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Everything posted by rekrul

  1. rekrul

    Unboxing Arma 2

    Hey Cheeba, is your nick related to Chebaa (by Mt Hermon)?
  2. It's usually under command line. I can help you with ZyXEL units, but you have to google if it's something else. If you have several PCs, you could check if the other PC has no internet-connection when this is happening. You can also try to ping your router to see if it times out or increases in latency. If it is the latter it is a sign of the router being stressed (high CPU). If it's the former, check to see if the router is rebooting.
  3. rekrul

    DoW...possible to fly?

    Get a BMP2 - it's amphibious. (Or the USMC AAM-somthing)
  4. rekrul

    Razor 2 Walkthrough

    This is one that has always worked for me: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1382576&postcount=71
  5. Great work. Could it be some sort of GameSpy thing trying to get some data from your server? Could you try setting your server as non-public and also try the dedicated server to see if the behavior is the same?
  6. The reason why this is happening (I think) is because when you're going in to MP and get the server listings, your PC contacts all the servers on the list (even the ones you filter out) making a ton of connections through your router/modem. Now router/modems usually can't handle thousands of connections from one host (your PC) so one of two things happen: 1) The router overflows, i.e. crashes 2) The router reach its connection limit (aka sessions per host) and drops all new connections 1) means usually that your router/modem reboots (or sometimes just freezes) 2) means that it has to let some connections timeout/end before new connections are made. I haven't sniffed the traffic yet, but even if it is UDP (which is stateless) it will still be in the router/modems NAT-table and will probably be there for 300 seconds (5 mins). This problem is particularly visible when dealing torrent clients which operates in the same fashion, but A2 MP seems to have the same effect when looking at the server list. CounterStrike had the same problem back in the days because there was a ton of servers and the router/modems were less robust than today's. A2 seems to have some changes as I can't recall seeing people with this problem on A1 which might mean that A2 establishes several TCP connections per server, but again - I haven't sniffed the traffic yet. The solution to this problem isn't that easy, but the first thing you should do is to upgrade the firmware on your router/modem (you might have to contact your ISP for this), secondly you can try to kill any torrent clients you have running on your LAN, thirdly you could try to increase the "sessions per host" value on your router/modem and finally, you could try to set your modem in bridge mode and get a newer router that can handle more connections but this is ISP dependent so contact your ISP before you go out and buy anything. Please note that if you have an e.g. DSL or cable router and another router behind it, it's hard to tell which unit is the weak link (the unit that doesn't handle all the connections) so connect your PC directly to the DSL/Cable unit you got from your ISP to locate the culprit.
  7. rekrul

    Patch 1.04 suggestions

    I just want multi-gpu support and linux dedicated server but that will never happen in 1.04 :(
  8. There's supposed to be a hind-chopper coming in to pick her up, but if you don't kill the UAZ with HMG fast enough, the UAZ will shoot the chopper down. If the hind is shot down, you don't get any messages about it so it looks like it's what has happened. You can either revert to a previous save or kill her. If you go for the latter, you'll lose the evidence she has.
  9. Wait, are you sure smoke doesn't block AI view? I've used it several times to escape and with success I might add. However, the smoke only lasts for like 10 seconds so it might just be a coincidence and a placebo-effect. :)
  10. rekrul

    Badlands - hq command

    I built a Heavy factory and as the units lose men/equipement, they got "upgraded" from motorized to armoured, but I have no idea how I can "give" them more equipment and expand from one tank to e.g. 3. Right now, one unit is a Tungska, heh. I had some men that I placed in MG nests and such and then disbanded. Then I tried to choose a unit -> Communication and "Give unit" from the menu and then a random name from the list, but apparently this gave my men in MG nests and such, to the other units which was meaningless. If you e.g. make a T-72 and disband it, does it disappear in thin air or does it just drive off? If it's the latter maybe you can try to give him to a unit. Also I tried to give money to a unit and it gave all my money (~$4k) which wasn't very welcome and he didn't spend it either AFAIK. However, when we took a minor town, I suddenly got $53.333?! Don't know why though, maybe the unit made a $4k bet about capturing it. ;) Edit: Ooops this was Dogs of War.
  11. I started with 2x4890 on 10km when I first got the game, but quickly had to drop it down to >3km. :/
  12. rekrul

    Bigfoot...has anyone found him?

