 1.99 to 1.96

    Linux server would definitely go a long way. There were some problems with the upgrade initially too which I think left a bad impression for some people, but it's all been sorted out since then. Addons not being compatible on on 1.99 is simply not true either. The only addon that I know of that wasn't compatible on CWA was CoC Unified Artillery and even that got a hotfix by vektorboson.
  24. It's a known issue with freshly spawned vehicles or objects; they cannot be interacted with until a few seconds have passed. Try waiting a moment in front of the vehicle and the actions to get in should eventually appear.
  25. rellikki

    Fww2 - finland at war 1939-1945

    Glad to see the mod is still in progress, albeit slowly. Looking forward to it. :)