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Everything posted by RKDmitriyev

  1. RKDmitriyev

    Dead soldiers

    LOL I've got at least one for your second problem. How I would do it is with eventHandlers. Put "this addEventHandler ["killed",{_this execVM "groupMemberKilled.sqf"}]" in each initialization line (or use forEach to streamline the process if you know how). Now, in your script "groupMemberKilled.sqf," //find out who was killed _killed = _this select 0; //what was his name? _name = name _killed; //get units in player's group _peeps = units player; //find a random person who's still alive to cry out //this works by generating a random number between 0 and the number of _peeps, and rounding it down so that it works with select _person = _peeps select (floor random (count _peeps)); //now they say something _person groupChat format ["Oh no! %1 is down! MEDIC!",_name]; My suggestion would be to learn how to make a basic campaign before trying to add advanced features.
  2. RKDmitriyev

    Keeping scores

    There's the rating command for the player's score. Do you also need to know what units the player has killed?
  3. RKDmitriyev

    Save Game Function

    The infamous "saveGame" bug dates back to the OFP era. It may still be around in ArmA2: OA (not sure if anyone's checked). Have look at these threads if you haven't already: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=33333 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=35582 That's really all I know.
  4. 1) Tsk tsk tsk, that could be difficult. Depending on what mod you're using, infantry may not even detect each other at 800m. Zeus AI combat skills purportedly extends "engagement ranges out to 500m and beyond." You might be able to make them shoot in the general direction of the enemy with doFire and fire commands. Honestly I can't think of an easy and simple way to do it. You're more than welcome to make your own script that will manage a long-range harassment party. However, describing all the steps that would be needed with a single forum post is quite difficult. Read up on scripting and advanced mission editing topics if you're interested. Try the BIKI and the many tutorials at OFPEC. 2) The suppressFor command will be critical here. Getting two squads to work together will probably require lots of scripting. Again, it's really difficult to tell how you should do this. See above. 3) Now that's easy. ;) Reveal command. However, this will not make the group attack the targets that they now "know" about, unless there is a line of sight. To get them to move to the locations of enemies, use the move command or add a group waypoint. Good luck!
  5. RKDmitriyev


    Ah, good point, I forgot about team switching. :D
  6. I tried grouping an F-35 to an EAST rifleman. Although the F-35 that was controlled by the EAST could lock onto a normal F-35, the normal F-35 could NOT lock onto the east-controlled F-35! Quite strange.
  7. RKDmitriyev


    Are you sure you're doing it right? I was able to restrict radio usage to a unit named radioMan in the single player editor using setRadioMsg. Here is a screenshot of the radioMan 's "edit unit" dialog box Here is a screenshot of the Radio Alpha trigger Here is a screenshot of what it looks like when you play as a unit other than radioMan Here is a screenshot of what it looks like when you play as radioMan I don't think that's correct. setRadioMsg is listed as a local command at the Biki. I used the method that I describe for an OFP co-op mission, and I believe it worked. I doubt that the command was made global since OFP. In other words, although I can't be certain (because I, too, am not in a position for MP testing), I believe if (player != radioMan) then {1 setRadioMsg "NULL"}; will work just as well in multiplayer.
  8. RKDmitriyev

    ArmA 2 Player Occupation

    Full-time student. I seem to still find room for some ArmA2...SO FAR. Hey, if you can still make As...
  9. What's so beautiful about DAC is that it lets you set up combat environments that are so natural, so convincing, and so intense, yet completely unplanned and unscripted. With ACE mod loaded and just two DAC respawning zones placed near the "old fields" in Chernarus, I created and witnessed an epic struggle between US and Russian troops. I saw roadside ambushes with infantry mounting and dismounting from trucks, fellow squads coming to each other's aid, and close-quarters firefights with smoke grenades. The cries of battle that come with the DAC addon are just icing on the cake. ;) So, once again, thank you for making this addon. :)
  10. RKDmitriyev


    ArmA2 should delete the intro units automatically.
  11. RKDmitriyev


    Are you actually executing the script? For a .sqs script like Celery just wrote, you'll have to name the script file somethingorother.sqs and then execute the following code somehow (see other thread): [] exec "somethingorother.sqs"
  12. RKDmitriyev


