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Everything posted by pyroflash

  1. pyroflash

    Field moddable weapons?

    listen son, its this simple, if they screw with your gun, they get a rifle butt to the face. Or maybe just a nice right hook. It still comes down the the availability of hydrochloric acid to cleanse the hardened glue from your gun...
  2. pyroflash

    Field moddable weapons?

    I did mention sighting the rifle in at the ammo box.. which most of the time is at your breifing area/base/mission starting area - which is the area you would most likely be at when you would be at to select your most appropriate weapon for said mission. I know it was a long post but if you read it again you can pick up the idea that was not what I was suggesting (changing it majorly in the middle of a firefight) - in fact I dropped a couple of pretty obvious hints that I was already aware something like a scope change is not what you'd be doing in an engagement and that I'm particularly talking about the ability to turn a suppressed weapon into a loud one and back again - in the field. However, in saying that, it is physically a possibility - say I did want to change my scope in the field - it would be good to either be able to use the peek sight on an acog or just remove it completly. But most of all - adding a suppressor and removing one in the field is not that big a deal and irl it is most certainly not fused to the barrel and it makes us feel like now. And that is the problem - having a massive list of identical weapons - it can take forever to actually locate if you use additional weapon mods (adding more weapons). And if I could choose to remove a suppressor or add it etc - that is choosing correctly - I can choose to take it or take more ammo or a smoke grenade or whatever in its place. actually, completely unrelated, but really really funny. Well, one day I was talking to a SWAT officer of a nearby county, and he was showing me his AR-15. I started chatting with him about the supressor he had on and he started to show that off too, then he tried to take it off. And then, yes you guessed it, he threw a fit when he discovered that the guys in the cage had glued his supressor on with Loctite. Now, are you sure that the supressors on the guns aren't glued on?