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Everything posted by pathetic_berserker

  1. Ducks fkn' nuts! Hats off to you Minimalaco that is looking awsome.
  2. pathetic_berserker

    Take On Mars - New BIS Game

    ^^ a whole 15 mins with the dev himself, reveals this game goes a bit deeper than I thought originaly, also love the little touch at the end regarding dynamic destruction and modding.
  3. pathetic_berserker

    SOF Studios and their game, H-Hour

    Kickstarter has kicked off, http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1687497632/h-hour-worlds-elite-0 Don't really know but might drop 20-25 $ on it for sentimental reasons.
  4. pathetic_berserker

    E3 2013 - General Thoughts

    Its been years since I've owned a console, and I've been thinking as my kids get older its about time. After today its definitely going to be a PS4. And the games this year have been pretty impressive, it feels like its been a long time since there has been this much to be excited about, MGS5, TITANFALL, Witcher 3, The Division, look like must haves already and there's still heaps to keep an eye on, Destiny, Watcher, Ryse. Really loved Forza on the xbone, but there appears to be a pretty cool line up of race games on the PS4, so I think I'll cope. Another thing PS4 has me sold on is the cloud access to PS3 games, and of course this. Oh and as an Aussie I'm also looking forward to seeing more about Mad Max
  5. pathetic_berserker

    Company of Heroes 2

    Haven't bothered looking into any of the official info but Nvidia Inspector is showing both GPUs on my 690 to be working equally and the game runs fine but I hadn't actually monitored it till I saw this thread and it did patch itself today, so maybe they fixed some stuff. My biggest gripe with this game is that, as a regular member of a group that still plays COH1 with Eastern Front on a regular basis, there is nothing about the game that feels like a marked improvement over the first. Particular nothing that will convince me to drop $80AU on it. Lucky I got into the free beta period when I did.
  6. pathetic_berserker

    Mi24-A, Krokodil

    Thanks Foxhound
  7. pathetic_berserker

    Mi24-A, Krokodil

    Ok v_03 has been uploaded, link on front page. Apologies to anyone who enjoyed its twitchy liveliness, but it was just to difficult to fly effectively for those using the default keyboard setup. It now has a smoother, less reactive flight model, improved AI detection, and improved armour. Let me know what you think
  8. pathetic_berserker

    ARMA 3 on consoles

    http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/7417-Next-Gen-Buyers-Guide Gald someone has already said it all for me. I actually had OFP Elite on the ol' xbox. and quite enjoyed playing through the game for the 3rd or 4th time. The MP sucked a bit, and there were lots of complaints about complexity, might have been a regional thing.
  9. pathetic_berserker

    They better have female soldiers...

    Yes, just yes.
  10. pathetic_berserker

    FLAY Archery Fetish Mod (wip)

    This and your vids is pleasing to see. Excellent work, I have a 65lb long bow and a Hungarian style recurve myself, and missing out on an event this weekend :(. Now there may be a more convenient way of getting a fix,... kind of.
  11. pathetic_berserker

    They better have female soldiers...

    Odd as I would have thought that the reality would provide less room to dicuss, as they say a fact is a fact. What we are actually seeing in this thread is people complaining/or not, about the reality in some services and not differentiating between what is, and thier desire to delete or change what is, or even being able to let go of reality a bit and allow a discussion about a game. And of course thier aguments require them to have a basis in reality, ie how many females have been to freefall and combat dive school, as if ArmA is limited to playing as the small percentage of elites coz they're the only ones who kill with a legitimate cool factor. Way I see it by getting over this relatively simple hurdle (yes its work I know) ArmA suddenly opens up vast mission and story possibilities, not just at militaristic levels but also in terms of paramilitary, resistance and policing. Areas wich in the past and now can be as tough, grueling, and dangerous as any action we could simulate with the current military assets. It opens doors for modders and mission makers and I dont get any argument that goes against that because to do so isn't fun.
  12. pathetic_berserker

    Sniper bullets have unrealistically low aerodynamic drag

    In summary, if the community sees it as a bug its not balanced
  13. pathetic_berserker

    They better have female soldiers...

    I didn't think you were much against females in game, but I suppose it appears directional when you quote someone, must watch that in future. I was just drawing out the subject of getting such stuff in game and what it could possibly mean to the game. Plenty of folk have used the 'extra work' augment but I'd say few really understood what they were saying, unlike yourself, and were just spouting it as ammo for their cause.
  14. pathetic_berserker

    They better have female soldiers...

