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Proud Gamer

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Everything posted by Proud Gamer

  1. Thank you. I was actually in that file poking around earlier but I have no idea how I missed that. Thanks mate ;)
  2. I love this script, and use alot. However, is it just me that can't change the view distance when using this? I did some searching, but it didn't come up with anything useful...
  3. Proud Gamer

    Drivers' AI

    One could only wish for some kind of solution that at least makes tanks, cars, trucks etc in a convoy and in the same group STOP whenever they get too close to each other, and hold their current position for a while instead of trying to back up or do a little circle dance (tanks, that is) It doesn't sound very hard, but I bet it is unfortunately... (WARNING, useless reading ahead) But imagine three tanks in a group. The leader halts, the second tank halts and makes a complete stop and stay there without the circles, for let's say 20 seconds or so before trying to correct it's position. Plus I think that the tanks would be given more of a "feel" being big and heavy rather than ballerinas. I would be in heaven. Wishful thinking is my specialty.
  4. If you have a AI pilot as a gunner, he wont be targeting armored vehicles? Atleast not with Hellfire. Is this a bug or a feature? Is there another way to make him switch to Hellfire instead of the cannon without using "Manual fire"? Sorry if this have been answered, but couldn't find it. (Tried searching but all those questions about fastroping pretty much invaded me) Regards, -PG-
  5. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean files where missing in the game. I was meaning the game was complaining about missing files when I was trying to start the game up. (Arma2 was never started) So I wasn't trying to resume a saved game. Sorry about that. Thanks jasonnoguchi, but something is obviously messed up, so I'm reinstalling the whole game as we speak. A fresh start is always nice ;) And I will make sure I do a proper installation of ACE this time, haha. Edit: Well, works great now. Sorry to bother ACE for this.
  6. About the uninstalling question. The thing is that I was trying to save the ACE modfolders, but deleting " -mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM" line in "target" in order to fire up the game 100% vanilla. It didn't do the trick. When I tried to start up the game it was complaining for missing files. And no, I didn't try to remove the mod folders in my Arma2 directory since I was thinking about have one Arma shortcut with ACE and one without. I also tried deleting the installed mod in Six Updater, web client. But I couldn't figure out how. When I deleted it (both tried deleting the "mods" that you add, and deleting the "whole thing", the whole line in configuration->presents) I tried to execute "Install or Update, Uninstall, Reset" (In Six Updater, Web Client still) and so on but it just didn't work. Nevermind though, I can figure out what the hell is wrong, since no one else seem to experience the same thing. I seriously doubt it have something to do with "the regular Arma2" though. Edit: Well, maybe it was my regular Arma2 anyways. Working like a charm now. Thanks people. Thanks for the support. (No, I don't need any replies)
  7. I seriously doubt there there's no one who knows how to proper uninstall the mod. Sorry for bumping my question, but how do you uninstall ACE? Link on "how to?" Tried a few options like "uninstall, reset" etc but didn't seem to work. This is due to I want to try the latest patch with any mods and ACE keep starting my vanilla version anyway. And no, deleting "-mod=@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX" etc doesn't do the trick. Still starts with the mod. What am I doing wrong? Oh, hand merry christmas A.C.E team!
  8. Question regarding uninstalling Long version: (Warning: Desperate, confusing and slightly boring) I hate to bother you guys with such a simple thing, but, err, how do I uninstall ACE2? The thing is, somehow I f***ed up when I was installing this on my beta version. So I guess I installed it on my vanilla aswell. That wouldnt be a problem, since I'm going to do it anyway later, BUT, I really want to test the new patch with no addons or mods at all first. In "Configuration -> Presets" I've tried to delete the mods and then "Install or Update". Didn't work. I tried "Reset, Uninstall, Blow up, Get a life" didn't work either. I tried to delete the whole line where it says "Vanilla mods: dum dum dum" etc. It's kind of hard to describe. I guess my problem is, I just can't save the settings so that my vanilla game gets, vanilla! (All this is in the webclient) Aaaanyway, I'm not really a good describer, but think like an idiot when you read my reply here, then you just might understand something of it. Short version: Hi. I want to uninstall ACE2. How do I do it? While I'm already here, thanks for a awesome mod. Oh, and yes, I tried to search for something like this, but "Dev-Heaven" isn't really easy on rookies like me...
  9. Proud Gamer

