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About Risa

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  1. Risa

    USDemo and Securom issue

    Yep, thanks for pointing out the other thread. I realized that this must be true, since process explorer (as well as process monitor and other tools from Sysinternals) loads kernel drivers "ad-hoc" and then leave them in system. So after I run process monitor, the driver remained in memory and SecureRom detected that. I must however say that I am totally in line with the last poster of that thread, i.e. I cannot accept that one company is dictating what programs (or processes) I can (or should) run on my computer. Since I definitely need Process Monitor more than SecureRom on my machine I guess I will pass on ARMA for this. In the end, it seems it made sense, they put it in the demo
  2. I have downloaded US Demo (released on April 17), installed and when running it, I got message box saying something along "Security module cannot be activated". Link in message box pointed to Securom website which says I should not run FileMon, RegMon with ARMA demo. Though I do have use FileMon and RegMon on my machine (in fact I run ProcMon during the installation), I did not run ProcMon with ARMA. I do not know what Securom detects and what is the problem, but clearly it detects it wrong and since there is no way to "uninstall" ProcMon I uninstalled ARMA demo. I wonder however on BIS policy, since ProcMon (and all other utils from Sysinternals) are now officially offered by Microsoft, so ARMA now says "I am not going to run with Microsoft own tools?!" Also, this is a demo, why is there Securom?