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Everything posted by PacUK

  1. If you got it from PwS then you don't need to manually patch the files at all. It will download only the current version and prompt you to update should new versions be released. Installing manual patches over a PwS download downgrades those files and will break the mod. Open PwS select Invasion 1944 and then the 'Diagnose' button, it will check your files and redownload any that it needs to run the mod correctly. That should solve your issue.
  2. Really too early days to say, we're in no rush to get anything out, there's still plenty of work and content coming to the A2 version, as always we'll say it'll be ready when its ready, wouldn't expect that to happen before 2.7's release on A2. Its doubtful much will get added once we're into beta regarding A3 so by then we'll hopefully have all the tools and documentation required to make use of most features. What we don't want to do is get too far ahead of ourselves then have to go back over reworking old content.
  3. Cheers, we will be looking to match as many as possible details as we can find reference for, although sometimes we may have to bend reality a little to help widen the scope and use of our units and what is actually possible to produce in the time available :) The only reason we don't already do this is our production method doesn't really allow for it and theres not been an easy way to distribute and document it for A2, though with things like Play withSix making it a lot easier and with future features coming to support development builds and so on hopefully we can do a much more open development so content gets released sooner rather than held back by unrelated issues. So fingers crossed yes. The german infantry were a direct port from ArmA1 to ArmA2 model wise so we're not sure at this stage whether we'll be porting them again to A3 with updates or just starting from scratch, either way they should look a fair bit prettier :)
  4. As always we'll endeavour to cover as much of the war as we can create content for so if you really want to see something the best way is to help us make it! We currently have a very large plane overhaul due for 2.7, so we're hoping a lot of the scripts will move over to A3. Only a selection of the planes that are of good enough quality will be ported while a lot of the old models and loaned models will most likely be cut. If it were a matter of plugging models straight into A3 the mod would already be done. To get content to work in the new engine there is a lot of work that has to be done for them to work at a basic level, and a lot of work to use all the new features such as clothing, vests, helmets. So any content that has to be ported will have to go through a few stages which will include some basic improvements and remodelling where appropriate/possible, this wasn't possible with the A2 version which is why some old units and weapons don't take full advantage of graphical shaders and so on. This time round we are very much doing a rebuild from the ground up to ensure these features and effects are applied from the get go so we don't constantly have to play catch up to the technology available.
  5. As said before not all content is really of good enough quality to port to A3 so some units will make it and some won't while others may get updated later down the line after an intial A2>A3 port. Its still too early to know exactly what will be focused on and what won't make the cut, but we're already developing new models to replace some of the older units expect more news on that front soon. From what I know of A3 parachutes aren't yet handled any differently, if you're in an air vehicle and eject you'll probably get a chute. Whether this could be linked to an actual object or backpack I can't say as its not something we've looked into yet as the air portion of the beta still isn't fully implemented and without some examples and documentation we are limited in what we can do. As this is an area we've already covered quite extensively in A2 I doubt we'll hit on it again for a while in A3, the extra different content it requires in not only textures and foliage but also uniforms means its an unlikely one for now I'm afraid (especially the soviet side). Well cheer up as we have both a Waco and Horsa glider coming in with 2.7 Yac's done a beautiful set of models which Gnat is incorporating into his 2.7 plane overhaul work :)
  6. We've looked at this time and time again, there are ways of doing it since OPF but none are setup or supported and it would mostly have to be achieved through trickery. Other than the visual it doesn't actually add any elements to the game, any players injured to that degree would have to die pretty much immediately after as otherwise it would interfere with basic functionality such as moving or using a gun/vehicle. So ultimately it would just be a lot of work to have some bodies missing a few limbs and of course any extra load in rendering those severed limbs as they bounce around the world. So I wouldn't expect to see the feature anytime soon sorry. Operation Husky is something we've considered though I think mainland Italy is starting to look more likely as our initial landscape but its still very early days so we haven't dismissed the possibility yet!
