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Everything posted by Ruskiesrule

  1. Ruskiesrule

    Will resistance run in my computer?

    Hey there with the what now? (Rough translation: "Wa?")
  2. Ruskiesrule

    Will resistance run in my computer?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (VerySolidSnake @ Dec. 28 2002,18:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">yea i have a 450 mhz downstairs, and resistance did run much smoother on it. Maybe the coding for resistance is much cleaner than the original ofp making it run faster. just do reccomended settings and it should work perfectly<span id='postcolor'> I'll get my two programmer friends to take a look at it.
  3. Ruskiesrule

    Changing unit type?

    if not, do an into like in Hamburger beach, that intros such a buzz!
  4. Ruskiesrule

    Will resistance run in my computer?

    all of my beach landing missions run at a good frame rate, any of yous who have played beach landing missions will know the creaters try to cram in as much units as possible!
  5. Ruskiesrule

    Changing unit type?

    you'll just need to make a second mission.
  6. Ruskiesrule

    Tracer fire

    thats like asking "Can any real fast moving object heading towards your head, the place where your brain is, be fatal?"
  7. Ruskiesrule

    Is anyone really having fun?

    The AI has an annoying order of targeting. If theirs a crown off 200 west soldiers and your stuck in the middle of it and you see a large group of russians but the others cant, if you fire first the AI will instantly target you, in real life they would just target your group as a whole. This is real annoying. some of the best tips during a fire fight are: 1. Don't randomly fire, they uppers you chance of the AI targetting you! 2. wait for quite a few of your team members to fire before you do, you lose your advantage of the first shot so you won't be shooting people before they get their guns off their backs and go prone, but you'll be lower on the list of targets that the group leader issues!
  8. Ruskiesrule

    Will resistance run in my computer?

    i have 450mhz too, its running faster than normal ofp! I have no idea why!
  9. Ruskiesrule

    Zu 23-2

    if its real it fits ofp! Even a proto type weapon or one that was planned to be made but canceled fits!
  10. Ruskiesrule

    Get gun to randomly fire

    no, you just press repeat don't you?
  11. Ruskiesrule

    Get gun to randomly fire

    you could use a trigger the repeats those command lines and change them 3 time thingys!
  12. Ruskiesrule

    Flak gun!

    Fortress-ofp.com or ofp-fortress.com or whatever has a flak88 or somthing like that. It doesn't act like a flak gun from a flight simulator, but it fires shells and the AI can shoot down aircraft with it quite easily!
  13. Ruskiesrule

    C47 ww2 transport plane

    i have no idea how good you are at this, but are the men in the same squad? The pilot should be in his own squad, and the airborne infantry should be another! Theirs a kick ass script for this at opflashpoint.org in their forum! Its a sticky, just look there!
  14. How can we do a closecombat script? I have an overal idea! But i don't know what it is in ofp scripting language! Its pritty much: Use addaction to create an action command that says "Hit with Hand!" Plays animation when soldier hits person with hand (stroke with hand?). Damage nearest unit thats within a certain range! I have no idea how to make it set off gaurds if your seen doing it! Cuz i need it for a POW mission! Your in a camp and you need to escape! And you need some way to hurt people without your gun!
  15. Ruskiesrule

    Close combat script!

    yeah, he starts off captive, and i have a wall going round that makes the player captive if he gets near the wall! Like in Great Escape! dunno how to make it happen when you get near a gaurd! Loads of them move on patrol routes!
  16. Ruskiesrule

    Close combat script!

    i've tried it, and you were correct! You have to be right on top of them for it to work! How do you make it so that it will make the other enemys shoot at you if you try to hit them? I can walk around the hole POW camp trying about a minute trying to kill them and they do nothing!
  17. Ruskiesrule

    Making walls

    all of the short wall objects are EXACTLY the same size as the SQUARE with a '?' in them, so you can just zome in pritty far and have them perfectly lined up!
  18. Ruskiesrule

    Close combat script!

    BiS should of made this some kind of button! I hope they add it to a patch! Sombody, if they researched into it, could maby make somthing like a bayonet on the end of a weapon and use the "strokewithgun" animation!
  19. Ruskiesrule

    Close combat script!

    Sweet, i didn't know we had that! Is it for resistance? This is the first time i have heard of it!
  20. try ofpec, they have one! But you have to set the weather! So its always the same! (same router!
  21. Ruskiesrule

    Ofp patch 2.0

    I think they could get some of them features working before x-mas, they just wouldn't release it cuz of bugs searching. But then again, i should imagen they'd just release beta and release fixes later!
  22. Ruskiesrule

    Co-op decrypting......

    i don't think they like direct linking Red! Yousa byde byde boi!
  23. Ruskiesrule

    Whats resistance actualy got?

    Hey, you know this new terrain detail, you can tone it back down to ofp levels right? I just want to know!
  24. Ruskiesrule

    Whats resistance actualy got?

    Could sombody points me in the direction of somplace that would tell me what ofp:resistance has! Everything! Veichles, weapons, features. Or if sombody could post them all it would be nice! Oh, and what the patches have, some of the important stuff, like weapons and notes that it increases FPS or somthing. Thanks
  25. I remember sombody asking how to make a soldier, say a man armed with a PK, shoot at a chopper! in a kinda veitnam style. Now, i don't know the weapon name for the pk, so you'll have to fill in the gaps! </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #loop charlie fire ["weapon","weapon"]; ~0.1 charlie fire ["weapon","weapon"]; goto "loop" <span id='postcolor'> You'll also have to make another that makes sure hes pointing his weapon at the chopper! Maby the look command!