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Everything posted by Raptor

  1. In german comm. it was said several time before that the demo will be released after the release so buy it and be the first or wait and be the second. :p But maybe BIS will surprise us and release the demo before the releasse of ArmA2. @Okdante Yes I just wanted to say it's not from a newer build. :)
  2. To buy a 1000w power supply is totaly nonsense. I've a PII 920 and a 4780 1Gb and its more than enough for my system. If you will build up system with sli (two 285 gtx or 295) , or 3-Way-SLI and multiple HDD's or SSD and i7 with OC than maybe yes but for normal system it's ;)
  3. it's old coverage. I've seen it month before. Hmmm, as BIS canceld the updates at the previous week I hope we will get these week the double PR impact. :D Btw. its time for an offiical ArmA2 trailer, isn't it?
  4. Raptor

    E3 2009, will Arma 2 be there?

    - sorry misread - please delete -
  5. Maybe just the empty box with cover. @Takko where did you got/saw it?
  6. Maybe in the preview they said explicit don't scan it for other users. :D :p hmmm so the week is near to the end and still no new updates. What do you believe will wait of us in the sections guerrilla and support ?
  7. Raptor

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    Yes but it seems that you can't still shot from these possions. :eek::( Hmmm maybe you can also add a gun?:)
  8. Raptor

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    There're two new pictures for you. for Armed-Assault.de
  9. Raptor

    New, Tiny Duke Nukem Forever Screen

    What would the Duke say? Finally, it's done! :coop:
  10. Raptor

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    Maybe a new picture is coming if maruk allows placebo to post one. :p but yes I also agree because the still new pictures will be discused in other or in seperate topics and ArmA2 is near to the release so I believe we will just get more video footage. :)
  11. Raptor

    ArmA II on consoles?

    Hi welcome and yes, a still bad one. Take a look in this topic and you will find all console concering answers and ofcause questions. I always must ask myself if the "new" people here have some intelligence because they can't even watch the sticky or recent topics. >_<
  12. Raptor

    official Website: german translations

    Headquater -> Hauptquatier. :)
  13. hmmm, there are two sections, guerrilla (lol :D ) and support left. I was wondering what will be in there?
  14. Lol, are you sure? Take a look at 1:38 :D As it was said before its from the february build and there is a notice that the bad performance come from the build itself.
  15. Raptor

    quick question

    to make it quick: in German speaking countries: 29th may in CZ and Slowakia : 17th june and in the rest europe (505 region): 26th june but please ! use the search function the next time or take a minute to read the recent topics. ;)
  16. I believe he wont tell it because of the highspecs he is using. Everyone will think "ok that wont be defnitly the grafic that we will see" if you have 295 GTX Sli and future i9 CPU. But the main thing is the vid looks good and the sales will rise up.
  17. Now it seems it come out at the same time as the english one. These article says end of june as the 505 one. :confused: Also the second big german magazine say 26. june. http://www.gamestar.de/news/pc/action/taktik-shooter/1955706/arma_2.html Edit: Ok seems it was a missunderstanding, the Releasedate is 29. may. Its to confusing for me...
  18. Raptor

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    ok seems I was abit to over hasty. There is abit confusion about the releasedate in Germany because there are different versions. The one said may the other say end of june.
  19. Raptor

    ArmA II release date discussion thread

    oh don't see that there is an existing theard about that topic. Ok just for the protocol. Morphicon, the German publisher, stick to their releasedate at 29 of may of all German speaking countries. That was announced by an official statement. http://www.armamdb.de/phpkit/include.php?path=content/news.php&contentid=1424
  20. Raptor

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    No but its posted in Gamespot X360 section so I guess its taken from a xbox version. :)
  21. Raptor

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    especially if it's from the xbox version. :)
  22. SuddenDeath reported that Morpicon (German publisher) stick to their releasedate at the end of may (29.may). http://www.armamdb.de/phpkit/include.php?path=content/news.php&contentid=1424 Seems the Germans are again the betatesters for the rest of the world. maybe intressting the final Systemreqs:
  23. @Maddog it's not a trailer just a image which shows the destruction or a setting like in STALKER. in the Front with a rusty car and in a background a destroyed industrial building or something else. Seeing the Facebook exclusive Screens the page before. So far it looks nice but thats all. I hope that the destruction animation was improved, I think its the most important fact of the destruction system. But I'm looking forward to a video or something with more screens as 2 Screens which shows the bulidings just intact and destroyed.
  24. Our official German Community Manager, Blackland said in hx3 Forums that the release was displaced to june. *:p* http://hx3.de/community-103/arma-2-wartesaal-14346/158/#post227681 I pray the month will be enough for BIS to polish and improve the fundamental engine bugs.
  25. Did your read the discption about the new armory mode? Seems that ArmA will feature something like that, ok as animal not as hunter but maybe you also can play it as huntermode. :)