    Patch 1.05 "Announced". Includes AH-64

    Haha, let's hope ;) If that's the case, I'm gladly looking forward to my free evening infront of my computor, swearing about the low download speed I get because my internet sucks. And ofcourse the storm of people trying to download it.
  10. Proud Gamer

    Patch 1.05 "Announced". Includes AH-64

    "... helicopter pilots using terrain better to avoid crashing and vehicle pathfinding and moving in convoys." Well, I hate to be getting my hopes up too much and just get dissapointed in the end but... THANK YOU! I'm also pretty surprised they throw in the AH-64 for us to play with aswell, with Operation Arrowhead just around the corner. But hey, that's what I love with BIS. Thumbs up!
  11. Hello, I have a question regarding helicopters in singleplayer. I tried search for it in this thread but the only thing I found was an unanswered question by Petek "Issue a target" or something like that. Question: When player is a pilot in a helicopter, the co-pilot (gunner) doesn't seem to engage armor. You can issue an target order for the co-pilot, which results in him firing the cannon at the target. How do you make the AI switch to Hellfire without using "Manual Fire" option? Is it possible? If you have a helo which is flown by AI pilots, it engage targets as it is supposed to. Or have I missed something critical? I'm truly sorry if this have been mentioning several times in those 332 pages, but the search function didn't come up with anything good. Best regards
  12. Proud Gamer


    Without the latest 1.03 patch, the modules are located at GameLogic options, in "F1 Units". I strongly recommend that you download patch 1.03 though.
  13. So exactly how many units makes the "Guarded by" trigger satisfied? Is it something like one squad no matter how many units in that squad or a number of units or what? Regards, -PG-
  14. I just want to give a big thanks to all of the people posting all this, since I have some kind of crush to convoys. Does anyone know if this is something that BIS is working on, or something we just need to lern live with? I guess not, but worth a shot. Helo's have always been having the same problem in all of the games flying together as a group, but I can live with that. But now when even vehicles have the problem too I get worried. If you watch a group of soldiers walking in safe they do the exactly same thing, stops to adjust their position. But because they are just walking it's something that happens quite fast and not that visible.
  15. Proud Gamer

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    One question though, anyone else that have got really annoyed considering the ai pathfinding in cars/armor when in the same group? I am mostly talking about driving in a convoy, on the road (and in safe mode for armor) Arma1 had the same problem in early stages, but got mostly solved somehow in a patch, although the armor was still running all over the place if they were trying to keep a column formation on the road. Now, cars does the exactly same thing. If you stick three cars together in a group followed by a waypoint, they keep driving off the road, stop, trying to get back into formation, and again making a hard right/left to the ditch. (Just like if they were trying not to kill innocent bunny's running across) I guess it's because they get too close to their leader sometimes so they need to make a quick stop? And sometimes, well, I guess they just really must love to drive offroad? Is there anything you could do (in editor) to prevent this, or is it a bug that you just need to live with? And is it planned to be fixed? Anyone knows? And another thing that really really makes me worried is the fact that in the v1.02 changelog you find "Version Highlights: Improved AI driving skills". Well, yes maybe, if they are alone? Regards, -PG-
  16. Proud Gamer

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    Thank you. Although I hate to do that on every single unit every single time (addMagazine, addWeapon) I'm trying to create something, which is pretty much always and the reason I play Armed Assault. (And no, I don't know anything about scripting. Getpos this and setpos that, set to "0" here and go for "1" there. Um... Did I just create a flying cat? Nah...) But I can totally accept that anyways. The textures are pretty neat by my opinion. Thanks for the patch. Haven't noticed anything critical yet. Regards, -PG-
  17. Proud Gamer

    SLX MOD public release

    Anyways it's a great mod makes it even more fantastic that it's made by one person, if you do not count in the beta testers that is. Question: I don't know much about mods and what you are allowed to do and not to do. I love the mod, I really do, but I'm not very happy about the movement. Is it possible at all, or even "allowed" to try to change that in the config or whatever? Maybe it is, but I'll guess there is no way that you can learn about it from here. Maybe too complicated aswell. Anyways, thanks for a wonderful mod. (Sorry for my whining. I guess it's a "get use to" thing. But IF it is changeable, I would like to change it) Regards, -PG-
  18. Proud Gamer

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    Err, well, two woodland units? (Medic, Rifleman) Or what am I doing wrong?
  19. Proud Gamer

