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About Roast_Beast

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  1. Roast_Beast


    I'm not talking about a little brown trail texture or whatever on the ground. I mean denser jungles/trees in a more natural form so that you have a trail that has been sort of carved through the jungles, including trees chopped down, etc. I guess this might be closer to a path. If you've ever been hiking through the wilderness in a good sized forest you would know what I mean because the path is rather clear while outside the path in almost all directions there is thick foliage that would be difficult even to walk through let alone carry in supplies and such. Â Â I guess what I'm trying to say is that instead of a completely open jungle section that you can run through at any point that you want (which is a tad unrealistic), there would be certain trails through the jungle that you would need in order not to get lost. Â Â Â I know it's a bad example (it's a picture from an oregon park ) but it gets the point across. http://www.oregonstateparks.org/images....il2.jpg
  2. Roast_Beast


    The idea of trails in OFP dawned on me when I was watching a TV special on Vietnam and it was talking about the Ho Chi Minh trail, showing Vietnamese soldiers hacking through thick foliage and the slow creation of the trail. I was thinking that a sort of trail system might be interesting for OFP2. I DON'T mean some sort of limited trail where the trail is blocked by invisible walls on the edges and crap like that. You would be able to move into the jungle if you wished but you would get lost and it would be difficult to navigate. Trails would be of tactical value since, unlike OFP now, you can't just run through wherever you wish and it is extremely inconvenient to move a large train of vehicles/troops around an entire jungle section to reach your objective. This would introduce spots in the map/island where if you want to capture THIS specific part of the map/island, you have to take THIS trail in order to move THESE vehicles and troops HERE. Anyways, that was just an idea I had for the jungle areas in OFP2, since as far as I know part of OFP2 will be based in the Vietnam area. If it isn't, I guess I've made an idiot out of myself .