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Everything posted by PacUK

  1. I would highly recommend running CBA+I44 only, other mods WILL guaranteed cause conflicts. That window was never designed to be shot out of so yeah most likely doesn't have a hole, very doubtful I will have time to fix that anytime soon so you're stuck with using the tower or ground floor windows.
  2. Posting your entire RPT here is a bit pointless, your RPT builds over every run of your game unless you clear it off, so more than likely if thats you're first time opening it, you've got way more information than is relevant to your crash. I would suggest one of two things: 1. Move/delete the RPT. Run I44 again fresh, and load a neaville mission/map. If it still crashes, then your rpt should be at least a lot cleaner and more directly related to the problem you are having. OR 2. Open the existing RPT, scroll down to the very bottom, then backtrack up to your crash. Looking at your previous posts it seems as if you've had Neaville map running before, so is it the map or missions specificially that are causing your issue? Also if you could provide information on how you've installed as I see from one post you did not want to use Play withSix so it very possible you have a corrupt download, incorrect installation, or other issues related to your download source. Oh also, pastebin is a great choice to paste text files, that way you can link it rather than having to fill messages up here, finally as its a bug if you are able to track the problem to something specific post that info on our Dev-Heaven for reference.
  3. That's why there is a 'search' button, its also detailed in our Documentation PDF, so its well worth taking the time to do some reading. If you haven't bound any key to use action 17 you'll need to do that first, and if it still doesn't work the most likely cause is that you are NOT running CBA which is required for this and many other features to work.
  4. Gnat is overhauling all the planes for the aimed 2.7 release so most issues should be known but you're welcome to add issues on dev-heaven but definitely don't focus on them as a point of feedback as we're largely aware of the problems with them and most will be redundant once we roll Gnat's updates into a release version. Not aware of any changes so I'm guessing its a by design limitation but not being a tank buff can't be certain of that. If anyone does know feel free to let us know (dev-heaven would be a great place to let us know and point to references etc). I don't know the map, and unless it was a part of I44 it makes it very tough to get hold of original authors + source files so I would doubt it would ever be included with the mod. There were some issues with the foliage in earlier versions but I think Mikebart cleared those up for the most part. However foliage is very hard to test in this respect and it also depends on personal graphics settings, some of the newer ones in A2 1.62 make them seem a lot thicker which can really limit the players vision, while AI is only limited by the actual view geometry models which are generally smaller than the foliage item itself. Also the hedgerows are very unlike the classic hedgerows used on the northern part of the Omaha map which acted like walls and are instead single bushes closer together more often (though there are scatted hedgewalls which provide great cover points). Try taking cover behind the more sturdy looking bushes and tree trunks :)
  5. Yeah the EXE's are redundant now and could not be updated for this version, with CBA's core changes its yet another reason we moved all instructions for running the mod via Six, as the old EXE's were just there to support people who had trouble running the correct mod extensions.
  6. I'm not 100% on it but there were some issues with 2.61 that prevented an automated classlist being generated, Homer fixed all/most of those issues now though I believe so it should be do-able. But I don't know how to do it myself so until someone in the know can do it just have to make do for now. For specific units you can always just place them in a mission and check out the .sqm, most of our classnames are pretty straight-forward so you can probably guess them half the time.
  7. Really glad everyone is enjoying Neaville, McNools did a fantastic job and its great that we got to include it with 2.62. Hopefully we can get some more missions out for it soon and I'm looking forward to seeing what the community can come up with on it!
  8. The armour module had some fixes which probably led to this new issue I've noticed it occurring a lot more as well, hopefully we can address it in a future version as theres still a lot to go into the damage and effects on tanks, for now we'll just have to enjoy the fireworks show :D Oh be sure to note issues like the firefly commander over on dev-heaven, its very easy to miss little things like that when testing the whole range of units, thanks for the feedback and glad you're enjoying it! I'm hoping to get some time this week to overhaul a few of the battlegrounds for a small mission pack release to coincide with another public PvP event next weekend, if you have any map specific suggestions for each of the battlegrounds feel free to make your suggestions here or over on our public forums. I think you've got the wrong end of the stick there Titi, as I said before the team does appreciate any efforts made by the community, believe me I've been working on missions for I44 since the ArmA1 release pretty much every day for the past couple of years so understand what it requires to produce them, my hat is off to you for doing domination as it was a conversion I always said we'd needed and a lot of people have made starts on so its great to see it stable and working on servers. While we'd love to have an I44 map the size of Chernarus for a direct port of your I44 setup, we just don't have the time or resources to produce them at this stage. I'm not a huge player of domination anymore, after playing it far too much when A2 came out. I know its very popular on public servers and have always pushed for it or a variation of it on our own maps. Your work really isn't the issue at all, some players are just very familiar and tired of Chernarus Domination, when there are a whole selection of brand new maps and mission modes available for use which aren't being seen. Ideally you'd take what you have learnt modifying domination and come help us build our own game-type so we can get the best of both worlds. So if you're interested we are always looking for more mission makers ;) Seriously though no one is questioning the effort you've put in, and as the 30 odd players on the 82nd server are proof of its very popular so cheers again for the support.
