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Everything posted by ralphwiggum

  1. ralphwiggum

    Happy birthday Medvidek!!

    Happy b-day....though i wonder why you are that psycho Kozlowski in 1985 campaign..(am i wrong?)
  2. ralphwiggum

    Naughty, Naughty CIA and Boeing

    hmmmm..what I hear is that the interior decorations were done by a US company, and the owner of that copmany has last name of 'Gore'......smelling something? I doubt if that is related to Al "the boring robot" Gore. from what i hear, the interior decorations company was guarded by Chinese. Thus, if US sneaked in those devices, that's pretty good. But I also gotta wonder why China decided to realease the news after 3 months. Are they that stupid to wait 3 months to decide the devices were from US? It's another propaganda add-on for what both countries and everyother countries do. Also, on unrelated news, I heard Chinese jet fighters are again stalking US planes near Hainan Isle in the South China sea. they stayed 150m away this time.
  3. ralphwiggum

    america outa saudia ?

    Here are some intersting points regarding US bases around the world. 1.they were losers of war. Japan lost WW2, and thus US occupies them. No one asked Japanese to bomb US. Germany. Also a looser in WW2. Italy..also same thing 2. countries that were under above countries but was freeded by US's war against Axis; Phillipines, Korea, Guam. 3.countries that opened doors for reluctant reasons.; Saudi Arabia(thanx to that mustache-ed psycho from neighboring country) So basically, US only has bases when they either had to get into war, or had to use the land to prevent other country from invading other land. Afghanistan. We sent them loads of stuff, yet never bothered to set up a base even after the soviets left. I think they now will keep a base there. US base basically allows US to send troops fast. If US had no base in Saudi Arabia, war against terrorism would have been a lot more difficult. so for US's sake bases are important. This current issue about Saudi asking US to move out..well...we'll loose shit load of advantage....but for once, why don't we let them do whatever they want, and when things get rough for them and they need US's intervention(like stopping another Saddam Insane) make them realize how much they need to depend upon US? Of course, if US pulls out, then Arabs should not stick their nose into non-Arab world, like supporting those bandits of Phillipines who claim to be fighting(what a joke) for Islamic state(Abu-Sharif?).
  4. ralphwiggum

    Human Rights for Guinea Pigs

    How about rights for German cochroachs? It seems like fuzzier an creature is, the more 'rights' the creature gets. Let's get this 'Fuzzy factor' out and have all animals treated same!!
  5. ralphwiggum


    First of all, rest of the male population in the class has same idea. so find the average expectation of these guys in numbers, and get standard deviation, and find your expectation in numbers. then, using SD of that population and yours, find 95% interval of you better off than the rest of population. then you know your chance is quite slim. j/k 25, phD, hot looking....all equals to one thing...possible lunatic....
  6. ralphwiggum

    Your coolest MP kill?

    When I played Desert Island bunkermap(?-the one with all the fences) for the 2nd time, I was playing 1v1 with another guy as the West, me East. Well, forgot to enable AIs so, I had to shoot all by myself. And yes, my friend managed to flank me left. I saw him coming, and responded by running to left side of bunker, when he and I met each other, and were about 15meters away... both of us were bad....we exchanged about 20 fires from each side until i got injured, and he was subsequently killed after by my slightly-better precision.... another episode involves DeathMatch in La Trinite. I was hiding in some house(it was my first time) attic and I saw a tractor coming towards the house, well, burst shots of 5 took him out..he tried to turn right and leave, but i was quicker... then, out of a corner came another player, and i was again lucky enough to shoot him down....finally, after getting detected twice, i decided to change building, and as I came down the steps, my friend who respawned walked up....it was so quick that he didn't notice, but I did...I saw him carefully checking floors, and I decided to run away..well...another player was waiting for me outside, so I ran back in, at which time, my friend found me...we were face-to-face, and it was matter of who pulls trigger first....this time, i lost...
  7. ralphwiggum

    What Command addition would you like?

    How about 'Go Rambo' command? when the command is issued, every AI starts to think it is Rambo, and act like one.(Of course, results may vary) On serious note, how about some detailed instruction regarding building? Like 'go to 2nd floor'? they already have climb ladder to climb to attic, but it's hard for me to place AI on second floor and hold it there..
  8. ralphwiggum

    Ghost Recon vs OFP

    I played GR demo, but something lacks in it....I play it once in awhile when I want some fun...but when I go for serious fun, it's always OFP. GR AI's are really funny cuz when they are fired upon, they run, and never bother to shoot back. Even when I see enemy closing in, AI's seems to be deciding whether they are better of shooting or watch as their enemy shows off his fat belly for my target practice.
  9. ralphwiggum

    Im a Newbie, got some questions.

