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Everything posted by RedRogue
Take out any addons which you may have. Kegetys object files did the same thing to me. However I feel it is something that was changed in v1.4. Because everyone that had them before said they work fine with no problems and even those that had them when they upgrades to v1.4. However when I tried to installthem after v1.4 upgrade, they would not work and I had that ammo counter dissappearing problem. I[m clueless about what's causing this. And if it was something that is changed in v1.4, I hope it wasn't intentional.
When commanding a vechile, I find it highly annoying that my driver,gunner, and myself are reporting every darn thing on the battlefield when I'm desperatly trying to get my gunner to target and fire. (Yes auto reporting is off) Now I know in reality you couldn't give more than two orders at a time and on a radio two people can't give two orders at the same time and it be desernable. BUT, me being the commander I'm not going to sit there and finish giving off locations of everything around us then call out a target and fire, I'm going to stop right then and there and give those commands. And given the fact that a tank crew would be using an intercom system in practice commands from the commander would override external messages. When your driver and gunner are giving location calls they would also shut up as soon as the commander was trying to say something. I guess I'm just alittle tired of the following: 2:BMP 11 o'clock 200 3:Man 11 o'clock 200 1:(RedRogue) - AT soilder 10 o'clock 200 etc. etc. etc. etc. 1: (RedRogue) - Target BMP 11 o'clock 2: Injured 3: Injured 1: (RedRogue) - Fire! Now as soon as the BMP has been reported I've located it and targeted it, but the d*amn gunner won't position the barrel until everyone stops blathering, so the BMP crew has time to button up, position the barrel and we have already been hit at least once till my gunner fires. Twice if the BMP gets its AT5 off. Now that is an extreme situation, but I have had ones just like that. Sure the AI may go thru the exact same process but its commands are processed by the computer within milliseconds if not nano seconds, While I sit here having to physically wait for the sounds to be played out. Arghhhhhhhhh! Ok well, What do you all think? Am I the weakest link....
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Alaskan on 11:26 pm on Dec. 20, 2001 Me and my Old man are from scotland and he was in the USMC in nam just gota coem to usa and apply for citizen ship is all and i am a dual citizen of UK and USA so it is very possible <span id='postcolor'> And here I thought you had to denounce your citizenship from other nations to become an American citizen, shows what I know. Course that may have gone the way like being able to speak english to a decent degree to become an American national.
No its not a permanent fix, but it would be a fix for your mission no? Who knows, maybe this is BIS way of alterting us to the effects of global warming Seriously, does this only happen on Kolgujev? Or all the islands?
Please give more information CPU Motherboard and Drivers RAM Video Card and Drivers Sound Card and Drivers Netcard or Modem and Drivers Operational System - (WinME,98,95,98SE,2000,2000pro,XP,XPpro) DirectX - version Mode you are playing the game in (OpenGL, Direct3D) basically anything that seems semi- or possibly important, then maybe one of the tech gurus here could help you. Uh and this topic would also belong in the Troubleshooting section
Are the red hammer missions as good as OFP????
RedRogue replied to BlastinFooz619's topic in OPF MISSIONS
If you are refering to the mission I was describing Tor, uh there really isn't a way to avoid all the crap on the island as far as I know, and if you try to go around it you will fail the mission. I just turned on extended armor switched to the driver and drove like a mad man, Managed to shoot down both Mi17s and the Hind on the move too. -
Just set the time "If this is a non-campaign mission" to be a low or lower tide situation, there are high and low tides in the game.
Besides the CG being about 1/3 longer than it should be, and the AI can seem to make it track. Nope don't notice anything else here.
Are the red hammer missions as good as OFP????
RedRogue replied to BlastinFooz619's topic in OPF MISSIONS
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from John C Flett on 10:26 am on Dec. 20, 2001 Its decent enough for the price but some of the missions are a bit silly. Asking you to capture three enemy bases and destroy a dozen armoured vehicles with only four men under your command. I think the designers were too much influenced by things like Rambo or Project IGI and didn't really grasp the squad concept. Some very good missions also though.<span id='postcolor'> I entirely agree with the last part, in whole it seems way to John Waynish, or 007. The squad element is lost considerably in this campaign. The mission "Race against Time" I found impossible on Veteran settings, only with extended armor on could I ever make it to Sergie in time. -
Sounds like you would be more intrested in Falcon 4.0 or Aces High.
http://tantal.kalashnikov.guns.ru/opticsap.html But yes it would be nice to have another optics weapon for the soviet side.
I had already made a post saying this, but I guess the forum decided not to keep it. Mr. Frag is right, it will aim high either up or down. I neglected to calculate the time from the resultant vector. While the horizontal vector of velocity does decrease, it does at a slower rate than the horizontal vector of distance. So yes an elevation angle will result in less time for gravity to act on the projectile, causing the weapon to hit high.
RedRogue replied to quakergamer's topic in ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Quakergamer, To answer your question from what I know is semi-vague but if I remember correctly the .p3d format BIS used, if this is the correct format, not only contains the model but information as to where a weapon is fired from on the model, where the muzzle flash is, the projectile is produced from etc. So I don't think anything majorly altering to a model would work, or if it did, it would look totally wrong in game. But I am not anywhere near an expert or amateur 3D modeler so I'm not certain about anything really. -
RedRogue replied to quakergamer's topic in ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
They can edit current models in OFP and use them, no new models however because they will crash OFP when imported. This would allow models to be built around current ones, but their would be limitations. Or at least thats what I pull out of all this mess. -
How? As in how do you make it past all the armor, helicopters, and RPG soilders to the base in 15min and have enough time to rescue the fool.