  9. The only reliable place I know to get an up-to-date CBA now is through Six, thats part of the reason we are pushing our release through there. Sorry you couldn't get in, thanks to everyone who did come along (and those that tried) had a blast playing PVP all evening, and got some great ideas to improve the battlegrounds mission sets further, hopefully I'll have an updated set (and perhaps a couple more) ready for next weekend, and if possible we'll hold another public event so everyone can pile in and have some fun! Cheers again everyone! Titi don't take it the wrong way, we do appreciate any missions made for I44, its just as you've said you've spent 3 months developing the domination version, some members of I44 have been working for over 10 years on various incarnations, so its a shame when the most active server running the mod isn't running the mod's maps. Domination is always a great draw for public servers and as we've all agreed anything that gets people playing the mod is fantastic so thanks for your support! Loving the sound of the map Raptor, feel free to poke me again if I'm quiet, its been a busy week with release so a little hard to keep track of things just now should settle this week though!
  10. We're considering developing our own tweaks (which TPW and co may or may not be interested in) which would become pretty core to the I44 mod version if we ever do proceed with it, and so implemented through modules (or more likely modules to deactive content) which could be easily enabled or disabled per mission. Until then we'll most likely stick with the script versions on new/updated missions then players/server admins can easily add or remove them as they like, or use addon versions etc. Keeping content like this up-to-date is always an issue when implementing it directly into the mod itself when its not "final" so its not something we'll rush into don't worry. The G43 iron sight is a little tight on the V against the far sight I expect that will change when someone has some time and a decent sight reference (links/pics welcome) to do so. The FG42 model is being replaced completely with a new model by Macolik that Yac has been working on texturing. Hope to have some screens of that out in a few days. The only thing I think this could be is the core conversation system, we deactivate it on our missions generally as its not something we make use of, so its possible that wasn't enabled on the Brits, I seem to recall we did look into it when we were sorting the German radio set but I don't recall ever figuring out how to enable it. For missions you can try adding the following to see if it fixes the issue: player setVariable ["BIS_noCoreConversations", true];
  11. I totally agree Titi, but once the servers are active with 20-30 players on domination, there should be some semblance of teamplay going which would happily lead into some of our stock missions, then as the player numbers grow you can easily move onto the large team versus team missions. Its just when you've poured this many hours/days/weeks/months/years into the modification, to see it played on Chernarus it doesn't really get the full scale of the mod across to new players, who are seeing a couple of new units on the same old map on the same mission they played with ArmA2. It would just be nice to see once servers are populated, to branch out beyond tried and tested and make use of some of the real content we put a lot of effort into :)
  12. Thanks to those that popped on to play Omaha Battlegrounds, I think we now have it a bit more balanced so hope to have a new verison of that mission out this weekend, I highly encourage clans running servers to give the PvP a try its a great balance of instant action as well as teamwork, you can also play with AI who while not great will help fill out the server until players join in. Guy is currently working on a new K98k model to replace the now very old one we are using, so part of that will be overhauling the optics I'm sure. Just a matter of time and having reference material for the various scopes. We'd hoped to have it for 2.62 but it wasn't ready so should be included in our next release. I too would really like to see more active servers running the maps and missions from the mod as while Domination is reasonably fun experience for public servers to populate a server, but once populated try switching to some of the content we've actually produced for the mod, its very disheartening to have made over 40 missions for the mod on several custom maps only to see Chernarus Domination being the most active game type. Most of the COOPS and TVTs are designed for drop in and out play with or without AI support to fill out the numbers so its a real shame to see these missions unplayed. There were no changes to the Flak's classname that I'm aware of and haven't had issues with anything here that I would expect if we had changed something I've forgotten about. I think it should be: I44_GunAA_G_FlaK38_WL
  13. Hoping to see some Battlegrounds PVP going on this weekend, I'm going to be testing a new version of Capture and Hold Battleground: Omaha this weekend which should hopefully address some balance issues on that mission, feel free to come help out on the Kelly's Heroes server!