  7. This really depends on what the new engine can support and what we are able to produce, a map that large can't really be done by the old methods of placing most objects by hand, so without some better automation tools we really can't make maps that large. Also we don't yet know the engine limits on terrain so finding a decent grid size for the terrain size to get a decent looking world ingame so we're not making any firm plans on what where or how big the terrain(s) will be. It's still very early days and we've yet to firm up details with the Pacific team as we are both still actively working on A2 mod releases it will be a while before we know if or how we will progress together, but I know there was a lot of interest from both teams in joining the mods or at least looking to make them directly compatible in some way. Again this depends on where we end up setting our terrain and focus of the game, if we end up building a landlocked terrain its a bit less likely, but if we end up near the coast then chances are its a possibility. Pacific do already have some large ships so if we do combine efforts there's a good chance they will still be present. Definitely and area that doesn't get nearly enough attention, it is a little far off our current content set so while I wouldn't rule this out in the future, its doubtful for the early releases. But definitely an area that could provide some interesting gameplay experiences. Heh trust us we're used to it by now, we'll always listen, but yes sometimes we will just roll our eyes and carry on when we hear some of the more extreme requests. But it is always fun to hear some suggestions. Ultimately if people really want something in the mod, the best way to do that is to learn the required skills and help us create and add that it to the mod!
  8. Well Hell in the Pacific have already done a fantastic job on that so far with a lot more content to come, which is why we're looking to hook in with them for A3's development ;) Somehow that film passed me by will have to check it out for some terrain inspiration thanks for the link! 2.7 will add one to ArmA2 whether it will be in the content in A3 is not yet known but I would hope so at some point. Lol, might also wanna mention the Italians while we're there I suppose... Quite how and what the map will consist of is still of debate, we are looking to have more airfields available in one way or another so we'll just have to wait and see how things develop.
  9. Heh not too sure you'd want to light yourself up like that in a warzone it would make you a very easy target. Whether we'll do any type of flashlight has still yet to be discussed. Possibly, we're still learning whats possible with the system and what types of things we could actually implement with it. It's also very early days for A3 so there's still room for more features to become available over time so nothing too firm has been set yet. Macolik has done some research into the weapons and so far it appears we can't add extra muzzles (in a config sense) to the weapons using attachments, or at least if you can its not yet documented how. It will most likely be a while before we start full development on these systems and features (or our own alternatives when things aren't possible) but when we know we'll be sure to start showing off the new toys :) Its great to see everyone so excited about the A3 version, please keep your suggestions coming! Also don't forget 2.66 and 2.7 for A2 are still in development and will be bringing some great additions and improvements before our focus shifts entirely to A3.
  10. Things like attachments will come in handy where appropriate, at least streamlining things so they are more in line with the game standards and require less scripting as our current bayonets do, or simplifying things like our rifle mounted grenade launchers, though function is still slightly different with those to say an underslug launcher. We won't be doing anything too fantasy based like flashlights unless we have good evidence to support the use of certain weapons (and modifications) in certain situations while still keeping things interesting with weapons such as the DeLisle. What these features will also help with are cutting down filesize though, as we won't need multiple models with the new proxy system the attachments use, which means less config work and classnames to keep track of which is a bonus to all :D
  11. Thanks everyone for your input, please do keep it coming! Also be sure to keep a watch on our official forums and ModDB page for more information, and screenshots of upcoming releases! Due to the sheer scale of the mod and the mix and match quality of the work in there, a direct port really isn't possible, a number of the older models would require so much reworking a direct port of all content would ultimately take too long to do and have everything function (such as animations) work on the new engine (new skeleton rigs don't work with our animations, warps some infantry models etc). It would also mean we wouldn't be able to implement any of the new features in the process, as well as transferring many bugs over that would still need to be fixed once in the new engine, so not only would we be missing new elements that are available in A3, but we'd still have all the probs from A2, A1 and in some cases Op Flashpoint! By starting with the clean slate it really allows us all to focus attention on new content which won't spread our team as thin, giving us the time required to update models to a decent standard, create new models to replace old ones that are just too old to work in the new engine (due to lower poly count limits of old engines which no longer apply, models such as the British Para's really need a new model). I can understand people going off the A2 engine with A3 out, but with the content available with things such as ACE and I44 I don't see the game dying out just yet, which is the reason we'll be ensuring 2.7 does get released before moving full force onto A3's development. As we are still waiting for information on how to setup a lot of the new content its gives us a good period of time to prepare the processes required for transferring our work across which ultimately will lead to a much more stable quality product for all to enjoy on both A2 and when its ready A3. Saying that it is still VERY early and we are not sure which content will be making the final cut just yet. However the first A3 release will be a lot more focused in what it includes, expanding with future releases which will explore more varied content such as uniforms, weapons, factions and locations over time.
