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Everything posted by Ruskiesrule

  1. Ruskiesrule

    Answer to an old question

    it was just a suggestion.
  2. Ruskiesrule

    This sucks

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Dec. 10 2002,22:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">thing is ofp is all about the interaction between areas, in a flight sim ppl a static ey candy that do nufing, in ofp u sit still they will wip out a rpg and shoot u down if their human. Also counter measures wouldnt do squat in ofp uld have less than a second to react probly, and the streala which ive seen in real life and seen how it works isnt affected by flares, if yourve played falcon 4.0 most realistic flight sim most of the time countermeasures dont work, hit rate of sum air to air missles is 80%. And as for being dead meet to aa soldiers thats realistc at the heights u fly at, see the russian hele that got shot down, a big lumbering helecopter down low would be dead meet it wouldnt even have tiome to react.<span id='postcolor'> yep, i have that! Its annoying! You just fly along, here your early warning system go off, and you launch some chaff and some flares and then your dead! I made it automatic! And when your fighting other aircraft, it takes me on average 2 missiles to hit them, the first one usualy misses! The only 100% affective thing you can do is get in at 400ft, then select multi-barrel cannon and chop off a wing or hit the fuel tank! And if your feeling evil, shoot the guys parachute!
  3. Ruskiesrule

    What is the slowest system running resistance?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mr B @ Dec. 11 2002,03:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's a fairly crappy mission IMHO. Basically its you and about a million soldiers running down a hill towards other soldiers and some armour. <span id='postcolor'> So, the picture of the dudes running down the hill in the description page is basically the mission? I think I'll give it a pass then  . </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> Not worth getting a 1+Ghz chip for...(but other things are) <span id='postcolor'> Yes indeed. The list of those things is very, VERY long  . Cheers Mr B<span id='postcolor'> there is a counter strike! Them Damn snipers to the northwest always get me! Its run pritty smooth, the only 'lxuary' i keep on is cloudlets, i need them to help me spot tanks, and so i can see the blood pop out of them infantry! I'm a sniper, and the distances that i shoot things from make it real hard to tell if i have hit a moving man (infact, a stationary one too!. Its also very useful for when you shoot sombody through that damn fog! Anybody know if its possible to get rid of fog so i can see the disapearing horizon line? I'd just like to see if its worth it! Oh, and i'm looking for a clan to join! Any offers? I'm: A pritty good chopper pilot Good plane/jet pilot Sniper Super Long AT (Can hit a BMP with a LAW from 2km away) Good recon (and i suppose black ops too! come on, sombody must want sombody with my talent?
  4. Ruskiesrule

    Whats resistance actualy got?

    i often get them mixed up!
  5. this is how the mission goes in brief, player escapes from base, then every time hes spotted by a sentry or sniper, i want a chopper, and a BMP or truck full of men to speed to the players last known posistion (people in truck and bmp will get out and take a look) then if the player is spotted some place else by a sentry or sniper the enemys will jump back into truck or bmp and go to his next last known posistion. If spotted by one of the search party members the search party will give chase, and so will the chopper. Any ideas how?
  6. Ruskiesrule

    What is the slowest system running resistance?

    i'm running on a P3 450mhz too! and i can run that mission from Bis thats designed for 1ghz machines, so Resistance should work on mine! The tip is to lower the details and things on super luxuarys and things you don't look at or notice! My terrian detail is on lowest, lets face it, does camo matter at close range? And when the enemy is far enough for camo to help them! You cant see the change in detail at distance! I'm running at 800x600!
  7. Ruskiesrule

    L42a1 beta for download

    thats not an Enfield, its a LeEnfield (maby Lenfield, but i its more likely to be the first! Anyways, VERY NICE! this must be one of my top 5 fave weapons! was best sniper rifle in the world untill around 1980/90. and was made in WW1 i think! (plus upgrade packages/programs).
  8. Ruskiesrule

    Whats resistance actualy got?