  14. Works phenomenally well, we had intended to hardcode it into I44 but as its still very early days we've only implemented it on the script level (LOS as well) in the new / updated missions included with 2.62. Highly recommend using them with I44 it really fits with the gameplay. Hopefully come time for our next release we'll have a more final version to include to save the hassle of scripts, as well as making more accurate use of weapons (currently we haven't implemented any non-suppressing weapons etc).
  15. Download Play withSix and let it install it correctly for you...
  16. I've just re-checked this now and have no problem, the Brits use the BAF voices pack (I don't own BAF and it uses BAF_Lite voices just fine) so I'm guessing its a problem with your ArmA2: Combined Operations installation. We highly encourage the use of Play withSix as its more than likely going to be the main source for our updates in the future at least for initial releases as it cuts down a lot of the work that is required of us to publish these releases, when you consider the files were ready over a week before release, that final week was purely setting up the various file releases, testing them, uploading them, only to have to download them, reinstall and test all over again to ensure the filehosts were stable enough for mirrors to then download from them. Plus creating installation documentation (which is often ignored or doesn't exactly match players different install setups) is another huge time sink, whereas Play withSix enables a much more straightforward set of instructions for all installs to be setup and followed much more easily. Our website will continue to push Play withSix as the preferred download method. On a final note, the issue with the SMLE No.4 Bayonet, if you do accidentally attach the bugged bayonet, you can go to your gear screen and double click your primary weapon to drop it, this will drop the ghost K98k that is created and restore your SMLE No.4, hopefully this bug will be eliminated at some point unfortunately it appeared post-release and I have no clue as to the cause, while Mac who made the system is away there's not much that can be done just yet. It should however be an easy fix, but publishing said fix anywhere but Six is yet another problem with seperate archive releases, so yet another reason you should make the switch to PwS.
  17. 2.62 ;) and no that trial was done on one tank, and the changes it requires mean all tanks need to have it implemented which there wasn't time for with 2.62 so its planned as a 2.63 feature.
  18. For those that prefer a manual install the update from 2.61 > 2.62 archive version is now available via ModDB.
  19. You can patch existing installs with Play withSix until the 7z archive is made available, takes some time to get it onto a public file host though I'm afraid. There was another Panther Snorri textured that we had to hold back for now due to some config issues we didn't have time to fix, its a real beauty though, glad you're enjoying the release. Fingers crossed we can get round t o 2.63 content before the A3 community alpha steals everyones attention! Be sure to make a post on our public forums to advertise it, I know players are always looking for populated servers to play on. I'm hoping to see some TvT servers up by the weekend (Battlegrounds on Neaville is a blast even just with AI :D ). Always... The HUD is a known issue, fixable just no one able to fix it just yet. The ranging stuff depends on the vehicle you're in as each one has its own setup so it would help to know which tank you're having issues with exactly. It depends if you have our wounding system enabled as well so I'm not 100% sure on how you've got it setup. But they aren't intended to be used together. Thanks to everyone for your feedback so far hope you all continue to enjoy the mod please remember to post any bugs you have over on Dev-Heaven (see page 1 for the link) so we can address them easily in future updates, cheers again!
  20. Ancient bug related to certain ATI cards/chipsets/drivers, if you disable default AA and just use the new FXAA or alternative AA methods it should fix your issue, until we can figure out what causes it (few/none of the devs have had the issue so its very hard to track down).
  21. 2.62 is a patch, it requires 2.60 patched to 2.61 already. This is why we are pushing for Play withSix as the main source of downloads as it avoids patch confusion by keeping you up to date and making it much easier to get fixes out without people having to track forum threads of news releases for the latest versions. Not actually a bug, just a unit we were meant to hide from the editor list, its for the campaign system Macolik has been toying with, allowing users to customise their appearance, so it appears invisible when nothings set on. t6mmy4XSLFY
  22. I don't believe so, you can update your existing install with Play withSix though, just be sure to point it to the right place (see above^).
  23. No you can always use the old directory if you click the ArmA2 settings tab, and use the 'Mods Installation Path (advanced)' option to direct them elsewhere, documents is just the recommended place by BI which I think passed most people by (I definitely wasn't aware of it myself, thanks Six for pointing it out lol).
