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Everything posted by rainbow

  1. rainbow

    ArmA II DirectX 10 or DirectX 10.1?

    AFAIK ArmA 2 will support DirectX 9 only.
  2. rainbow

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    punch1at0.jpg Addons: Jonny's SF, OFM Uhao
  3. rainbow

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    It's the Awakening
  4. rainbow

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    BIS will have his exhibition under IDEA Games company. <a href="http://messe-av.leipziger-messe.de/index.php?page=2443&params[4][1]=YTo1OntzOjg6ImV2ZW50X2lkIjtpOjQwNDtzOjk6InNvdXJjZV9zZiI7czoyMjoic2hvd0V2ZW50RXhoaWJpdG9yTG lzdCI7czo3OiJjb21tYW5kIjtzOjIwOiJzaG93RXhoaWJpdG9yRGV0YWlscyI7czoxMjoiZXhoaWJpdG9yX2lkIjtz OjY6IjM2MTkzNCI7czo0OiJwYWdlIjtzOjQ6IjI0NDMiO30=" target="_blank">http://messe-av.leipziger-messe.de/index.p....DMiO30=</a>
  5. rainbow

    Full ArmA2 website on 1.9.

    Umm...I think you're wrong. They didn't say there will be Russian Army. They said the pro-communist party takes over the state on Chernarus. Then the democratic party asks USA for help. Nobody has said there will be Russian Army yet. If you don't belive me check out latest preview
  6. rainbow

    Full ArmA2 website on 1.9.

    BIS didn't confirm it but It's now fair enough that there will be Russian Army
  7. rainbow

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Latest info from OFP2 Facebook: *UPDATED* Facebook Page to be updated with exclusive never seen before game models when we reach 400 fans! So people, register on facebook and become a fan of OFP2 profile! http://www.facebook.com/pages....4134796
  8. rainbow

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    Oh guys, I see you open old and closed discussion about Game2 and Independence Lost. Game2 had to be on the NextGen Poseidon engine that's why there is huge difference between other poseidon games. Game2 was cancelled in the same time when ArmA2 was announced. Independence Lost was announced as expansion pack for OFP1. However, Resistance expansion pack was this one which was released. When OFP2 (2004) was announced it was definately sure that IL is dead. If you look deeply on IL photos you will see some vehicles which were used in VBS1 modules packs.
  9. rainbow

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Yes, it has been confirmed in latest Gamestar preview: * weapons won't stay shiny all the time... they will get scratches and get dirty while beeing used According to dirty HMMWV (in the same preview): * mud effects (comparison --> Race Driver Grid).
  10. rainbow

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    New desing on official OFP2 site: http://www.codemasters.com/flashpoint2/ You can find there a few new renders. You can also find a information that new trailer is coming this Friday. EDIT: Unfortunately, it's going to be next CGI (render-based) trailer.
  11. rainbow

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    It's nothing new that BIS takes some "addons" from BIA (anyhow you call it). I would like to remind MIG in ArmA (taken from Game2) or latest Desert Marines directly from VBS2. In fact it doesn't matter where is it from, the matter is how good it is
  12. rainbow

    ArmA 2 Press Coverage

    Ho,ho,ho...nice boar...is it going to be ArmA Boar Hunter? [/joke] Nice photos and yes, very similar to ArmA
  13. rainbow

    soldner  free game and new patch

    When the free version is going to be available?
  14. rainbow

    Armed Assault videos

    <span style='color:"red"'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>ARMA Armed Assault - Battlefield</span></span> It's a typical promo movie from random Battlefield with many popular community addons. Enjoy
  15. rainbow

    ArmA Editing Guide - English Version

    Invaluable work guys! You had to spent a lot of time working on it (writing & translating) and I think everyone appreciates it. I'm looking forward to read the Deluxe Edition.
  16. rainbow

    Puny animation pack

    I made a little movie which shows these two new animations of pack.
  17. rainbow

    Another Easter Egg?

    BIS magic script
  18. rainbow

    let's jump

    No for permanent jumping Yes for possibility to get through small walls, obstacles, trenches, wires, sandbags etc. (like COD4) I think the speed of this action should depends on your bag's weight.
  19. rainbow

    Spanish Army mod pack 3

    Outstanding pictures!
  20. rainbow

    Euphoria in ArmA 2

    Yhmmm what? Bodies fly in GTA4 even the player is alive so you can see this whole incident. You also can look up BF2 where equipment is there where the player died, ragdoll is on client-side.
  21. rainbow

    SLX MOD public release

    What for? Copying files when for example my ArmA folders weights 10GB I know better way. Just edit both .BAT files (Muzzle flash and CA) and delete in paths to these files parts where beta folder is used.
  22. rainbow

    Armed Assault videos

    Very good promo movie supershooter.
  23. rainbow

    Operation Flashpoint 2 officially announced

    Enemy in Sight is dead. OFP2 and ArmA2 are being developed.