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About PhilQPigeon

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  • Interests
    Pooping on statues of regents and famous freemasons. I also like playing Arma.
  1. Okay I was playing the City Life Mod online tonite and I was causing some sort of time acceleration for the mission online. I was then accused of hacking and being able to generate multiple CD codes. I really don't understand why this would happen. I purchased my version of Arma from a German server and recently purchased Queens Gambit. I have reinstalled the game a number of times in the past due to problems with the earlier patches but other than that I have no clue what could be happening.
  2. PhilQPigeon

    Prob with buldozer in visitor

    I'll give that a try to thanx Op
  3. PhilQPigeon

    Prob with buldozer in visitor

    No I have not, but thanx U big time, I'll check it out.
  4. PhilQPigeon

    Prob with buldozer in visitor

    The tools package did install the virtual P: drive and I put all my working files on that drive (samplemap folder). I also unpbo'd the buildings, roads , etc pbo's into the ca folder on P. Has anyone translated the German tut on mapfact about visitor, I have the german version but cannot really understand it.
  5. When ever I load up buldozer with the samplemap I get this message with buldozer: Cannot load file ca\samplemap\data\layers\p_000_000_l00.rvmat Is this file in another folder or something that I am supposed to refer to or is it a missing file. It causes buldozer to freeze up and I have to reboot my puter evertime. Any help would be appresiated.