    No. There are many places where you can type in code to be executed: --The "initialization" line of any unit. This code is executed at mission start. --The "on act." line of any trigger. This code is executed whenever a trigger is activated. --A text file, placed inside the mission folder, named init.sqf. This code is executed at mission start. --Any other custom script file called from code from those three.
  13. RKDmitriyev


    I think that the setRadioMsg command is the solution here. Execute the following code: if (side player == west) then {1 setRadioMsg "NULL"}; This disables radio channel 1 for the west side. To restrict radio commands to a single player on a team, if (player != radioMan) then {1 setRadioMsg "NULL"}; radioMan can be the name of the unit that allowed to use the radio. Or, you can name the unit something else (like "bob") and then radioMan = bob;
  14. RKDmitriyev

    Im so confused!!!!

    One thing you should know is that making content for ArmA2 is not too different from making content for Operation Flashpoint, which was released 10 years ago. For this reason, many OFP and ArmA1 tutorials still apply to ArmA2. Anyway, do you want to create missions or addons? Mission and addon design are completely different. To create a mission, all you need is the mission editor included with the game. Tutorials are available at Bohemia Interactive Wiki and OFPEC. I've never created an addon, but tutorials for addon-making exist. There's the Bohemia Interactive Wiki, like Noricum said. Here's an addon tutorial. There's also OFPEC (click here for the addons page). Have fun!
  15. RKDmitriyev


    What you do next depends on how you are designing your mission. Do you want the intro cutscene to play before or after the mission briefing?
  16. Try something like this. In init.sqf file, completionpoints = 0; Trigger 1 Condition: getdammage mainDerrick > 0.95 On Act.: completionpoints = completionpoints + 100 Trigger 2 Condition: getdammage lessImportantDerrick2 > 0.95 On Act.: completionpoints = completionpoints + 75 Trigger 3 Condition: getdammage lessImportantDerrick3 > 0.95 On Act.: completionpoints = completionpoints + 75 [etc. with more objectives as needed] Trigger 4 Condition: completionpoints >= 150 On Act.: hint "You've done enough damage if you want to return home" Trigger 5 Condition: completionpoints >= 200 On Act.: hint "Hell yeah! Those bastards have gotten thrashed like they'll never forgot. RTB and we'll put some beer on ice for ya." See what I mean? I just made up the numbers, of course. Modify them to suit your mission.
  17. RKDmitriyev

    Mission for menus?

    Yes, the addon folder in ArmA dir. In OFP, they were full-fledged mission folders, like the kind that you made in the editor (usually not compressed into a PBO).
  18. RKDmitriyev

    Mission for menus?

    I've never experienced this in ArmA2. In OFP, that would happen after editing a mission on user-made islands for which the player had not installed the anim files correctly. Back then you had to place them in res/addons. You couldn't use a mod folder. I couldn't tell you how to install them in ArmA2, though. Maybe just stick them in the addons folder?
  19. This is a shot in the dark, because I'm not at an ArmA2-playing computer. But try dividing the output numbers by 10 and using the round command. So that a 0 is inserted in front of numbers less than 10 (e.g. 06 rather than 6), you'll just have to set up an if...then... command like this. if (_number < 10) then {_output = "0" + str (_number)}; You'll probably need to use commands like str and call compile to change between numbers and strings.
  20. Just wanted to drop in and say thanks for making this script pack. I'm loving it already. :cool: :bounce3: :coop: and other happy emotions.
  21. RKDmitriyev

    Resistance becomes extremely difficult

    You really should try to save as much of everything that you can, including tanks, vehicles, guns, RPGs, binocs, NVGs, etc. Otherwise, as Relliki says, it's going to be pretty hard.
  22. RKDmitriyev

    DSF Nuke Scud Update

    LOL Arnold, I think you mean "answers" to many questions. :P Anyway, a link to the addon would be nice Swot. That way people won't have to hunt it down. :)
  23. RKDmitriyev

    WW4 Modpack 1

    This is awesome MJ! :icon_hug: But are you aware that the crew models weren't replaced? :confused:
  24. RKDmitriyev

    Where can i get a copy of OFP

    Just get the Game of the Year edition. The US Amazon is selling it for US$17. It's available at many other places. Try using google product search.
  25. RKDmitriyev

    schedule online play here

    Would you guys mind if I joined in? :)