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Everything posted by rekrul

  1. rekrul

    A3 and DayZ share anything?

    The year they spent in development wasn't just making enterable buildings. Especially the server-client archistructure that they built from ground up will kill the big elephant in room when it comes to ARMA games and their flood of hacks and griefers. Inventory has been mentioned already. Swap out zombies and think Mad Max-like universe, think Robinson Crusoe-universe, think RPGs, think Sims, whatever. Not really. It's about survival, as the inspiration for Dean was military hellweek. Zombies were initially just a placeholder but they became mandatory when it exploded.Your total ignorance to the opportunities and possibilities it offers makes me think you're high level management in a large corporation. EA maybe. ;) (I know you will argue with the RV being able to the same, but you would still need to a lot of rework to adjust it to the game you're making, especially the hacking problem. My point is that with DayZ, the major parts are now done.)
  2. rekrul

    A3 and DayZ share anything?

    I'm talking about financial potential. DayZ hardly has any content now, it's just the framework, but my point was that once it has stuff, other than a MMO shooter, it will attract more and more players. ---------- Post added at 12:11 ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 ---------- It's hasn't peaked yet (in regards to sales). BIS (or Dean, really) (re-)invented a new genre of games and DayZ is the leading title that everyone is competing against. To not take advantage of that would be incredible stupid. Now I know that that isn't what you're saying, but for them to get a huge title like that on the market is incredible rewarding in every aspect and I'm pretty sure the DayZ engine can and will be used for other titles in the future. It won't be GTAVI but even a single player DayZ game would sell pretty good and I'm sure they have more creativity than me. :) And still, they were making both A3 and DayZ SA at the same time so I don't see why everyone is assuming that they can't maintain both titles at the same time. Right now, DayZ needs the most resources and is creating the most revenue so it would stupid not to put most resources on it. They have the opportunity to reach over 10 million DayZ sales - that's potential.
  3. rekrul

    A3 and DayZ share anything?

    It took Dean's team over a year to rework many aspects of the engine to reach this alpha stage. Most parts that has been redone has been redone from scratch and they have experienced, and still are, lots of instability issues. Something tells me that moving DayZ functionality to A3 is no small task. Although DayZ may be a phenomenon, it's still in alpha stage and has tons more potential than A3 had and has. Sorry guys, but DayZ is their flagship now. Is there room for DayZ 2? Probably not, but they have lots of other Arma-maps they can make into DLC. I doubt they will abandon Arma but it would be stupid not to explore the options the DayZ engine can offer when DayZ starts to fade.
  4. Aren't all BF-games (since Bad Company) using the frostbite engine (various generations)? I'm not updated on those games to be honest but it would surprise me if they started from scratch on every release. Agreed on the first one, that was just my take on many of the claims in this thread. But how is it not modern? The engine is state of the art in its arena. All the other engines suggested certainly doesn't hold a candle to what A3 is offering.I'm not saying that A3 is perfect, but every 6 months or so this discussion comes up and it's silly. You don't change the engine, you change the part(s) that has the problem. And we all agree that AI needs a serious revamp, but why would you scratch all the other parts that are working adequately?
  5. The thing is, no engine is "well". GTA V has horrible physics, retarded AI, terrible spawning functions and there's almost no interactions with the world you're in. And they can't do much about it.I'm not directing this at you but at everyone here who wants a "new" enigine - absolutely all games (at least any game with a number after it) are made on "old" engines. Do you think FIFA2014 has a new engine because they added some features to it? Do you think BF4 or COD8 or whatever it is now, has a new engine because it has more shaders? Hell, even a lot of new games are made on old engines. Stop calling it engines and refer to it as a frame work, because that's what it really is. If you want to throw out the frame work and start everything over because you want e.g. better AI, you might realize how silly that claim is. And even if that happened, do you think they would not copy/paste in the majority of the code they already have and refined over the last 15 years into this new framework? What you really want is a huge developer making an ARMA-clone with a team skilled enough to cure cancer, large enough to release it within 6 months, the end product to be perfect, cost next to nothing and since it doesn't need any bug-fixes, you should get content and features for free. Because potato.
  6. rekrul