    Well, I'm a civie and newbie, but here it goes; First, Does it really matter if people in your squad die? I mean other than pride of loseing men. --->You sacrifice accuracy of the AI(at least for me). j/k...ut having more men to order is better than less. How do I tell tell tanks and soldiers under my command to repair/call medic? I can do it for myself but can't find the command for them. --->there should be some commands, the backspace or numbers one...i mean... Is their and secret to killing T-80's? They the only tank that give me trouble. --->well, tough question..people talked about this a lot...and it seems like having one satchel charge under rear seems to induce aftershock and cuz fuel tanks to blow, thus disabling the tank. However, sometimes, if you have to AT it...might need some more ammos than other tanks....hey..it's a heck of a tank u know.. if you want to try how many hits it will take, goto mission editor and place an empty T80 and start firing at it... Am I cheating by stealing the enemy helicopters in some of the missions? ---->Absolutely not!!! Hey, it's better to use your enemy's weapon on them, as long as enemy doesn't do that to you... Why is the AT-4 on the East side? I know I fired a few of these when I was in the US Marine Corps, so the west should have them as well. Not to mention the Carl Gustov(spelling?) sounds like a eastern name to me, no offense east guys and gals. --->no idea I hear about three islands but only seen 2 so far, the Everon and Maldon. We took Maldon back and are attacking Everon now, so when does this third Island come in? ---->There's Kolguev. I think its on russian side...military isle imo. I also need to finish the darn campaign, so don't know where it will show up. Goto mission editor and it'll give you 4 isles. Another one is Desert Island..a small island with lotsa see surrounding it. no structures whatsoever. But a fun place to roam and blow without hassle of trees.
  10. ralphwiggum

    OFP Postmortem

    Man... My big salute to dev team. Not only they used C++ instead of Vis Basic, they went 4 yrs without giving it up.... I'm really glad to taste such enormous effort. Hmm. Can't believe I bought my copy only 3 days after N American release... I usually don't know if a game is out or not for awile(except MOHAA). Shoot...I'd like to give every one on dev team a big wet kiss.(j/k)
  11. How about adding some new buildings? One thing that would really put OFP on top of other games(well, it's already on top from my perspective.) would be having some higher, bigger buildings. The most complex building I saw was a russian 2-story mansion, but that was not enough for me. So, BIS, How about add-on buildings that are like 5 stories high and has a plenty of rooms, so that playing MP inside could be another great experience? Also, how about some bridges? we can put satchels charges or bomb it! That would be fun(for me)! and how about new maps(isles) with creeks, rivers, and 2 stuffs i mentioned above? also, it would really help if we could get scuba gears....then we can play missions where you have to swin for a distance and emerge.... eek....i'm going nuts.....
  12. ralphwiggum

    How about some Buildings?

    Thanx for the link Bucko, although I'm not good enough with PCs to use MODs....heard about flying BMPs and so on.... The bridge can be used over rivers and creeks, if new isles have them. Bridges can be useful in connecting to isles southwest of Everon, or between a small isle in southwest of desert isle.(imo) I'm hoping BIS comes out with a map of galapagos, so that for CTF or DM, you would have to swim/cross bridge to capture enemies flags. Or a place with a plenty of rivers or creeks would also do the same.
  13. ralphwiggum

    How about some Buildings?

    Well, for onething, the more compliacted a building is(or add-on), the more calculation has to be performed by CPU(or whatever it's supposed to be done with). GR has limited space, while as OFP has greater size, thus OFP might be cutting some details in favor of great area. If we have bigger buildings, we might end up with this prob.
  14. ralphwiggum


    heh...that chopper looks really cute.... the nose, the fat body..like an infant.....
  15. ralphwiggum

    Poll between the SVD and the M21 Rifles

    hmmm... hard to choose. well, M21 is better in terms of being able to adjust range...sometimes you get careless and let enemy wander into your territory too close..then having a fixed magnification won't be helpful in the game.... however, if you are looking at 600m or above, Dragunov really kicks ass. I would prefer SVD if I had to shoot someone over 400m. When I first played game, M21 gave me some nods, but SVD gave me a 'wow!'. But I had hardtime adjusting to SVD than to M21...so i guess it kinda got equal afterwards.
  16. ralphwiggum

    BIS/CM: Money makes priority?

    I gave up my GRE just because I bought OFP a week b4 the test. Now, I'm not sure whether I'll goto grad school or not, but I luv my OFP and believe that BIS is doing a historical job. I had shit load of problems in the beginning(1.2), but I got my system specs up, and now, it's flawless!! Yeah, MP sucks in some cases, but heck, the game play overrides such probs. This is a hardcore software for those who are interested in simulation (in my opinion). I first saw my roommie playing Quake, but I didn't like it due to it's arcade-ish gameplay. R6 was better. but the mission area was painfully small. OFP really takes you to isles of tremendous size, and character movements are closer to reality as it can get. So, i won't be disappointed at BIS for not able to come up with add-ons every month, but I would like to see BIS improving bugs and errors once in awhile. But little bugs DO NOT overshadow what a truly great game this is.