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Everything posted by Pergite

  1. Pergite

    airstrike - radio chatter needed

    Real military voice comms are hard to come by on the Interweb because of various reasons. My suggestion to you is to look at Youtube on airstrikes and try to find one where you can hear the FAC or TACP radio and try to recreate it yourself, mixing it so that it sounds like it comes from a radio.
  2. Pergite

    Recoil; a question for everybody

    Are the player shooting from the hip then? I mentioned this in my post, that its wierd that the model even fires the M240 from the shoulder, making accuracy a wishfull thinking. The SAW can be fired from the shoulder and have the same accuracy as a standard AR when on Auto i.e pretty poor. The reason that the recoil seems bigger with optics is that you better can appreciate where the barrel is pointing. The relative recoil should be the same.
  3. Pergite

    Recoil; a question for everybody

    As someone that is doing the stuff in Arma for real during the week days I feel the game does a rather decent job regarding both player movements, weapons and recoil. (comparing to most other games out there) I do however have a few issues: 1. You have to stand still when you reload (why on earth?! 2. Shooting MG´s (especially the M240) crouching or standing requires a completely different handling than with rifles. You dont aim over the barrel, insted you literally shoot from the hip and let the tracers and experience guide your aim. This used as supressive fire, but not possible to do in Arma because of the recoil in those positions. 3. After 250 rounds through a M240 your barrel is starting to melt creating all sorts of issues. Red Orchestra managed to implement this issue, and I hope that BIS take a look at it for further installments. It offers a lot more realism and things to consider when playing. 4. The shock effect from blasts (as in BF2) from own heavy guns and explosions. I have in Arma never encountered what you say about that the player looses control of his aim, except in situation that really call for it. Shooting a MMG or Barret without support for example.
  4. Pergite

    Bunch Of Simple Questions

    1. I have no idea, but use GET IN order on a RACS soldier near any empy support weapon and you should have solved your problem. 2. You paste them in the mission folder you create when your save your custom mission in the editor. Then the mission will find them when you execute them. 3. - 4. Have you ever seen this? 5. Not to my knowledge, but there are many tranport variants out there as work in progress. There is a DC-3 in the QB addon though. 6 - Good luck!
  5. Pergite

    Island of Porto

    If anyone is interested in trying out what Porto can offer, I recently put up a mission for review over at OFPEC [HERE] It has all you can ask for... Porto, Pimped up Hummers, good atmosphere and of course a little bit of action. Any feedback in that fourm would also be great. QB is of course a required addon.
  6. Pergite

    Island of Porto

    And small enough for lag free multiplayer action.
  7. Pergite

    Your Feedback on Queen's Gambit

    So who will be the first to make the A-Team van addon then?
  8. Pergite

    Your Feedback on Queen's Gambit

    Special Forces usually are professional... Regerdless of any internet captions on the picture I can assure you that that this person obviously is nothing near in that department (having in mind the customs of Afghanistan). Maybe he tried to dress down, I dont know the story. Besides, if the elite look like that, how do you expect the mercs to look?
  9. Pergite

    Your Feedback on Queen's Gambit

    I guess you havent worked with any mercs IRL? If these are paid by the US goverment, I wouldnt want to speculate how the ones employed by the RACS would have looked like But I am still annoyed over the main characters "helmetcap"... as said before, his only intrests must have been Vietnam and Baseball. Â Its however great to see this addon dwarfed by that all the community addons allready released. I belive this comittment and hard work by some are making us a bit spoiled concerning new content. QG sure could have had more addons, but in my world it added enough. A great campaign and a beautiful new island.
  10. Pergite

    Queen's gambit bugs

    Wait... Is RF a dynamic campaign? I had a problem with my computer during a cutscene and didnt bother to reload it, and went directly into the next mission. I read the notes, got a bit amazed of how the story had turned and then found myself on the last mission, but without any Queen.
  11. Pergite

    Has Anyone Got Queens Gambit?

    Yes Royal Flush really is a masterpiece. You never know what to expect, and the difficulty is just perfect. I am however wondering when we will see these missions redone for multiplayer? I could really have needed at least an extra hand on those prison camp missions for example. I spent 6 hours on it and I am just done with the third mission, taking it all in, doing proper recces and asigning fire positions for my men. This to me adds what Resistence did to the original Flashpoint. I do however have a serious beef with the headwear of Lambowski (the main character), can the person that came up with that combination please explain himself?
  12. Pergite

    Queen's gambit bugs

    I reloaded the first Arms Dealer mission in Royal Flush and then couldnt access more than my own characters inventory. Then I am really having a problem with Lambowskis hat/helmet. What where they thinking when they came up with that combination?