Am I the only one that noticed that is not a UH-1 "Huey". Look at the turbine exhausts, there are two. Which means it has two turbine engines which also due to the fact it was based off the successfull UH-1 makes it a Bell 212. Not quite sure of its military designation, but its a great reliable helicopter used worldwide.
Gravity is only relevant to the vertical vector, not the horizontal vector. In a ideal condition with wind resistance removed from consideration where you fired a rifle perfectly parrallel along the horizontal plane which is perpindicular to the field of gravity. The velocity (say 1000m/s muzzle velocity) would be completely in the horizontal vector, this velocity would remain unchanged until the bullet was stopped by impact with the ground. The vertical vector is influenced by the acceleration due to gravity of 9.8 m/s^2. So lets say you fire this rifle parrallel to the horizontal plane 1m off the ground. Since y=y{initial}+v{initial}t+(1/2)at62 time would equal the square root of 2y/a. now y being the distance from the ground, a being the acceleration due to gravity and t being time. The time it would take the bullet to hit the ground is .45 seconds. Since the bullet has continued to travel with a horizontal velocity of 1000m/s during this time it would have traveled 452m from the rifle until impacting the ground. Now say you want this same rifle to hit a target that is 1m off the ground 452m away being fired from 1m off the ground. Naturally the rifle with have to be fired at a angle from the horizontal plane now to have the bullet rise then drop do to gravity to hit its target. This angle of the barrel due to range is what is already taken into account in the optics of the scope when fired at a target that is at the same elevation as you. Now here is where it gets tricky, I did leave the math out of the paragraph before but this here applies to it as much as it does here. But the scope is already calculated out for a target at the same elevation as you. Mr. Frag you are right that when firing at a target with an elevation angle greater or less than 0, the horizontal vector distance is less than the distance of a 0 degree elevation. But your horizontal vector velocity is also lowered. So firing at a target 300m away at an elevation of 45 your horizontal distance is only 212m away which you are completely correct on. But your horizontal velocity cos(45)*1000m/s= 707.106m/s and you now have a intial vertical vector velocity of sin(45)*1000m/s= 707.106m/s. Now this would be all fine if there where no such thing as gravity, but due to gravity you would have to further incline the barrel to negate the negative acceleration of gravity on the vertical velocity so that the bullet would hit its target and not "hit the hill" under it due to the acceleration by gravity. This would further increase your vertical vector velocity and decrease your horizontal vector velocity. Now I know this is hard to follow thru mear text, and I might not be explaining it all to well. But this is why on a positive elevation angle you must shoot above your target and on a negative angle shoot below your target given the nature of the scope in game. The scope given in the game is calculated for a 0 angle of elevation shot in which the bullet rises a bit then falls to hit its target, any further positive angle the bullet follows an arc, first rising then falling to its target. On a negative angle shot the bullet only falls to its target following a sloped path. Now in real life most good scopes as is the real M21 scope are made to where you have elevation "ticks" where you set the scope to be "recalculated" for a elevation angle greater or less than 0.
Also the type of sighting system for the scope on the M21 and the SVD is zeroed in for a firing plane perpindicular "level" to gravity. If you shoot up a hill your bullet will undershoot your target when zeroed in for a normally level plane. And shooting downhill will of course over shoot your target when zeroed in for what would normally be a level firing plane. If you wish me to go into more detail with this I can, but its very late right now....zZzZzZzZzZzZzZ.
OK, now I'd thought I'd seen it before and been pretty d*amn sure of it, but I just got Red Hammer from Best Buy and was playing thru the second mission attacking the militia training base. My squad approaches from the south and I go up to the fence and lob some grenades over. I can hear the AI in the base move around now and all of a sudden my AIs call contacts behind us, I turn around and preceed to mow down militia after militia as they walk straight thru the solid wall. Then my AIs in turn walk thru the walk into the base leaving me on the other side as several militia walk thru the wall in a different spot and proceed to engage me. WTH? I thought this problem had been fixed, now I definately saw what I have been seeing with v1.3 and its still in RedHammer, how does this continue to slip thru?
You clicked 'Yes' to install DX 8.0 when it prompted you. It was YOUR fault not the game's. YOU installed DX 8.0 over what you needed. And don't expect that the community will forget your words around here, they have quite a good memory.
Anyone know a program that can make a .mpeg or .avi from whats on the screen and I will make a "movie" of next time this occurs, because I'm tired of being told it doesn't happen when it clearly does.
1. I don't run Direct 3d T/L because it runs slower and looks worse to me. 2. I have managed to recreate it several times in the editor using various objects now from time to time. I wasn't refering it to being a problem with Red Hammer over v1.3, its just that the problem remains, how can this be missed or declared "unreproducable" after so long.
No, In this mission the civilian starts off kilometers away from the mission area, it would take over an hour to walk there on foot. He respawns if he dies very close to where he dies.
Is their any point to the civilian or not? Or is it just some cruel joke from BIS, call me stubborn but once I picked it and walked up the road for quite a while to find a ammo crate, except there was nothing in it, apparently its just a native part of the landscape.
No answer yet I see.