    It's obvious that Bigfoot isn't in any PBO in the game. It's hardcoded in assembly in the engine itself.
  13. rekrul

    [H]ardOCP ArmAII Performance Review

    I bought 2x4890. I want high VD, I really don't care about the texture quality and such, meaning I am annoyed by the loading of textures, but once it's there - it doesn't matter much. So now I get ~20 FPS at 2.5km VD and normal settings. Too bad I could've gotten that with only one card...
  14. rekrul

    [H]ardOCP ArmAII Performance Review

    Thought this was gonna be another whining thread so I'm glad to see it wasn't. :) A good and thorough test and once again confirms what those of us with SLI/xfire cards see, that multicore GPU is virtually pointless.
  15. Well it wouldn't really be fun if they made it exactly like ArmA2 now would it. This is their attempt to make ArmA2 and it might not offer as great hitsystem, the fantastic physics and such as ArmA2 does - but it doesn't have to be the exact same game. We want a milsim. It doesn't have to act, look and behave like the only other milsim out there. I was more excited about OFPDR than ArmA2 because I knew that the old OFP bugs and its weak points would still be present. Then I saw how arcade OFPDR looked and now I don't have very high expectations for it at all. I'll still buy it, in hope that OFPDR2 will be better if this one sucks (or is too COD-like which I fear). It might also force BIS to do something about their main problems, limitations and bugs that has been present since OFP and maybe inspire them to better menu-system or copy some great feature that OFPDR has. Meanwhile, I'll continue playing ArmA2. Alone.
  16. I think many people misunderstand the role of a publisher. It's not like Tom Clancy is the marketing director of his books. The publisher does this, they set up book-signing tours, get him into talkshows etc. Tom Clancy writes the book (usually ;)) and shows up wherever he has to. This is the main problem BIS has after divorcing CM, and one thing I've pointed out both pre ArmA1 and ArmA2. Their multi-publisher strategy (or regional publisher if you prefer) is counter-productive. Since no publisher has exclusive rights, noone is willing to drop alot into advertising since it would primarily be on internet. Why should 505 run a massive campaign, only to see Morphicon harvest the sales from it? I'm sure they were offered some sort of kick-back but have you ever seen any ArmA-ads? They should pick one exclusive publisher that would benefit from the work and investments they put into it. Unfortunately, the biggest ones with the biggest marketing machine are also the ones who takes the biggest slice of the pie. I guess BIS is happy with the relative low sales as they don't seem to change strategy. Also, the game should be playable when released. They pissed off alot of new users with A1 and they had bigger demands for the quality of the A2 release which they didn't meet.
  17. rekrul

    need bitter chill help

    First time I played this, I didn't realize that I was supposed to talk to the NAPA guys (thought they were marines) so I drove south like a million times and was auto-killed without realizing there was a kill zone because, frankly - it has nothing to do with ArmA. If I manage to move through enemy territory, let me. Or atleast have the guys stop and say something like "This is stupid, let's go back and call in chopper/go with Napa" to atleast give you a hint about what's going on. Also, the first time I set a timer on the satchel so I made it back to Manhattan just as the bomb went off. The camp was fine, game saved and suddenly the screen went black for a second and then I was surrounded by death and mayhem. Quite funny really as I didn't know that was going to happen.
  18. rekrul

    The Most Obscure Easter egg(s)

    This might be a coincidence more than intentional but has anyone else noticed that in OFPDR you're on Sabre Team which made me think of the Bitter Chill mission. :)
  19. rekrul

    Tell me this didn't just happen.

    Why, if noone is defending the target? You seem to forget that like RL, strategy is more important than your actual shooting skill.
  20. rekrul

    M136 vs Smaw

    Didn't they brag about how every item would have their own wheigt and such before they launched "Game 2" as well as the RPG-aspect of the game?
  21. rekrul

    Razor Two

    Nope, normal cause I suck. :) Actually the only save you need is just after talking to Malek.
  22. Walkthrough #1 Walkthrough #2 Walkthrough #3
  23. rekrul

    UAV in Razor 2

    You might be flying too low so the tank shoots it down?
  24. Same here. Except that I ran to a farm north(NE?) of the crashsite and the cutscene sent me to a castle way down south and ended the mission.The next mission I had a convoy running back to the area I originally was at (from the castle I never saw before the cutscene).