    Yes, but in terms of sales ,how do they know that including fully functioning females doesnt get reflected in sales (not really expecting an answer to this). Remember the extra sales might not just be a few extra females thinking they have been permitted to play with virtual guns, but others looking for game with a broader sense of variety and mission scope. Wich brings me to the next point. It's been a common critique of the series the last few iterations that BIS's stories have sucked since OFP. And as I alluded to in my last post, BIS have been moving away from instilling any confidence that this is going to change for A3. Not to detract from the great work comming through in the A3 alpha but without some core functionality such as usable females or stealing enemy uniforms we are left with the same beefcake jumps in war machine, beefcake smashes shit up missions that have been going round and round for years now, only with A3 we look better doing it. And as for pressing matters, there are always more pressing matters. For some its more toys, for others its mid range textures, and they are all valid but for me its hakers, then game/imersion breakers, then scope and functionality but this is just my opinion and BIS have thier own priorites (stating obvious), and this thread likely isnt one of them. But DLC would be acceptable, so heres to hoping that playable females are at least somewhere on thier list.
  15. pathetic_berserker

    Arma 3 FanArt

    Intagoat! As always your subject matter is a pleasant suprise. MOAR please.
  16. pathetic_berserker

    They better have female soldiers...

    Yeah an I got nothin in my Zompocalypes case to take care o'it neither,..crap Cant help but wonder is there only one possible view on this. We know DayZ is getting fully animated females but where is the tipping piont, is it demographic, or percentage of cost v sales. I'll be postive and say A3 sales will probably be quite healthy. Does that mean the existance of playable female avatars rely solely on who BIS thinks is playing the game. Do they think A3 players are after nothing more than a sophisticated firing range? Do playable rabbits take priority over playable females? Is there something about us, the community that tells BIS not to expose us to too much character or creativity, I'd like to doubt it. Sorry if my little rant sounds a bit cynical here but I think the modding community has proven that the players want and deserve some depth in the core game. Since the initial plot anouncement, you know the one where we were going to play a British SBS soldier fighting a resistance, there have been a few key plot and feature changes that makes me think something at BIS is stuck and the reason we wouldn't see funtioning females in the game has less to do with actual worth and more to do with percieved worth. Just a thought.
  17. pathetic_berserker

    Calling all weapon makers

    Ofcourse, and I'd say that is a good thing, but if they're inclined to let thier 'better' models replace the old in the pack all the better. Great idea Slatts.
  18. pathetic_berserker

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Here's to still hoping we see your idea implemented before full release NordKinchen
  19. pathetic_berserker

    Mi24-A, Krokodil

    Thanks Rock, and Max for setting Metzger28 on the path. He got through and kicked me into gear. I figured since this issue had been a thorn for a few of you I'd take yet another stab at the Alistair Crowley book of rotor vehicles. After 6hrs of tinkering I'm pretty close to an answer. Roll is close to the BIS version, and the yaw is significantly improved though probably not quite on the mark yet. I'll give it till the end of the week to tweak the yaw, and the armour just a little, but either way expect a v_0.3 soon.
  20. Sweet! now if I could just find some time to finish a project and see how it works.
  21. pathetic_berserker

    Terrain Improvement (dev branch)

    Logic maps!
  22. pathetic_berserker

    Skull Balaclava

    Be nice to see this added to your other hats, so can have one hat pack to rule them all!
  23. pathetic_berserker

    Kiory's random hat madness!

    This is just too freakin awsome! Should be mandatory for all servers. Cant wait to see balaclavas, hockey masks and a.... fez!
  24. pathetic_berserker

    [Tip] Great FPS Boost on NVIDIA graphics card

    Bit of a simplistic view. I can find ways to get most good sims to cripple my machine. However most mainstream games have spent loads in development on making sure there isn't too much going on under the hood, for all the appearances its more like comparing apples to oranges. Though it would be nice to know they are making ground on the online issues.
  25. pathetic_berserker

    [Tip] Great FPS Boost on NVIDIA graphics card

    FYI I just locked my high end system (spoiler below) to 30 frames. Wasn't surprised to not see it drop below 30 of course, but it did drop 2-5 degrees off the 690's running temp, and seemed to improve lod/texture switching quite a bit. So the over all perception was actually improved. Also, if you pause your self in a chopper over a forested area and start sliding object detail, terrain detail, shadow distance around you may notice they all effect each other, even eat into each other. Seems arma is in a battle to prioritise these effects while squeezing the most frames out of your GPU at the same time. if the GPUs resources are freed from producing frames (you probably wont notice anyway) it can better render the settings you actually set. Definitely worth a try