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Everything posted by pathetic_berserker

  1. pathetic_berserker

    HELP Gtx690 :(

    Ultra settings is your problem. And detailed description of all your settings would help even more. Having a top notch graphics card doesn't = putting sliders to max on all games and being satisfied. This isn't some consloe port, its a PC only title and is scalable as only PC titles can be, not to mention the series has a long and proud tradition of pushing hardware years past its release date. A2 will still beat your card if go overboard with view distance. So expect some improvements but don't expect to max out sliders anytime soon if ever. They have to leave something for the twin Titans to gloat about. From my observations so far SLI is working both cores well. There are also some things you probably need to understand about what your settings are doing, for instance some sliders such as shadow and object detail will drop quality in order to push out the draw distance making them 'sliders to taste' not 'slidders to more shiny stuff" I'll post up my settings (GTX690 on tripplehead) a bit later when I'm home so you can compare, you may not agree with all due to taste but it will give you something to work with. But for starters drop textures to standard (remember you've only got 2G ram to use) and post process to low. Edit: double checked SLI performance using nvidia inspector and both cores seemed to be working to thier full potential
  2. Yeah MP seems to be a real kicker. I was happily getting over 40fps cruzin' in the central town in the editor but throw in a team death match and i was down to 16fps at times and struggling to go over 25.
  3. pathetic_berserker

    Unable to wear enemy uniform?

    I understand BIS not wanting in thier released missions and campaigns but it would be nice to see it as a fuction to be switched on or off. Geneva convention or no, its not like our entertainment media isn't already swamped with examples of secret squirel uniform swapping.
  4. I imagine all those that have been calling for greater thread optimization seeing this thread. And their heads exploding. hahahahaha
  5. ^^ Seen this observation else where. May-be a good idea to find a high spot that sees lets you focus on a scene that is 3.5 ks away a decide how much you can percieve that would be relevant
  6. Honestly when I look at the first post, the last image still looks the most natural. Busy doesn't equal real.
  7. pathetic_berserker

    Sabotaging Vehicles

    Explosive placement is not scripted, there are spots you can place them on the boats when standing at the waters edge. See above post for tracker issue. Sabotage in the mission is a different action that is scripted.
  8. Point 2 struck me as being possibly deliberate because of when it seems to work and when it doesn't (seems related to roll rate and position) . At any rate I dont like it much either and silencing people during an Alpha kind of defeats the purpose. Point 2 issue raised here http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=799.
  9. pathetic_berserker

    Arma 3 first impressions

    If you feel strongly about it, vote it up http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=799
  10. pathetic_berserker

    Eyfinity/triple-screen setup support

    Also would be nice to see the HUD have a little wiggle room for bezel adgusted resolutions. I know that everyone could be different in this regard but allowing people to go say from 5760 to 5960 would help a few. ;)
  11. pathetic_berserker

    Dual Graphics

    SLI is supported
  12. pathetic_berserker

    Arma 3 first impressions

    Pros. Generally looks great. Anims feel quite fluid Feels like an ArmA game. Ragdoll is good Driving with PhysX is awsome (with some conditions) From an Inf Sim stand point , its the ducks nuts. Cons Death behind the wheel is too easy. Died crashing the offroad into a cyclone fence. Vehicle crashes are too explosive (secondary explosions on quad bikes is rediculous) Some sounds seem out of place, ie skidding on dirt sounds like skidding on road Why can I place a backpack on the ground in editor if I cant pick it up and put it on my back, don't like the disconect. When swimming under boat there appears the choice to enter any crew position, yet demolitions diver cannot apply explosive charges unless standing on land And the one that for some reason really pissed me off, probably because its obviously NOT a bug. Auto vehicle flip is an imersion breaker!.Try this little experiment, drive the Galkin as fast as you can in a straight line then pull the tightest turn possible. I've found that even if I can get it to roll on its side it eases itself back onto 4 wheels. The Hunter does the same thing but is more stable so I used the mounds at the airbase for assistance. I understand this is just a quick path to the flip vehicle function but it interupts and breaks a well functioning simulation, I mean why incorporate PhysX if your going to remove the realism? And removes the choice. If its included it should be at the very least a yes/no in the difficulty settings. In fact with the way driving is I'd prefer not to see it at all. Driving to me feels good, if I'm fooling about enough to roll my vehicle I should be reminded there are consequences. Dumbing down vehicle simulation doesn't make infantry simulation better.
  13. pathetic_berserker

    Arma 3 Performance vs. Arma 2

  14. pathetic_berserker

    Official statement regarding accessibility?