    Land Rover Defender 110

    Hello. I didn't find anything about it here but is it bug that the defenders without any armory are kind of, jumping up and down? Like if the tires wasn't placed correctly or something, I don't know. Like driving on waves... If you put the car on a stretch of road, and just drive it forward, I get the problem. It's not that visible when you're driving offroad though since the car will be jumping anyway... Sorry if this was already brought up. Kind of disturbing. Besides that, GREAT unit. Regards, -PG-
  20. Proud Gamer

    SLX MOD public release

    Hello. I do really love alot of functions in this mod, but as said above, I would like to change/disable a few things, and my question is if it's possible at all? One thing is that's disturbing me is that I can't run "with my buddies". I mean, when they run as they usually do (not aiming weapon/walking) I can't really follow em'. I've got to choose from being just a little bit slower (aiming weapon while moving/running slowly) or run prone, like if I was taking fire. OR, doubletap "W" to sprint and run faster. I still want to be able to run the regular vanilla running animation. Or maybe you already are but I missed it? Also, in future, I might want to make units just slightly slower. I'm talking about going prone, "walkrun" and so on. Sorry for the bad english but I seriously have no idea what the "Walking with weapon raised" is called. Regards, -PG-
  21. ** NEW BUG? ** Hello. Fist off, I've tried to use the "Search" button already but without finding what I'm searching for. So if this has already been posted before, I'm sorry. Is it just me experiencing trouble when trying to do a simple thing as getting a whole basic squad (9 units) to move, in safe behaviour? The problem is that when trying to do this, usually ONE unit just simply stops and wont move, which of course makes all units behind that guy to stop as well, when the leader is still moving away followed by the others in front of this guy who stopped. Is this some kind of problem I have probably got somewhere else? (Downloaded material etc etc.) or somebody else is having this too? It really start to get on my nerves though, since I can't make a team move in safe mode and as a column anywhere. This doesn't seem to matter weather it's in a plain area with no bushes or whatever, or in the forest with loads of objects in the way. And it happens quite randomly, sometimes almost immediately from start, and sometimes after a few minutes. Well, somebody always stops at some point anyway. Any ideas? Sorry if this was posted in the wrong forum but this one seemed to be the right one. And no, this has nothing to do with scripts or anything, just one squad, one waypoint (or several, doesn't seem to matter) and in safe mode. Thank you for any help, and if this isn't something that is supposed to be a bug, well, then I don't really know where from it came and a reinstall is probably the only way. Regards, -PG-
  22. Thank you for the tip. Much appreciated. And well, maybe this was a problem in the last patch as well, but I actually have no idea. I tried it a few times though and it didn't seem to be a problem. But anyway, with 1.8, it seem to begin almost right away. Regards, -PG-
  23. Well, nice to see that there's a bug report done now. So hopefully, this will be fixed in upcoming patches. Finally. This bug is driving me crazy and I thought my PC was messing with me. Regards, -PG-
  24. Ehm, yes, this got to be a problem that was born in 1.08. Since I reinstalled the game, I tried it with 1.04 and 105 as well. Then I had no problem at all with having a squad moving to a WP in safe. Nobody seemed to stop anywhere. Now, when I've installed 1.08 again, I get the problem. I've got no downloaded material at all, no skins no nothing. So this, yes, got to be a bug. I'm kind of curious though why I can't find anything about it on the forums. Is it just me who are trying to get a squad move in safe behaviour from point A to point B? I don't think so. And I have no clue of this was introduced when fixing the prone issue in 1.08. Either that, or, maybe when trying to fix cars etc not running off the road when driving in the same squad? Since this seem to have effected the soldiers walking too. If you have them walking on just ground, they will walk like a compact column more or less, but when they get on the road, they'll wait and get a bigger gap between eachother. I don't know, but it seem to me like the soldier who do the stop, are waiting to get the distance it's supposed to to the guy in front of it. But as you said, however it stops for no apparent reason. Some more people better try this, before reporting this as a bug I guess. Regards, -PG-
  25. Thanks for your help. And yes, I was experiencing that but too when I first got the game though. But this is something else. I'll try to get rid of everything that's been downloaded (skins, mods, etc) and reinstall the game now. If I'm still having this problem, I will at least make a little film of what it is about. A demo mission is not necessary, I can ensure you, because all you need to do is to set a squad out, a waypoint anywhere and have em' all on safe. And somebody will stop for me sooner or later. Thanks fasad for the help anyway, and for searching up that link as well Regards, -PG-