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Everything posted by rellikki

  1. rellikki

    Killing score

    What config definition defines how much score to give for each type of kill? For example, in vanilla OFP one would get +1000 score for eliminating an officer and +200 for a normal rifleman. But where do these numbers come from? I looked into the main config and couldn't find any kind of indications for that. I even tried tinkering with the existing available config values to see if any of them would modify the score, but with no results.
  2. rellikki

    Killing score

    After much more testing, I've finally got some clues about how it all works. The cost value indeed does play a part in the given score. Class OfficerW's cost value was defined 500000 which would give 500 points for its kill. Class OfficerE's cost value was 600000 which would give 1000 points. I tried changing OfficerW's cost value to the same as OfficerE's and it worked, killing OfficerW would now give 1000 points, just like with OfficerE. But I still don't understand the logic behind it all. 500000 equals 500, 600000 equals 1000 and anything lower mostly 200? But nevertheless, this is a good start trying to figure it all out. As far as I know, it all comes from the config of the unit and no in-game factors have any effect at all on the kill score. Rank, skill or courage don't seem to affect it anyhow, even though an unit gets "a base score" based on its rank, like seen on the Wiki page linked by ProfTournesol.
  3. rellikki

    Killing score

    My mistake. I hardly ever pay any attention to the multiplayer scoreboard. Rating is what I'm talking about, as Celery explained. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/rating
  4. rellikki

    Killing score

    I've even tried to change the rank and skill settings of an invidual unit, but they have no effect on the score of its kill whatsoever. I don't think it's hardcoded into the engine either, because some custom units, like WW4 infantry or any other infantry addOn have different scores too. The score can be seen on the debriefing and works even in singleplayer, but I believe the multiplayer scoreboard is basicly the same thing.
  5. rellikki

    sdk-we can get it

    Source code. Please don't dig up old threads.
  6. rellikki

    Arma 2 CO Menu Video (and Music)

    What do you want to view the background video for? Don't you usually start the game to actually... play it... instead of staring at the main menu? If you put this startup parameter on your ARMA 2 shortcut, it will make the game load faster and disables the background videos altogether. At least that way you don't need to see Khe Sanh and Takistan that much: -skipIntro http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters#Game_Loading_Speedup
  7. rellikki

    Best setting for youtube video arma2.

    Please ask in the dedicated ARMA 2 videography thread instead of starting a new one.
  8. rellikki

    AMD upgrade

    As already said by PuFu, we've got a dedicated hardware discussion thread for questions like this. Please ask there instead of starting a new thread.
  9. Which is closed, aswell as this will be.
  10. rellikki

    North Korean Mod

    As already said by avengerzx, all that type of questions are considered requests and belong into the dedicated addOn request thread. Just because you use a little different word for it doesn't not make it a "request". Thread closed.
  11. rellikki

    GI mag and Codemasters

    We've had enough discussions about Codemasters' Flashpoints here. Closing this thread as per this message by Dwarden.
  12. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    The addOn wasn't hosted in many websites, because the OFP community was pretty inactive back then. But it's good to see that at least some people like Zulu1 still had the addOn, so it wasn't completely lost. It's good to hear that the addOn still has some use, although I think it's kinda outdated in my standards... I have plans to update it at some point.
  13. What does that have to do with OFP? Please pay more attention where you're posting. There's a dedicated thread for questions like that in the ARMA 2 board.
  14. rellikki

    God Mode

    That's an Arma command and won't work in OFP. Try this instead: this addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) setDamage 0}]
  15. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    Jungle Everon isn't quite what I'm looking for either. As I said, I'm looking for something with the same style as Mapfact did for Nogova. As for your request, the 73 Easting map has large, empty plains, found on top of this page.
  16. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    Thanks, but the FDF requirement bugs me. Any others for vanilla OFP? Additional addOn requirements are fine, as long as it doesn't need total conversion mods like FDF.
  17. rellikki

    WW4 Modpack 2.1

    Another thing worth fixing I just found. Driving on the airstrip on desert Malden is bumpy as if driving on dirt, even for planes that are taking off from there. This can be fixed by giving the airstrip ground textures special config definitions in CfgSurfaces part of the config. You could copy the ones of the original Malden airstrip ground textures, for example. Doing this will make the vehicles and planes go smoothly on the airstrip as if driving on road. I only tested desert Malden 2, but the same issue could be on the other WW4 desert islands too.
  18. rellikki

    Looking for UK Voice Actors!

    This doesn't really have anything to do with general ARMA 2, so I'll be closing this thread. But you could try asking in the voice actors' forum social group, here: http://forums.bistudio.com/group.php?groupid=96 You can also leave an application at the OFPEC recruitment lounge: http://www.ofpec.com/
  19. rellikki

    What's Your Age Group?

    We already have a thread like this, here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=83953 Please search before posting.
  20. rellikki

    OFP Addon request thread

    I'm looking for remakes of the original Everon island, Ã la Mapfact Nogova.
  21. rellikki


    I hope it's just the red ballers that explode, otherwise it's not realistic.
  22. rellikki

    six updater- how to use?

    You should ask either in the ACE or Six updater discussion threads, no need to start a totally new thread. Closing.
  23. rellikki

    mixing ofpd2.5+ with ecp dynamic speach

    As far as I know it would be a matter of just copying a little event handlers config definition from the ECP config onto the "Man" class in the OFPD config, but I haven't looked into it.
  24. rellikki

    Array within an array

    Quoting from BI Wiki:
  25. rellikki

    WW4 Modpack 2.1

    I found a fault in the WW4 vehicles. The gunner's turning out ability on the AAVPs is a little bugged. Once turned out, the player's camera is stuck in the middle of the AAVP's roof and unable to turn around. The gunner cannot be seen turned out either.