    anybody know any websites with pictures of EVERY weapon and veichle! Oh, and avonlady, you should split the veichles names up! Its hard to tell where one finishes and another begins! I like missions when your attacking villages, like the one in OFP:1985 when you attack a village, then a load of T80s come out of no where! I actualy managed to kill them all! hehe
  9. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PowerHour @ Dec. 09 2002,05:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Thanx man.. LMAO. I thought there had to be something simple. Right on, now I don't have to look at that ugly mug sitting across the chopper from me.<span id='postcolor'> and i agree, some of them look kinda scarey! And the way they sit somtimes looks like they are staring at you and playing with them selves! Bis Probubly did that so you keep on your gaurd! Turning the screen to look out the chopper window so you don't have to watch the perve sitting oposite you!
  10. you can also use , i have no idea what the difference is! I know that when using ; you don't need a space! this setmimic "somthing or other";this set behaviour "safe" this setmimic "somthing or other", this set behaviour "safe"
  11. Ruskiesrule

    Target spotted at gf21

    thanks. You guys not use abreviations? Suc has Ply or Plyr for player, and snp or snip or snpr? makes the editting process a who lot faster! I now find my self making whole missions in an hour, then deciding which ones are good and scraping the rest!
  12. Ruskiesrule

    Whats resistance actualy got?

    oh well, i've asked for it for x-mas. I cant find it in the magazine i usualy buy my games from! But they do have the new version of ofp that comes with everything! I'll try special reserve!
  13. Ruskiesrule

    Whats resistance actualy got?

    i'm guessing its stolen Russian gear? The AA that is!
  14. Ruskiesrule

    Whats resistance actualy got?

    whats the resistance campaign like? Is it more like sneaking missions, and sniping? I cant imagen them doing a full on assault using some T55s against T-72s and Hinds. And Avonlady, your right, it is a small car! Anybody seen the episode of the simpsons when martin laughs at that tall guy in the small car? Oh, and i found a picture of the sniper rifle! Very nice! The Revolver looks strange! Its got a massive handle campared to the rest of it! Oh, and do the resistance fighters have any AA?
  15. Ruskiesrule


    i have some friends who are good programmers, and they've looked at ofps game engin and words such as "mess", "tangle" came up! They said a few things and even tried some things on their pc. However it results in F.A.D.E, but we got some nice extra speed! But i'd rather have 5fps with an m60 and your explosions, than 8fps with a rifle that cant hit the side of a barn!
  16. Ruskiesrule


    ok, i'll ask for it for x-mas. But only if sombody tells me everything i'll got other than scripts! Would be nice if you told me! And i'll never use nogova, my computer probubly won't be able to run the citys. But for some reason it can run them very large towns on the Sarugao map!
  17. Ruskiesrule


    i think they should lower the price for resistance, and give us 1.46 or whatevers bridges and pistols for free! I really don't care for better graphics. My computer struggles to play some of the ofp missions anyways, but i'm quite nifty and making my missions very friendly to my low specs.
  18. anybody know where i can download this tool? i've tried downloading it from the CIA website but it keeps on coming up as an invalid zip file! please help me!
  19. Ruskiesrule

    Ofp campaign edittor

    how do i do this? I cant find it?
  20. isn't the pilots name uh60_1, uh60_2 or Uh60_3 I'm not sure, but in tanks i think the driver has the name tanksname_3, i have no idea if it changes in veichles without a commander! just try one of them!
  21. Ruskiesrule


    you mean this needs resistance? Damn!
  22. Ruskiesrule


    how long till you upload the script? It'll be so much fun! Can i attach this script to somthing like a teliphone, or even a seagul? Hehe!
  23. Ruskiesrule

    Waypoints and watch towers

    what you were trying at first was just telling the AI to preform the climb ladder animation! This is so cool, after a year of being on this forum i'm finaly some use to other people!
  24. Ruskiesrule

    Wow another stupid question

    get hold of a folder called somthing.eden or somthing.cain, somthing.intro and their is another dot somthing, but i cant remember it! Go to ofp/users/your name/missions and put it there. start up ofp and go to the mission edittor. If you don't know what island its on just select any when the edittor loads up go through the different islands still you find the correct file name and load it! If its somthing.eden it will be everon, if its *.intro it'll be desert island, and *.cain is one of the other islands!
  25. Ruskiesrule

    Ofp campaign edittor

    ok, a little more: How to you change: Their face (objective complete Mr Red) Their voice and Their name if you don't bother assigning one it just uses the players profile data.