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Everything posted by pathetic_berserker

  1. pathetic_berserker

    Is Arma3 still the "Flagship"

    Ohh yeah.
  2. pathetic_berserker

    fix some long standing issues in the series

    Hopefully the new encumberance system will help deter the proliferation of the one-man tank killers. As for single shot launchers, whos to say A3 is getting any?
  3. pathetic_berserker

    Mi24-A, Krokodil

    Your welcome, and I'm glad you like it. Re TOH, its realy more that I don't know where to start. I don't think there has been a single 3rd party chopper released yet specificaly for TOH wich I think indicates a lack of documentation and a diminishing knowledge base amongst the modding community at large. The fact that I could get even my project into A2 is because what little scripting knowledge I have can ride on the shoulders of those that came before me. So it realy comes down to whether BIS takes the time to release some documentation and examples. The RV engine is simply to much to chew for a lone hobbyist. But it's only 'hobby' time that goes towards MODS/addons, therefore I'm predicting that the modding scene will slow to a trickle before to long. Still I'm remaining positive that they will release something to keep the scene alive for A3. So hopefully there will be an A3 re-release, with new filght model, maybe a few geo modeling inaccuracies ironed out. But I think TOH unlikely without a proven config'r to take over.
  4. pathetic_berserker

    C-17A Globemaster III-VX Addons

    ^^lol bending the rules already! Nice model and great to see so much of it working already. Look forward to to finding some more tight places to land this beauty. BTW Australia also uses these, same paint except for the national markings.
  5. pathetic_berserker

    Arma III - Explosion and Tracerbullet effects

    Agreed but I suppose it comes down to scaleability. If they can see a way to incorporate a particle/FX slider then it could work. I think the FX mods we have are quite good, but I don't realy mind the default either, so never felt the improvement was quite worth the performance hit. Having to balance performance, with reality, and peoples tastes means it realy needs to be adgustable.
  6. pathetic_berserker

    Arma 3: Confirmed features | info & discussion

    ^^ actualy maturin I think that may be a collision issue, or rather the lack of one. But lol, I thought for a moment they may have been sneeking in dismemberment.
  7. pathetic_berserker

    Advanced DX11 and PHYSX features

    Does PhysX do cloth simulation? ;P
  8. pathetic_berserker

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Good solution, but I don't think mission editor will allow maker to place a unit 10-15mile offshore on a 17X17km map.
  9. pathetic_berserker

    Development Blog & Reveals

    found it..
  10. pathetic_berserker

    Hell in the Pacific MOD

    Coincidently Black Sheep is currently airing again whre I am SE Australia, late Sat night. Looking forward to this seeing this mod.
  11. pathetic_berserker

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    All for it, though I would add that A3 is also very much a sandbox and it is to everyones benifit to cater for as many game modes as possible, esp' if it's as simple as providing 'force for force' as DMarkwick put it. Meaning the game comes with adequate assets to create symetrical, and aysymetrical, missions and campaigns, coop, PvP, TvT, any wich way the mission maker wants it. ~Not sure, asymetrical has always been the way of things if you wanted to use more than infantry. That might work but I still think we all have more to gain with a better asset selection. Asstes are a simpler solution, still a bit of work but simpler, wich also give people more variety in other missions as well. And as a 'sim fan' who would still like some casual play on ArmA, I'd probably rage quit if all the PvP/TvT servers were set to 'balanced'. Still havn't had time to go through all we know and sugest what might be good assets to counter those available but in all honesty its probably not worth doing till we atleast get a look at the alpha.
  12. pathetic_berserker

    Is Arma3 still the "Flagship"

    Actualy I see 2 possible flagships A3, wich most of us would buy based on the features we have seen let alone those that we havn't, will roam the seas of mil sim, alone, but heartly chuckling at mainstream shooters who claim auntheticity and lots of head nodding to heroic cheese. And DayZ will rule the seas of the undead (or just very sick), born of ArmA sized guns and tempt all others to jump ship.
  13. pathetic_berserker

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Yeah and walkers EVERYWHERE.
  14. pathetic_berserker


    Haha, that is way cool. a must.
  15. pathetic_berserker

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Interesting how you empower the mission maker then force him/her to use only infantry to achieve balance. Got it, mission makers are to blame and shouldn't need to request a balanced range of assets to use in either a symetrical or asymetrical scenario.
  16. pathetic_berserker

    Model textures get replaced and lags game.