  12. Umm I think you may have the installation a little confused, as if you were downloading the 7z archives, you would have already opened it to read the instructions. So having read a file inside the file you can't find, I'd guess you are not downloading the archive installation + patch files, so quite what you are doing I really don't know. I would HIGHLY suggest just downloading using Play withSix and let it install and patch the mod up to date for you.
  13. No we'll be halting work on the A2 version at some point after 2.7's release to focus on ArmA3, the location is still undecided, we've always pushed to try and cover areas that theres an interest in from both the community and the team itself, but there's also the engine to consider, with A3 the core content is obviously for their Greek islands so we're looking at making the most of that new content over porting old buildings into the new engine as we've done in the past. Holland wasn't something we skipped over as its something the mod has covered before in previous versions so things like the bulge were much more interesting at the time. Quite what we'll end up creating and porting over to A3 is still very much up in the air, but as ever if people want to contribute with specific content we're always looking for new members to help us creae it, with A3 just releasing its a great time to start learning! One tank does not a faction make ;) Thanks for the offer, as always we won't write off the idea of covering that part of the war in some way at some point, but really without a decent compliment of dedicated modellers to task with it, its always a much more feasible option for us to expand on the content we do have and aiming for a decent balance between the factions we do create ingame. Heh we tried so many various fixes and it ended up being something very simple we just overlooked it time and time again, Macolik finally nailed it down during his work on some A3 tests and it was a really easy fix to apply (I just hope I didn't create any new ones doing so heh) so a real relief to finally scratch it off the list! Now if only we could figure out the transparent panther issue doh!
  14. Somewhere in the middle I think as they focus on Polish forces versus German and Russian rather than the German Russian conflict of '44 that we get asked for ;) Again doubtful we'll be adding anything like this into A2 now with A3 released in its Alpha state we really want to start development there so we'll be finalising content we do have and getting that out as soon as we can in a nice stable state so everyone has something to tide them over while the A3 version is developed. Sliding to cover is pretty possible on most terrain, granted on tarmac it is likely to leave a nice big hole in your leg in real life, we can't limit movement depending on the ground texture though and as most of our maps are either grass+ mud or snow+mud it would be very possible to do in most situations as its pretty much a football (soccer :P) sliding tackle, the main purpose is to provide a movement that maintains a high speed of movement and a much smaller visible target over short distrances which I think it does pretty well :) Work on 2.66 continues, we've finally managed to track down and eliminate the age old see through helmet bug so ATI owners can look forward to having Anti Aliasing back on without the ugly transparent effect ruining your immersion! Other fixes are rolling in thick and fast so expect news on the release soon!
