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Everything posted by rekrul

  1. d*amn those timetravellers messing with the war!
  2. rekrul

    Cant finish "escape from prision" mission

    Ok, I replayed it again. Now I just stole the BMP, drove over a few 'friendly' ruskies, (but they are just pushed aside when I do that) and head for the chopper. Unfortunatly some bastards stole it before I did, so I drove to the hillside by the trees, got out, and ran thru the forrest. Got the same msg as earlier and continued back to the base where the cutscene rescued me. I guess it was because I killed 'friendly' ruskies. Quite an annoying bug... -Rekrul
  3. rekrul

    Escape from prison with the pilot

    What? The 'you escaped now you're hungry and get to the south' cutscene? I tried again, no dice. Then I replayed the mission and when I follow the spetznaz leader, I jump into the BMP and shoot a bunch of ppl (the soviets are marked friendly). Then something wierd happends; I'm suddenly in the tent with lots of dead bodies outside (the ones I killed), and the soviets are enemies. So I run back into the bmp, drive to the chopper, kill the pilots heading for it, kill the infs, get into the chopper. After that I've tried ejecting from the hind, landing the hind in camp, landing hind outside running in, you name it. They shows as friendly and I'm not even carrying a gun and they still kill me... Maybe it's because I kill ruskies when they're 'friendly' the AI thinks I'm a bad guy? -Rekrul
  4. rekrul

    Escape from prison with the pilot

    I'll try ejecting over the base then. Wierd tho, as even if I enter on foot they shoot me. I hope they get nightmares when they discover I'm one of them. -Rekrul
  5. rekrul

    DS - MOTD and hostname

    Actually I hate CS, and I have RTFM although I did DL the 1.30 patch only a few days after it was released. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You can provide _additional_ command line arguments when running a dedicated server: -config=<config_file> <span id='postcolor'> As with every other DS I presumed this was just an option to vary the configanames and it would load the default server.cfg if you didn't, but it obviously wasn't. Thx Suma, I'm sure that will fix the problem. -Rekrul (Edited by Rekrul at 3:22 am on Dec. 15, 2001) (Edited by Rekrul at 3:23 am on Dec. 15, 2001)
  6. rekrul

    In game Lobby and clans.

    That's a great idea actually. Ppl could meet there, announce that a game starts at this and that server in 2 mins, and those interested could go there. Kinda like the WWIIOL lobby, exept you choose your server from the lobby. -Rekrul
  7. rekrul

    Dedicated servers: info required

    Just as a little sidenote for the Dev.team. The DS-Admin.rtf in the 1.30 patch is both inconsistent and lacking, so please continue to improve it. :) -Rekrul (Oh, and run spellchecker as well. ;)
  8. rekrul

    DS - MOTD and hostname

    I'm not running any commands in the command line. I just execute the OFP_Server.exe. However my passwordadmin, reportingip and more is accepted. The server.cfg is placed in my OFP folder where the OFP exe and OFP_Server exe is. I recon this info (hostname and motd) is passed on port 2234 like the rest of the game and not the DirectX ports? I'm behind NAT and have only opened 2234 (and 2235 for GameSpy) and everything else works like a charm. -Rekrul
  9. rekrul

    Creating a fake IP for my server?

    I guess I should add that for those running NAT on a hosting server has to do the same, but you also have to forward port 2300-2400 for DirectX. -Rekrul
  10. rekrul

    Creating a fake IP for my server?

    Scarr: You don't need that. What you have to do is use something called Port Forwarding on the Linksys router since you are using NAT (Network Adress Translation wich is what allows you to connect the entire network to Internet on only one IP adress). What you have to do is to login in to the router, find the port forwarding menu, then forward port 2234 (or whatever port you use) to the LAN IP of your dedicated server. Since you're using a dedicated server you don't need to open any more ports. Your friends will then have to connect to your WAN IP (the global Internet IP your router gets) while you have to connect to the LAN IP of the server (if your machine is on the same LAN as the server that is). -Rekrul
  11. rekrul

    Dedicated server & ports..

    Mr. Frag: Well I've tried without it as well. The point is that in the DS documentation (wich has several typos and errors btw) it doesn't use the comma on the last line when explaining the syntax, but it does have a comma on the last line in the example at the bottom. Generally OpFP is very poorly documented. I'd like to get some documentation for the scripts in missionmaking too (and I've checked the EditingCenter but couldn't find anything execpt examples and code). -Rekrul
  12. rekrul

    Dedicated server & ports..

    I tried with the hostname, that didn't work. GS worked when I switched firewall for some wierd reason. GS use <gameport>+1 or in my case port 2235 wich I have opened and it shows, however only with my LAN IP, not my hostname. Furthermore, when running dedicated server, you don't need to open the DirectX ports 2300-2400. Now I have only opened port 2234 for all, and port 2235 but only from GS' server and no DirectX ports and it works like a charm. Anyone got any idea what's wrong with my .cfg file? passwordAdmin = xxxxx; hostname="Norwegian Whalers' OFP server"; reportingIP="master.gamespy.com"; motd[]= { "Norwegian Whalers OFP Server", "----------------------------", "blablablablablablablablablablabla", "- Lurker", }; Now both PW admin and reportingip works, but not hostname. Not MOTD either btw. I do have more info in my .cfg below motd wich works fine but I didn't bother to post it. Any help would be welcomed... -Rekrul
  13. rekrul

    Score Keeping Errors

    Just making the score server-side insted of client-side (like every other MP game) would prolly kill the problem. I'm sure BIS has a reason for having it client-side but I think they could make a work-around for it. -Rekrul (Edited by Rekrul at 12:10 am on Dec. 11, 2001)
  14. rekrul

    Modified config and Fade messages

    Generally, any documentation about servers and scripts/configs would be welcome. -Rekrul
  15. rekrul

    Dedicated server & ports..

    Yeah I found that out later, however DirectX is ONLY UDP tho, not TCP. Also, I heard about a securityhole in DirectX, I belive the version was 8.0 but I'm not sure. Can anyone confirm/deny this and give me a link to the secuirty hole so I can clog it? Also, thanks for your help. -Rekrul
  16. rekrul

    Dedicated server & ports..

    You should check out Avon Lady's excellent FAQ for this : <a href="http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/mp/firewall.htm What" target="_blank">http://www.theavonlady.org/theofpfaq/mp/firewall.htm What</a> I had to do when running a dedicated 1.30 server was this: (Please note that my NAT firewall/router allows all packets out, but are restricting incomming packets). Open TCP/UDP 2234. Codemasters say only TCP but it didn't work for me until I added UDP too. Open TCP/UDP 2300-2400. Now if you're running NAT you need to use Port Forwarding on this and point it to the LAN IP of your OFP server. If you also have a firewall you need to open the firewall for these packets too. If you're running NAT, you can tighten the security by setting 'source ip' to 'any' and 'destination ip' to your LAN IP server. Note that I didn't open any DirectX ports. It works without them and frankly I don't trust M$ enough to open them either. When running an 1.00 non-dedicated server I only had to open 2234, when using a NAT router. I also noticed on the 1.30 dedicated server that a GameSpy IP was banging on my UDP 2235 port. I opened this as well, but alas it didn't show up on GS. However I haven't looked too much at the cfg files yet so I guess I have to set a master server to get it up there. Does anyone know how (or if it's possible) to set a hostname for the server? -Lurker