    my cd-keys get instantly taken from me

    Bad serial doesn't mean it has been stolen, it means it has been installed correctly (or at all). I never used steam for A2 but I do believe you have to run Steam as admin the first time so it's allowed to write the cd-key to the registry.
  7. When they do this, they have the backpack between their legs. Once the parachute deploys, they pull a wire so the backpack is dangling 2-3m or so below their legs.
  8. Not really. I don't think BI would have any technical issues with a 1000x1000km map, it's just the massive amount of modelling for it and the sheer size in GB that makes it financially challenging. They would have to do something about the rendering/streaming when flying though.
  9. I was watching Sony's PS4 announcement and BIS' logo was there as one of the supporters, so perhaps we can expect a console release?
  10. I doubt that. In Arma2 I never had any AI engage me at 800m+. I'm pretty sure their (max) VD is much lower.
  11. I don't get it. You're saying that A3 has tons more calculations, which the GPU is superb at, than Crysis and because of that, A3 uses the CPU instead...I think metalcraze is more correct in his assumptions than most people's guesswork that they presents as facts - mainly keeping track of it all. I think a lot of the calculations are done in the CPU because sending it to the GPU and getting the results back will take longer and cause too much overhead and maybe even saturating the bus(es?) with minuscule tasks, making it less efficient. Remember that for every calculation or task you offload to the GPU has to be kept track of by the CPU who has to assign timeslots based on priorities and builds the big picture (not literally, the GPU does that ;)). Also there will a wide variance in the GPU players has which prevents static resource offloading and making this dynamic will probably cost more than it benefits.
  12. Nope, it's gonna be 32-bit since there is too much work to recode everything that's affected by compiling 64-bit instead of 32. Also this: http://www.bistudio.com/english/company/developers-blog/85-breaking-the-32-bit-barrier. Pretty close to 5 years since it was posted.
  13. You missed the point. They could've started taking orders a week ago, but not allowing the DL before the 5th. That way you only get those who wants to be in the credits hammering the store when it opens. The rest of us could buy it the following week and we all would've gotten the game at the same time. That's what most people are complaining about. If you bought a week ago knowing that you won't get the game before the 5th, noone would complain as there wouldn't be any parts of the infrastructure that were overloaded.
  14. Steam has had this functionality for years. You pre-order the ... well, pre-order in this case, and you allow DL of e.g. everything but the .exe 3-4 days before launch. On the launch-day you make the .exe available too. Or you could just hand out the .exe and hold back the keys/auth to run the game. That way, on launch, you have e.g. 50k users DLing one small file and 20k DLing the full game, instead of 70k ordering and DLing 8GB. Might be something to consider for DayZ.
  15. rekrul

    Arma 3 Alpha Steam DirectLink :P

    Arma3 Alpha is #1 on Steam. Above Tomb Raider with Arma2:CO on 4th. :D
  16. I chose credit card and they never asked for payment details. If they're using whatever I used back when I ordered OA the credit card is probably not active any more. I would've like to start the DL now so I can play tonight but I don't want 8 copies... Edit: Nevermind, I just bought directly on Steam instead. If I somehow get two, I can sell/give away my second copy.
  17. rekrul

    BI games for PS4?

    I'm pretty sure Sony would get a good price if they placed an order of a couple of millions 60GB SSDs.
  18. rekrul

    BI games for PS4?

    OMG that must mean Arma4 for PS4 then! It's official! :p Seriously though, that answered that. Too soon for DayZ I'm guessing, and I doubt TOH is worth it, so Carrier Command of some sort then.
  19. rekrul

    BI games for PS4?

    The HW was neither crap nor mindblowing but it shouldn't have any problems running A3. The good thing about consoles is that you have a unified HW platform you can optimize for, unlike the unlimited PC combos. But I'm guessing controls is the biggest hurdle, like resistance-rat said. Then again the new controller has a touchpad so who knows.
  20. rekrul

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Most of you seem to forget that the kickstarter-project is a dev. kit. The planned production/commercialization part of the project is 2015 at the earliest (although it might be pushed because of its success). Although I agree in its awesomeness, this kit is meant for game developers to add Oculus support in their games, and it isn't shipping until March. Then there will be a whole lot of feedback to Oculus which has to redesign their product and then start production development, get deals and financial support, etc before it goes into production. We might be waiting for Arma4 by then.
  21. rekrul

    How ArmA III should really look like

    They should've made it: Oh no! 1 is down! Oh no! 1 is down! Oh no! 1 is down! Oh no! 1 is down! Oh no! 1 is down! Oh no! 1 is down! etc Also, Arma III would be OFP IV, not III.
  22. There was a lot of moans and groans on the Dayz-forum about it and there was a new BE update today which seems to solve it, so I think it's already solved by BE.
  23. Sheesh, so much anger... Funny how OP is "You said we would get x, then you removed it! *explode* Also, why aren't we hearing more about new features! *explode*"
  24. Has anyone tried installing Windows and Arma2 on a SSD disk with either no pagefile or pagefile on a standard HDD? I'm curious if it gives a performance boost in regards to loading textures faster than a 7200 RPM disk.
  25. BE bans in waves (now?) so the hackers aren't tipped off to what triggered BE. They purged a lot of players this weekend, probably because BE had discovered a way to detect the Be-bypass function in some hacks. This has probably been mining away for a couple of days and they hit back this weekend.