    Clue may be in using textures, plural. Exactly how many textures are you trying to use.
  17. pathetic_berserker

    Day Z Announced as standalone title.

    Great news. Better to strike while the iron is hot and all that. Have had some great moments playing DayZ but my life style doesn't allow me the time to sit down and play it as it should be played. So my concerns/hopes will still be for A3
  18. pathetic_berserker

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    I had A2 running well on a E6600 dual core and a GTS250 buy setting mostly low and using a few tricks, like using high shadows to move work to the cpu, and locking the frame rate to 30 to give the card some headroom entering challenging sections. Seemed to work Ok. I know A3 is a step up again but the GTS250 is equal or better than the min spec 8800, so you might just get away with it, especialy in MP with a server handling AI and stuff. PS, since the mobo poped the E6600 is now a Q9650 but I still use the GTS250.
  19. pathetic_berserker

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    Sry to hear vilas, what are your specs?
  20. pathetic_berserker

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    Well if by 'fair' and 'balanced' you mean tit for tit. We know thats quite probable. Military development usually works on the philosophy of countering or equaling the opponent. Those areas where Western arms seem further advanced ie, robotics and unmanned vehicles and smarter stuff that goes bang, tend to be counter to the idea of creating tension and having fun in game so would probably be avoided in the type of mission wich hasn't gone all tacticool and spazed out on asymetrical coop leetism. ie whats so wrong with folks wanting some gladitorial TvT on your precious A3. I'll agree there and after raising this point my self (post #345) I went back and took a look at the confirmed features thread and realised I wasn't even sure what side BIS had intendend the assets for! Also clearly a lack of counter assets for the vehicles listed.
  21. pathetic_berserker

    Better useage of 2 or more monitors

    By the same token i dont wrap a map around my head and lose all peripheral vision, and the ability to react to my imediate environment when reading a map. If you'd ever done an orienteering run you'd know that some of us can even read a map and run at the same time (sort of). Honestly neither option is particulaly realistic but if you have to take your eyes off one screen to concentrate on another, thats enough realism for me and the lesser of the two bannanas. Though I still wonder why you'd bother, better to just up the size or scale of the gps and keep all the single monitor and surround vision people happy as well.
  22. pathetic_berserker

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    With the recent price drop by ATI my maybe list is getting more complicated http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/2012/06/22/amd-radeon-7970-3gb-ghz-edition-review/3 With multiple monitors on my wish list this card is looking very nice. But no sooner did I realise that the 680/670 has a contender , I remembered that there maybe a GTX780 based on a GK110 for xmas, especialy now N'vidia is feeling some heat again. Grr.. how much life can I squeeze out of a GTX285! Also spoted an early review on the GTX660ti http://www.tweaktown.com/reviews/4869/nvidia_geforce_gtx_660_ti_2gb_reference_video_card_review/index.html
  23. pathetic_berserker

    Multiplayer Balancing - Will Arma3's MP be balanced?

    ^^ aw come on. It's just about giving mission makers the flexibility to create a larger variety of scenarios. Why force them to make only asymetric missions. Asymetry can be created by other environmental means aswell and there will be no shortage of mission makers willing to equip you with a makarov, and the other guy with the ammo boxes.
  24. pathetic_berserker

    Are you going to upgrade because of ARMA 3?

    Ha, I have a leather swivel recliner elevated to the point my feet don't touch the floor so I still feel like a kid. but the leather has split on the arms. Maybe I should upgrade to a newer one and aviod the cracks pinching my forearm hair
  25. pathetic_berserker

    Steamworks, add it in or not?

    Same efffect if you buy direct from the BIS store (link at top of page) but no middle men, BIS get all the money.