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Everything posted by rainbow

  1. rainbow


    "Look for press releases regarding VBS2 and other VBS developments to be posted in the near future." Â Â
  2. rainbow

    DMA Release Day

    I found huge similarity... Check this out Click to enlarge: clean versions:
  3. rainbow

    OFP videography

  4. rainbow

    Enemy in Sight / Need some Help !

    Team Flashpoint 2 Zone translated the newest article about Enemy in Sight. Here the shortcut of the most important information: "Enemy In Sight - new game, similar to Operation Flashpoint created through stable Illusion Softworks will be doubtlessly very curious product. About game we not know many so far. Some time this Agile wrote on side tiscali.games article relating EIS. He is accessible under remembered address, he be written in Czech. The plot of game introduces as follows so far. Enemy In Sight will transfer us on terrain of war conflict of boundary strip neighbour neighbors Russians, who with time will reform in global conflict. Will be main figure John Muray, American young man, which will drag to army under influence of American propaganda. The authors of game want to give in EIS sure message.It will be it had about nothing the subject of absurd fight.Usual leader on mountain of war hierarchy will stand, who will decide about this, who to send on death. The prime minister of Enemy the in the Sight be planned on summer of future year.We wait on more far relating doubtlessly interesting game information, similar to OFP." Thanks for Poncho which translated on Polish language the part of article. Thanks for Devek which translated from ANG on PL language the part of article. F2Z All Rights Reserved 2005 Mirage ----------------------------------------------------------- You can use this on your WWW but only with information about us.
  5. I have GF6600GT and use driver 78.01. I can't use REFLECTION from DXDLL because then I have 10 FPS. On drivers OMEGA 66.93 is OK but they are old and are not suitable to new games.
  6. rainbow

    DMA Dynamic War SP template

    Damn, in this mission I not have script menu "Request Support" (Artillery,ground support etc.)first i must use "Request Evacuation", when I use this, appears me "Request Support" menu but then is too late to play with this Some proposals
  7. rainbow

    OFP videography

    404 Link repaired
  8. rainbow

    OFP videography

    My small movie from OFP
  9. rainbow

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    What it will be in this "FFUR Surprise" ?
  10. rainbow

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    @thunderbird84 You plan to give heads of llaumax in FFUR?
  11. 3 months ago i sended e-mail to admin of GRY.WP.PL about incorrect pictures in Armed Assault gallery...but they are there still.
  12. Proposed dates of release (ArmA): ABCGames.cz - december2005 GameStats.com - 12/30/05 TotalVideoGames - 01 Dec 2005 Gry.wp.pl - 2006
  13. rainbow

    New preview

    On Tiscali Games appeared new preview about OFP2. Link
  14. rainbow

    New screens

    Good screens http://www.bistudio.com/pics/games/aa_screen3.jpg http://www.bistudio.com/pics/games/aa_screen4.jpg Horrible screens:  http://www.bistudio.com/pics/games/aa_screen5.jpg http://www.bistudio.com/pics/games/aa_screen6.jpg  If ARMA will look how on screens5-6 this the not best terrain TEXTURES how with games from before 5 years On screens5-6 nowhere mute grass Dynamic shadow and units look very good, but texture of terrain has ugly.
  15. rainbow

    Enemy In Sight - the next OFP "clone" ?

    New preview of Enemy In Sight, in Czech language but new screens Link
  16. rainbow

    C&C Tiberian Sun Updates

  17. rainbow

    What can we expect from the new engine?

    We can surely forget about any physical engine. ArmA will be strongly updated OFP but without revolution.
  18. rainbow


    IndependenceLost stood VBS1. Screen from IL site: VBS1 screen
  19. rainbow

    New physics  or same as always?

    Yea, death animations can be used on game from 2000. Today all new games have psyhic engin etc. So, i vote for ragdoll but here BIS make rules If you buy hmm...Meqon engin you can implement him in all possibilities. However this costs a bit
  20. rainbow

    New physics  or same as always?

    ArmA must have physic engin, i not want crazy flying body
  21. rainbow

    New screens

    and bumpmapping