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About Prodical

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Prodical

    Air Combat

    Yes, I would probably fly more as well...but it won't happen, like I said they would have to devote the entire game to air combat in order to simulate it properly. This is being done in the DCS modules, the entire module is devoted to only one plane, a lot like Falcon did it. I wouldn't be surprised if it were easier in real life than on a simulator, I've met a few F-16 pilots who said the same thing about Falcon 4.0/AF as well. I think most simulators are assuming certain conditions instead of simulating them, I know Falcon did this a lot with certain behaviours of missiles and planes alike. The problem would still be simulating the aircraft, and the only way I've ever seen that done properly is if that aircraft is the sole game and there isn't anything else in the game (Falcon, F/A-18 Super Hornet, Lock On, Jane series, DCS: Black Shark/A-10 coming soon).
  2. Prodical

    Air Combat

    Missile evasion can suck, horribly. I play both Lock On and Falcon, and in both of them the evasion bit sucks, regardless of counter-measures. I think the flight model of the aircrafts in the game should definitely be tweaked, but no where near a realistic setting...no one would fly then. And if it became to technical you would be in the air deciding to engage BVR or Within Visual Range, too much to do for a game that is better at simulating ground combat than air combat. A developer really has to focus only on the air combat if they want to simulate air combat properly, just look at Eagle Dynamics new modules...each one is coming out solo with only that plane to fly, a lot like how Falcon is.
  3. Good to hear, still can't fly the planes...choppers I'm alright with, but with planes I just outright suck, which is odd cause I play a lot of flight sims. But as has been said the games focus on ground combat, and a flight simulator takes years upon years to develop (avionics, armament, etc.) just look at the DCS modules, or even a game like Falcon.
  4. Prodical

    How do I get good at this game?

    Thanks for all of the advice! I think my main problem is moving too fast. Thanks Eclipse for explaining the grid locations too me, that was another confusing bit for me. I guess I'll head out onto the battlefield and test tactics and pace, probably die, then try again. Doesn't seem like a lot of people utilize the in-game voice utility, I have to fix my mic and I will probably be using it a bit. Cheers all for the advice!
  5. Prodical

    How do I get good at this game?

    I'm playing single player at Recruit level. Should I start out with the SP then move onto the MP portion of the game? I really do want to get better at this game as I'm tired of all the rehashed Battlefield series of games.
  6. I'll be honest, I played and sucked at ArmA...and I'm following suite in Armed Assualt 2. I'm not all that good, at all really. I can't read the map in correlation to the random numbers displayed in the chat, I know how to use the compass, and the watch tells the time...aside from that I really am useless at this game. I played a round last night and was given an order to move to a tree, in the middle of the forest, I was lucky to find the squad leader...figure the tree was a needle in a haystack type of thing. Is there anything showing me where the move order is exactly? There is in training but it either disappears way to quickly or doesn't exist in a coop game. I'm reading the guide written by Dslyecxi but I'm having trouble following it. Any 'tricks of the trade' that could help me out? Or am I just going to have to jump into a game and run around a lot until I get the hang of it?
  7. Prodical

    Slight issue

    Yea, but the key was not working at all. Weird because it didn't work even after changing the key layouts, works now I think it had something to do with numlock not being on in the bios...but after I did that it works fine, dunno.
  8. Prodical

    Slight issue

    Well, not really slight as it makes the game difficult. My key command [NUM] [.] doesn't seem to work, I'm not sure if it is Trackir's fault (can't think it would be as 4, 5, and 6 is used for Trackir) or if it is my keyboard setups fault...or if it could in fact be the game. This is the default key for command view I believe and I kind of need it to get through training, and it could probably come in handy for the SP, not that the AI listens to me anyway...but who know's, any help appreciated, thanks!
  9. Prodical

    Can't play

    I did that, and was able to get into the other Sahrani Life server but still cannot get into any other server without getting kicked. Here is what happens: I click the server to join, get in and choose my role in the server (fireteam), then it pops to the loading screen loads for about 1/3 of the load and kicks me back to the server select screen with no error or reason given. I also have quite a bit of lag and server disconnects on the other Sahrani Life server (not XR but the other one that is usually populated).
  10. Prodical

    Can't play

    Pretty simple really, I can't play online. I used to play on the Sahrani Life server through XR and decided I would try other servers...and I simply cannot connect to any of them at all, I updated this Battleeye because I was getting kicked for something or another with that and now I just get dropped back into the server select screen with absolutely no reason given. I have a cable internet connection so I don't think it is that, my PC runs ArmA just fine so I don't think it is that...I'm starting to think it is this odd program called Battleeye (that I have never heard of) I know it is the anti-cheat program used by ArmA but it seems to just cause problems.
  11. Prodical

    Any way to optimize the game

    Getting a new rig this week, but for now I have to rely on the one I have.
  12. Some kind of tweak file or tweaks I can do with the .cfg files? It doesn't run all that bad but the settings I have selected makes the game look pretty bad. Does view distance have a dramatic effect on performance? I have it set to about 850 right now. I'm looking to put more immersion into the single player game right now, and I've looked at several mods but I don't know if they are optimized to the point where they will work with my PC or not. Pentium 4 3.00Ghz (Hyper-Threading) w\ 1 Gb Ram Nvidia 6800XT 256mb (AGP)