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Everything posted by Pulverizer

  1. Pulverizer


    Probably to make driving with a gamepad easier.
  2. Pulverizer

    Will large ships be able to move?

    This thread is about "Will large ships be able to move?", nothing to do with your addon specifically. So how about you move along. Out of the ~100 mentions of "LHD" in this thread, only 2 are made by someone other than you.
  3. No. That wouldn't differentiate it from normal shooting. I think "unaimed shooting" would be a much more descriptive term for example.
  4. No there's no hipfire but it might as well be called that because the unsighted, unsupported, shouldered aiming is superhumanly steady and perfectly aligned and causes zero fatigue of arms etc.
  5. Pulverizer

    AI react to dead bodies

    How about reacting to dead vehicles in minefields? Like when you see 7 tanks tanks immobilized by mines right next to each other, you might consider another route.
  6. Pulverizer

    TacOps Server

    CheckFiles[] doesn't kick on different or missing files, it just prints messages in the chat. It will not differentiate between loaded and unloaded addons, it's just a file check. So if I have the correct addon file in the right folder, but not have it loaded, no error message.
  7. Pulverizer

    Will large ships be able to move?

    Are BIS' ODOL more difficult to unbinarize than an ODOL made by a modder?
  8. Pulverizer

    You are being spied on by Carrier IQ

    I think sensationalism should be a bannable offense here. Such waste of time.
  9. Pulverizer


    Yeah, A3 will most likely be CPU only. That doesn't mean BIS couldn't test how the performance would be with GPU physics. And unless you have more information about their own game than Futuremark, you are wrong about "added particles" being the reason for the slowdown in Shattered Horizon. SH doesn't add anything with GPU PhysX enabled, it simply runs the same stuff on either GPU or CPU. I think Trine is similar, no difference between visuals even though it supports both CPU and GPU PhysX. For many other games, the statement would be somewhat true however.
  10. Did you install WGL 5.1 then 5.12? 5.12 is only an update.
  11. Pulverizer


    Many people experimented with it in SH, but I don't have a clue if BIS has done so with A3. Probably?
  12. Pulverizer


    1. Yes. 2. I don't think so. Using GPU physics for simple rigid bodies and such can actually slow down the performance because a part of the GPU stream processors will not be available for graphics rendering, but are wasted on a task a CPU would be easily capable of. Case in point, Shattered Horizon. The advantage of GPU physics is realized when you have massively parallel physics. Like the stuff you see in Mafia II, Mirror's Edge, Batman and the like with GPU PhysX enabled.
  13. Pulverizer

    Unofficial developer physics demonstration

    Hopefully vehicles will lose grip driving in muddy/grassy/sand slopes now. That would be one pet peeve gone.
  14. Pulverizer

    Unofficial developer physics demonstration

    Finally they implement a proper physics engine, only to make 70 videos about indestructible crates. Pffffff... :p On a related note, not anticipating a very high StC score for Arma3.
  15. Pulverizer

    Helicopter Auto-adjust elevation

    It's disabled when you fly with a joystick. Then you can also loop and roll planes the usual way.
  16. Pulverizer

    Perfect accuracy when firing from the hip

    It's really not that much of a leap from BF3 to Arma2 if you start out playing a BF-like gamemode, such as Berzerk or Project Reality Arma. Especially with a little time. I used to primarily play Quake pvp. Flash forward a few years and I might be playing OFP co-op for a whole weekend non-stop :rolleyes:
  17. Pulverizer

    Perfect accuracy when firing from the hip

    They do realize it. Hell, it's their primary objective. To not have silly COD and BF kids enjoying their OMG-SO-HARDCORE military simulation, can't have that. It's called elitism. The unsighted sharpshooting needs to go, though. No one could hold a rifle shouldered so steady for 3 hours straight and have the accuracy of an expert marksman without looking down sights.
  18. Pulverizer

    ww1 bayonette fight

    The bayonets probably use a magazine too, so first find what "ammo" the bayonet use, like hint format["%1",magazines this] on one soldier's init line outputs ["RifleMag", "Nade", "BayoMag"] or whatever. Then make trigger covering everybody, activation by anybody condition: call{remMags={{_this removemagazine _x}forEach(magazines _this-["BayoMag"])}; true} onActivation: {_x call remMags} forEach thislist
  19. Pulverizer

    Unigine engine! Valley demo

    At least the engine is capable of making use of modern PC hardware. I get 25.4 fps average on Core i7 950, 12GB DDR3 and a GTX480: http://pulverizer.pp.fi/temp/unigine_heaven.jpg So you may zip it with "Designed for consoles" and all that other nonsense. edit... 22.2fps average on the latest version: http://pulverizer.pp.fi/temp/unigine_heaven_2.5.jpg
  20. Pulverizer

    Unigine engine! Valley demo

    LOL'd :D Unigine is about as advanced as PC DX11 graphical engines get. I quote: Shader Model 5.0 support Hardware tessellation with displacement mapping Screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO) Real-time global illumination Subsurface scattering Try running their old Heaven benchmark on your current PC and see how well that goes on max settings.
  21. Pulverizer

    Unigine engine! Valley demo

    RV also features focal blur you can use for nice-looking camera flights. Only it would be ruined by LOD popping, z-fighting, terrible lighting and atomic glowing cows.
  22. Pulverizer

    Physics for vehicles

    Shit, I guess you are right. I could've sworn that sometimes vehicles got totally scrambled inside out while in other cases they'd just get a little origami-look to them. People always complain. Since when did you care about such people? I think deformations' primary function would be to look funny, and they'd be only more so if implemented in a typically half-assed manner :D Secondary function would be to see when a vehicle has taken some beating of course.
  23. Pulverizer

    Physics for vehicles

    Even OFP managed to keep the state of uniquely deformed and damaged (window damage, invidual tire damage, overal damage) vehicles in memory. It's only a matter of implementation. The deformation could be reduced to dozen vertices that bend the model. That way the damages could be synced in MP really cheap.
  24. How do you figure? Real warfare is extremely imbalanced in video game terms.
  25. Pulverizer

    Stealth Kills?

    Errrr.. no? How about a weapon you select with F and fire with mouse button and/or a key bind like "step over" and "salute". Attaching would be handled the same as scopes etc of course.