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Everything posted by R3MF

  1. R3MF

    Tonal Update

    i loved the original Tonal, good to see an improved version
  2. R3MF

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    fantastic news, i look forward to the release of v2.5.
  3. R3MF

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    is v2.5 going to do anything to fix the insanely uber-leet abilities of the enemy AI? totally stuck at the beginning of the mission; After Montinjac. tried running in every conceivable compass direction. tried sticking it out in the woods to thin out the enemy. tried running and then clearing a swath of the perimeter guards. tried sticking it out to hide from perimeter guards and then running. every time i get waxed in less than 60 seconds. i got soldiers that will pick me off with a AK at 150+ yards when i am running across uneven hillside in the twilight. i got soldiers than see me at 75+ yards when i am hiding in a bush in the gloomy forrest. it seems that they are all crack marksmen with x-ray vision..........? FFUR is a wonderful technical achievement, but i would love to be able to play it too. good speed with the next patch. best regards R3MF
  4. will the HDR implementation be like half-life2 whereby both can be run, or will it use the Direct3D spec which nvidia 7 series cards cannot do when running AA as well? regards
  5. Sounds like your question is answered then! HDR or AA the choice is yours! Give me HDR any day though. Games like Oblivion show how HDR almost makes AA irrelevant! agreed. i run games at 1920x1200 so the need for AA isn't great
  6. the ability to play Game2 on Linux would rock. I would buy two copies.
  7. R3MF

    A New Enemy

    as long as you don't include the UK as part of the 'euro coalition'! seriously: I would like to see UK vs France vs Germany
  8. odd, i had heard that there was no such lmitation with the Source engine due to their different implementation of HDR over the 'standard' spec?
  9. i should point out that this isn't the prelude to a whinge where i shout and scream because my expensive video card won't play Arma with HDR and AA. i am just curious.
  10. R3MF

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    two reasons i want a UK publisher and date pronto: 1) so i get it asap 2) so PUKF get it asap
  11. R3MF

    Addon & Mission Standards

    how do Jam and CAVS fit into AA? the question of standard is important because there is a huge catalogue of excellent OFP mods that are easily importable into AA that will be released soon after AA debuts.
  12. R3MF

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    agreed, OpenGL for Game2 would be appreciated.
  13. R3MF

    Project UK Forces

    cheers. does that mean that P-UK-F and the Frenchpoint/Bundeswher mods are alreasdy using CAVS?
  14. R3MF

    Project UK Forces

    fantastic news in the update, cheers. i eagerly await the day after Arma's (imminent hopefully) release when i can input one mega P-UK-F addon, as well as the Frenchpoint and Bundewhers mega addons. incidently, is there the worst thing about the birthing of the Flashpoint mod-scene was the chaos of mods and sub-mods that are needed to get anything working. the best thing about the birthing of the Flashpoint mod-scene is that 5 years of hard work has meant that many large mod projects like P-UK-F have coalesced which will hopefully result in a much less stressful Arma mod experience. will P-UK-F be using the Cavs standard for its Arma mods? regards
  15. R3MF

    ArmA mod listing thread

    *hopes Project UK Forces covert their stuff for ArmA*
  16. R3MF

    ArmA mod listing thread

    cool , i'd love to see your marvelous effects in a BWmod for ArmA does that mean CAVS will be in too? *forgive my ignorance*
  17. R3MF

    ArmA available for linux ?

    it would have been appreciated if BIS had created ArmA and Games 2 under OpenGL and OpenAL, because then we linux users would have a much easier time using WINE/Cerdega to emulate the windows disk.
  18. i avoid CL hardware at all costs, their drivers suck.
  19. R3MF

    What will you take with you?

    what we need then is some enterprising fellow to get the best OFp mods, make sure they run flawlessly in AA, ensure JAM3/CAVS compliancy, and then package the lot with the title; uber-AA-modpack. then when johnny newcomer installs AA and realises the need for addons with >some< multiplayer games he download one SINGLE addon pack. wouldn't that be swell?
  20. R3MF

    Arma openGL support?

    i'd like OFP/AA/G2 games all to be written in OpenGL, if only because it is a cross-platform open standard. regardless of whether BIS are good enough to release a Linux client, an OpenGL renderer would make running it in Wine much less problematic.
  21. R3MF

    Modern Warfare Mod

    is this mod going to be making new versions of stuff, or will it be aggregating and standardising all the excellent stuff the community has produced in the last two years? seeing as almost everything has already been made for OFP and it remains fully compatible with AA, do we need to reinvent the wheel? the mod campaign makers biggest downfall is the MESS of different mods and addons that are needed to get a mod campaign working, i can't be bothered! what would be ace is if someone took all the best mods that exists, make sure they are fully operational in AA, ensure they are totally JAM3/CAVS compliant and then release the whole bundle in one pack (with authors permission of course). that way i would have one d/l which would contain all the pre-requisites for a running a mod campaign from >most< of the major teams. it could be updated every three months with fixes and updates and also those new mods that had successfully petitioned their entry into the uber-AA-modpack. i love what you guys have produced, but i really can't be stuffed to d/l each mod one by one, install one by one, only to find that one of the many mods is version incompaitable and thus preventing the campaign from running, with the only solution being to uninstall the lot and start again. this could be a better way. we have standard weapons and standard vehicles, we could have standardised add-ons as well if any non standard uber-AA-modpack addons were included it would be the responsibility of the campaign maker to package them in with their own installer. oh it would be bliss!
  22. R3MF

    Common Armour Values System

    Hooray for common sense, CAVS is the best thing to happen to the modding community since JAM showed up. Hoorah i say. now, what i really want is mod-makers to adopt CAVS values when they import their mods into Armed Assault.
  23. Dolby Digital would rock, and it's not as if BIS have no experience at this having just made the Xbox version which has DD encoding thanks to its nForce2 chipset.
  24. R3MF

    Who will continue work for ArmA?

    "Who will continue work for ArmA?" and if you are; is this a good time for mod-makers to standardise on CAVS and JAM? *waiting to here about UKF and the prospect of a Challenger2........* regards REMF
  25. R3MF

    Challenger 2

    will it use DKM's funky suspension script? i noticed Jaguar indicating that he was working with UKF to release a C2, have i got the wrong end of the stick from his comment........?