  15. My biggest worry about IF no longer being developed is honestly that we can't point players their way when they ask us to make Russian troops heh. But it is a shame to see the product won't be developed further, there were some great opportunities to show some parts of the war we don't usually see hopefully the community can make that happen still. With regards to your requests baltic, its a little late in development now. With ArmA3 Alpha available we're looking into what is required to shift development over to the new engine (I hesistate to say 'port'). But for the time being our focus is on fixing issues with the current build, and getting 2.7 out to you guys before we move into full time A3 development. The A2 version currently still has a lot of issues which were brought over in porting from A1, this is not something we really want to happen again with A3. We hope to be taking full advantage of the new features offered by the engine and make sure our units can make use of as many that are applicable to the WW2 theme. So please do not expect an instant port over with all the current units and content. We're expecting to drop a lot of the older content while new models are built, and focus the port work on those bits of content that will still stand up in the new engine. As the alpha only just came out we're still waiting on a lot of documentation and examples so we can see whats required to implement the new features so A2 development by no means will be delaying A3 work, but for those expecting a lot of instant content sorry but you'll have to wait a bit longer! Back in the realm of A2 though, the v2.66(6) patch is progressing well, I'm hoping to include at least one 64 player coop mission, ideally a couple more if time allows for it as well as some improvements to battlegrounds that should help with performance. As well as the usual batch of fixes that should improve performance and gameplay overall. We're hoping to get this patch out as soon as possible so we can really focus on helping Gnat get 2.7 implemented and released sometime afterwards. However some plans for 2.7 such as additional units are likely to be cancelled in favour of the A3 development switch but we'll squeeze in as much as is ready and possible so you all have some fun toys to tide you over with :D
  16. The primary LOD is all ready to go but we haven't yet had time to LOD it, or config it into Animosity's armor system. I imagine it will slip in at somepoint but can't be sure when that will be.
  17. I think Tom covered most of those pretty well but here's some official answers. 1. No, there's also missions from the British and German perspective. 2. Lots of places, Gunter has also set up a repository for I44, Hell in the Pacific and Iron Front here http://www.missionrepository.com/ 3. Panzer II, IV D, IV G, V, VI B, VI E, StuG/H, Hetzer, plus many more armored cars and variants. 4. We had over 500 players on about 90 servers according to play with six the other day. There are numberous COOPS and PVP missions included, as well as community produced missions such as Domination, Wasteland and DayZ:I44. So yes, very much alive and growing. There are also many I44 specific groups as well as many A2 groups that actively play I44 as well. http://www.82ndairborne.us/ have well over 100 members active as a pure I44 group.
  18. For reference its: languages[] = {"GER"}; Not a clue, always figured its an ArmA2 thing.
  19. Really couldn't say our languages are set at the base faction level and I'm not sure if the language set can be applied through identities best bet is check the BI wiki and other scripting resources. Think you missed the post, I sorted those already they now have AI paths and and positions, have been working fine in tests! It seems impossible to get the AI to work on terrain placed trench objects though, despite navigating them fine with waypoints as placed mission items. The ArmA2 engine just wasn't designed for that kind of detailed navigation so we'll just have to work with what we have.
  20. Look forward to seeing them! Good luck, reworking a few missions myself for the new Omaha updates. Which leads me on to these lovely renders from an old member who recently rejoined the team, Boomrang has been hard at work on some new decorations for the map and a new tobruk bunker, screenshots are over on our forums here.
  21. It may interest some of you (and anger many others) to know that a small team have developed an I44 version of DayZ that is now available details and downloads available on our forums here.
  22. There were only issues with the initial release of the beta patch, prior to CBA's update. Since that was released the only issue I'm aware of is that mines don't damage our tanks but otherwise you should be fine with the new beta+new cba. Hope that clears it up for you.
  23. Sorry to say real life decided to get in the way of attending, look forward to next time!
  24. Well I'm not sure what the latest beta steam is running but if it is the latest version then you are using an outdated CBA which is most likely the cause. You can check your build number in the bottom right corner on the main menu title screen. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?103871-CBA-Community-Base-Addons-for-A2-OA-and-CO BTW When you post your RPT file. Please delete your existing RPT first and boot a clean one with the error, otherwise its just a mash of everytime you ran ArmA2 since the last time the file was created (or auto wiped due to size).