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red oct

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Posts posted by red oct

  1. So does anyone in the U.K. think this might cause the Scots to reconsider staying in the U.K.? What about Northern Ireland? Didn't folks there mostly support the E.U.? 

  2. I couldn't get into this game, I saw the potential in it and I wanted to like it, but I ended up hating this game and regretted  buying it. The trailers lured me in because they showed all this activity of players dog fighting around space stations exploring but what I saw was a universe devoid of other players for the most part. On the rare occasions I found other players they usually chose to grief me while I traveling or trying to collect bounties. The missions are very dull and are a grind fest of resource farming, bounty farming and flying from A to B. I was hoping the update Horizons would help me get into this game, but I found out that Horizons isn't so much a update but pretty much a re-release of the original game that comes with the update. So you have to buy a second copy of the game in order get the update and yes you will pay the full price of 49-60 USD. Seems like a very underhanded way of milking people for their money

  3. I like the game over all. The glitches are annoying and some are game breaking. I was going to finish the game's main story with the Railroad faction, but after destroying the Brotherhood airship, that Idiot NPC Tinker Tom managed to crash the stolen vertibird and get himself killed and I wasn't able to complete that quest line. So I had to reload to a earlier save only this time I sided with the Brotherhood and shot that same NPC in the face with a gattling laser for making me invest all that time only to wreck that quest line. What I don't get is where is the Boston accent? Would of been kinda funny to hear super mutants speaking in a Boston accent. 

  4. Turkey might not be little and poor but it certainly doesn't have the brightest leaders either. Apart from feeling of national pride Turkey got nothing from this attack and will most likely suffer a substantional damage to its reputation, political and economical interests. The only party that have gained from this incident is ISIL.

    I duno, what kind of damage to its rep do you reckon Turkey will suffer? Its not as if the EU was about to finally grant the Turks full EU membership or that it even had much of a favorable view from Europe to begin with and given the state of the economies of Europe I doubt they would even want anything to do w/ EU membership now. They seem to have good support from the Saudi's and other wealthy Sunni Arab states so I doubt they have anything to fear from possibly getting kicked out of NATO either. I think they realize that and are happy to assert themselves knowing nothing will happen to them that they can afford to do with out. 

  5. Yes, turkmen. Supported by Turkey.

    Turkey will have to calm down, even NATO said it.

    I can't really fault them though for wanting to look out for their own though, after all Russia invaded 2 countries and annexed territories from both under that pretext. I think if Europe had just allowed Turkey membership into the Union some years back, they wouldn't feel the need to go and try to try to expand their sphere of influence east towards Syria. 

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  6. don't you know that Putin issued new penal codex with high sentences for separatism ;) separatism is only allowed outside current borders of Russia for those who want to make Russia bigger

    than maybe those mysterious green men can suddenly appear in the region to help them out

  7. i think instead of sanctions, maybe the west should try exploit this siberian independence movement. i think the possibility of having 2/3 of his country breaking away and become independent might cause putin to leave his neighbors alone. otherwise whats good for the goose is good for the gander.

  8. I own a Yugo imported ak and used to own a Stag Arms AR 15 rifle. I sold the latter and used the money as well as tax return money to buy a PTR 91 .308 (its a G3 clone). Sooo... imho at least, I think its got the best of booth guns and then some.

  9. I for one love this game. The objectives for capturing a zone is simplified enough, like destroy a generator here to make some shield protecting the capture point at another location go down and the result that I often see is there is always huge groups either defending their zone or attacking it making a fun if somewhat chaotic mass battles. I found all the vehicles and classes fun to play w/ and didn't find myself being bored filling any type of role whether it was being a medic or engineer, or ferrying people to battles in a large galaxy transport. Only real complaints I have w/ the game is the devs are playing the whole micro transactions A little too hard, it takes a lot of grinding to earn enough points to buy anything useful and so they are temping people to spend a bunch of real world money instead to get those unlocks faster so it kinda has a "pay to win". Other complaint is mostly just about cosmetics like how each of the 3 factions share some of the same vehicles like the galaxy transport, quad bike, the sunderer ect.. I would of like for all the vehicles on each faction to be unique in appearance as well as maybe see each of the captured buildings take on a unique theme depending on who's controlling them. But overall this is probably got to be the best ftp online shooter since tribes 2 came out.

  10. Got it working now, It's a pretty fun game, but I wish they used Steam instead of Origin. (Or better: no DRM at all...sweet dreams...)

    i second that. when i got bad company 2 off steam, the game worked properly like all the other games i bought off steam. i finally got the game to work when i found out that origin needs IE9 installed and even still trying to join a game is troublesome since i keep getting locked up alot as i try and join a game

  11. so i get home from work and i try to start this game up and first EA's stupid steam knock off won't work so i had to reinstall that. now i cant get origin to activate the stupid game so now i have to uninstall it and download it all over again. on the plus side there is some amusing ranting threads on EA's forums. this one is my favorite so far


  12. If you can pretend it's the 90's is it still decent?

    Most of the reviews I read say it's dated which is fine with me

    so long as it's got what the old dukes had.

    well if gearbox was asking $15 instead of $50 for this game, i would say go for it and buy it. but since that isn't the case i would suggest waiting till you see this game on sale and spend your money on something better like crysis 2 or bulletstorm which is kinda like duke. i would even suggest if you own a 360 to just buy duke nukem 3d off xbox arcade.

  13. It's f**king awful - what a train wreck :(

    I hope these fools don't mess up the Aliens game (judging by the comments from E3, it is still on the right track thankfully).

    i think i'll pass even on that after seeing what their latest brothers in arms game is goingo to be like. im just glad i had time left to cancel my DNF pre-order.

  14. the reviews have come out and so far... its pretty bad :(

    IGN review


    other reveiws



    the complete game is as bland as the demo. i was really hoping the gameplay would be like what the 2001 trailer had envisioned only with slightly better graphics.