    Well they did say that ArmA 3 will lose none of the functionality of A2 so I supose in broad strokes there is nothing to worry about. What we will have to watch is the little differences. ArmA is a complex beast and there would be many small tweaks that could be made that when combined change the overal nature of the game. Are they polishing the joints to make the engine more flexible and powerfull? Polishing the UI and graphics to make it easier to navigate? Or what some fear, polishing out sim like elements to make the game more casual? There is a lack of detail presently about gameplay, particularly with regard to vehicles, that still leaves the last option open, unfortunately. And we still have to pay for the privilage to find out.
  15. pathetic_berserker

    Eyfinity/triple-screen setup support

    55? You mean 5? I thought the default was 3, I have left the vertical alone and changed my horizontal to 4, 5 is Ok I guess but beyond that it starts to push the middle distance out a bit. Interesting to know it is a function supported by VBS.
  16. pathetic_berserker

    Eyfinity/triple-screen setup support

    A tripple head setup like that should be available in all games. Since having suround vision I have wondered more than once why I bothered as the ugly streching is well....ugly.
  17. pathetic_berserker

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Sry need more orange in your yellow and teal in your blue :p
  18. pathetic_berserker

    Arma 3 plans for 2013

  19. pathetic_berserker

    Arma 3 Performance vs. Arma 2

    Another angle that is often overlooked, ArmA 3 is on newer tech than A2, and the ArmA franchise has always allowed for a scaleablility that will see it push systems 2, 3 years or more after release. So getting a comparable visual quality to high visuals in A2 may mean having medium settings in A3. And if your a slider goon then you may be disapointed your extreme gaming machine cant cope with every thing maxed out. (though if your on tripple head you probably can't max out sliders in A2 yet!)
  20. pathetic_berserker

    Can play MP with Alpha Lite?

    I think BIS is going the rightway aswell. The alpha lite willbe enough for a good taste and if you like it paying $33 USD knowing you'll get the full game has to be considered a good buy. Of course there are other avenues but claiming you NEED more than this smacks of the entitlement generation.
  21. take my clothes off and go swiming
  22. pathetic_berserker

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    What would kill steam short of a massive law suit or the zompocalypse?
  23. pathetic_berserker

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Actually they're pretty good. The down side being we get two EULAs via steam. The Steam version then an Austrailan specific version. And I hate to say it but I've never read it. I don't forsee having any issues, I've only ever had to return 3 games in 30 years and they were all physical copies. And given most of the steam games I've got so far are bargin binners I havnt seen it worth my time.
  24. pathetic_berserker

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Maybe but in this case you seem to be complaining about rights that by contract havn't been granted in the first place. Really I cant see how the EULA is all that much different from 99% of any EULA written for a game in the last 20 years. Anyone read 'by opening the case, reading the manual or installing the game you agree to the EULA' ? ---------- Post added at 12:50 ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 ---------- If there is only one version these discepencies are less likely. No?
  25. pathetic_berserker

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Nice one but by the same token arguments worring about the Steam EULA are a bit like saying there should be a 'can't ever get hit by bus button' that you can hit at birth to be covered infanitum. The universe simply doesnt work that way. Steam has to cover its ass in some fashion If your have the forsight to read the EULA then you have the forsight to read and learn how to use steam. Other than being a victim of some random criminal act all you have to do is not do anything stupid (As you would when crossing the road) and you can do away with the tin foil hat. OMG I think this thread is bring out the pro-Steam'r in me.