  24. Thanks guys, fingers crossed everything went smoothly, cheers again to everyone else involved in producing, testing and distributing the mod, now it must be time for some sleep!
  25. Patch 2.62 Changelog 2.62 ============== - New: Panzerfaust 60 and 30 models by Kraetzer - New: panzerfaust sound - New: Backblast smoke from AT launchers - New: British winter infantry - New: Panther G model with various additions to crew anims, random appearence etc. - New: Improved melee scripts, attaching bayonet automatically engages bayonet charge mode now (Shift+1/2 no longer required) - New: Tank interior sounds - New: PanzerII model - New: Flying debris on explosions - New: Sounds overhaul for vehicles, weapons, explosions and sonic cracks - New: Main menu appearance and loading screen - New: Neaville map by McNools - New: Merderet_V2 map with various improvements, new locations and fixes - New: Lee Enfield rifle model replaced (credits: BI) - New: Luftwaffe Pilots by Yac - New: Tank HUD - Added: M1 Garand, Carbines, and M1919A4/6 updated models and textures by Yac - Added: New M1A1 Thompson model by Babylonjoke - Added: New G43 model by Macolik and Yac - Added: New PzIV_D model by Vex_Man and Macolik - Added: swapped out colt model with BI's colt - Added: Machinegunner M1919A6's to all US Airborne factions - Added: Multiple sights to Thompson, M1 Garand+M7 Grenade launcher, SMLE No. 4 scoped, press optics key (/ on Numpad by default) to switch optics - Fixed: multiple ground parachute models in mp - Fixed: fixed NVG skeleton selection (glasses position) on Airborne units. - Fixed: ViewLOD on german camo infantry (head was visible) - Fixed: Errors in churchill geo LOD - Fixed: Tracks not moving on winter Tiger VI (porsche) - Fixed: Various improvements to weapon resting scripts made - Fixed: Weapon resting in vehicles - Fixed: weapon rest icon sticking on after death - Fixed: modified merderet winter intro in hopes of preventing "man inside of man" bug - Fixed: Tank cannon smoke overhauled - Fixed: M4 Shermans suspension fixed - Fixed: M4 Sherman slightly corrected geometry lod - Fixed: New sight for Sherman periscopes (all positions except for gunner). - Fixed: Cleaned up cromwell/churchill gun sight - Fixed: wheat clutter object - Fixed: merderet_V1 uv error fixed, wheat fixed, texture mask improved. (v1 and v2) - Fixed: merderet_winter texture mask improved, floating building & uv error fixed, - Fixed: I44_man_g_winter fixed proxy positions (iron sights now work correctly) - Fixed: corrected engineer base classes (wrong model) - Fixed: added 250rnd mags for mg42, 30cal, vickers to crates, all faction backpacks rebalanced - Fixed: lee-enfield bayonet not attachable - Fixed: PzKpfwIV_G - corrected Fire Geometry - Fixed: radio backpacks (now carry primary ammo + grenades) - Fixed: all backpack contents overhauled - Fixed: fixed FTHUD for both merderet_v1 and _v2 - Fixed: several issues with Armor module corrected Missions: ========= The following new and updated missions make use of the TPWC AI Suppression and LOS scripts by TPW && -Coulum- && fabrizio_T && Ollem (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136304-TPWC-AI-suppression-system). New Single Player Missions: ---------------------------- Neaville: -Path to Neaville parts 1, 2, and 3 by McNools -Meatgrinder by Macolik New Multi-player Missions: -------------------------- Neaville: -Path to Neaville part 1 by McNools -Hill 93 by McNools -Trial By Fire by Pac -Operation Murkz By Murkz Omaha_V2: -Hedgerow by Pac Merderet_Winter: -Bridging the Gap by Pac -Panther Pack by Macolik UPDATED Multi-player Missions: ------------------------------ Omaha_V2: -Brecourt By Pac Merderet_Winter: -The Ambush by Macolik Merderet_V2: -Crossing Pont by Pac (converted from Merderet) Known Issues: ============= - Panzer IV G (S) explodes from small arms fire when Armor Penetration module is NOT placed - Tank HUD only displays correctly in 'Very Small' interface size - Some Armor units not yet 100% compatible/setup for HUD (e.g. Armored Cars) -Download and Installation- Click the button below for instructions on how to download and install Invasion 1944 using Play withSix: Kelly's Heroes have kindly provided us a public server to support the release, feel free to join us for some release-day fun!