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Posts posted by Panda-PL-

  1. what format do  export it as? program?

    Wings 3D, export as 3ds.

    I tried some comromise approach to the magazine mapping problems...

    I came out with triangular grooves + detailed hipoly surface -> detailed normal map. I must say it looks even better than I expected (even trough as you see it's still the old specular).


    Far more natural.

    Thanks for help mate, appriciated. smile_o.gif

    PS: it's not stanag, HK416 has its own HK steel magazine, they are interchangeable but they are normal bow mags.

    It is oxydised, so it should be black.

    I'll work on making it look like this one:


  2. @panda.

    you can leave geometry open in arma.

    it saves alot of polys.

    Yeah, I know. But when I export it gets closed (and this way I for example have bottoms of picatinny rail details closed). I'll get rid of these manually, since they are unmapped = easy to filter out.

    For now I'm back to modelling to solve the magazine problems.

  3. I take it by rivets you don't mean these:


    I was looking for those rivets for a second smile_o.gif.

    Yeah, I know what you mean, and I'd like to disagree, magazine is seen at flat angle, it would be obvious it's a normal map.

    The mistake is making it sharp-edged, Gonna have to use normal to smooth it up a bit, or make it flat and use normal map only, as you've suggested. So in the end I have to agree with you anyway.

    The problem with specular, as I've said, was specular power in RVMAT.

    It now behaves normally:


    I am working on the specular tooday, reducing a lot of its size.

    I allready gave some wireframes in this thread, but I take it you couldn't seemuch detail.

    Here are some detail closeups and magazine.


    It has triangulated upon export, no worries it's fixed in O2 (quadratulate). But O2 wireframe wouldn't tell you much.

    Oxygen says 7194 faces for everything you see, 4510 without M203 and its accesories.

    Lastly the base texture is flat, minus for slight AO overlay.

  4. I'm struggling with textures for now.

    This is very early version. I know it's overdone on the magazine. this was supposed to be only slightly lighter but got amplified somewhere in the process (prolly I changed the layer order, lol).

    A magazine COULD look like that after years of inattentive using, it's a steel one. However it would simply be replaced before this happens.

    Scratches that loo too thick are also WIP. :/


    I only use Green channel of specular but still the scratches look much darker when not illuminated (even with added scratches to diffuse - this is why the light lines on edges). Is there a way to get rid of this darkening effect of SMDI?




    Edit2: Lowering Specular Power in RVMAT to about 35 solved it, it also made normal map look better.

  5. Sure there is.

    Open up Glass or mirror material and find the place when texture is set to Fresnel Glass or Irradiance.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Stage1





    replace it with a simple texture with alpha channel (use the texture function or make one yourself). Only alpha channel is important.

    Make sure to save as _COA if you use TV2.

    How to adjust the reflection: the small alpha texture you have is only read horizontally.

    The leftmost edge's alpha is the alpha of reflection when face normal is at 90 degree angle. the rightmost row of pixels is the alpha of reflection when the face is being looked straight at.

    So if you for example want the reflection to appear only when you are looking straight at it (opposite to normal manner with glass and Fresnel Glas texture) the alpha will look like that:


    Which is inverse of FresnelGlass texture.

    If you want the reflection to be allways the same (polished steel maybe?) but not 100% opaque - use a texture with constant alpha at value that suits your needs.

  6. arma has a pretty bad way with dealing with normal maps...

    I belive it's rather the way O2 messes up the meshes.

    Sometimes splits edges.

    Sometimes splits them, then merges but makes them soft as a result.

    It's a headache.

    You can try unchecking the extra "options" boxes when importing if you're using 3ds as base format. The geometry will remain split, but less messed up at least.

    It looks georgeous, but the textures suffered a lot. :/ This is ArmA.

    Waiting for the pack. Best AK replacements since RHS. yay.gif

  7. thanks.

    remeber the mag is plastic.

    wear and tear isnt that obvious like on the metal parts.

    its got some scratches tho smile_o.gif

    I did a little photo search to see how this material reflects light...

    Here I spotted some strange variation of surface glossness (last two mags illuminated, wear?):


    But then again these are old magazines, the late ones look much more "even" (although still a little bit shiny).


    I think the side of (your) magazine is on par with lately produced magazines.

    Now I think it's the light added to front and rear of the magazine box that make it look weird (like a pice of worn steel).


    If these are part of real time rendering then it's fine, but on the render they look like a light-grey drawing on diffuse.

  8. If you all did a Syrian cammo pattern on it for my mod's Syrian pack, I'd be jumping up and down like a little kid after drinking too much Kool-Aid.

    From what i understood (and I think I am correct) you will get a full modder kit (Photoshop file for texture+Mlod model) when the final version is out. smile_o.gif

  9. why do you guy's wanne counter a AIM-120 with flares..

    A AIM-120 uses radar to acquire his target its not a heat seaking missile...

    This might be offtopic but I wonder how effective chaff exactly is. In case when you have to illuminatethe jet with radar can you make the ray narrow enough to not illuminate the dropped chaff?

    And cannot you tell a difference between reflection of plane silhuette from chaff cloud just like modern IR seeking missiles can recognise a flare?

  10. And lastly, to correct myself, the F-22 uses the M61A2 and not the M61A1, which means it shoots at a rate of fire of 6600 rounds per minute (110 rounds a second), and thus empties its cannon in 4,36 seconds.

    The problem is ArmA has a limitation of shot/framerate.

    Hence if you match the 4.36 second time you get only a fraction of bullets that should be fired actually fired.

    Hence you either give the gun even less ammunition (lol? It's called "burst" in config for some reason - it deduces few rounds for every fired but multiplies the dammage accordingly - hence you get a 90mm cannon instead of 20mm wink_o.gif ) or input the correct values but the gun fires at 1200-2200 rpm at 20-40 fps and hence ammo lasts for longer.

  11. The flight dynamics are decided by mass distributions and total mass.

    Top speed is decided by mass - the heavier the faster.

    Steering is due to moments of inertia about x/y/z axes.\

    I suspect the Center Of Gravity might have some influence on stability but I might just as well be wrong.

    So what I'm doing is creating a whole new config.cpp file that only inherits from the helicopter class.

    So I created a Turret class, and finally got a gunner in the cockpit.... and actually I can see through the turret but I cannot zoom in or out or even move around.

    Other issue is that it's damn slow.... I don't know why, it takes a lot of time to get good speed but it doesn't run faster than 150.... well actually it does but you have to climb to 200 meters and dive like crazy  confused_o.gif  I think it has something to do with the GEOMETRY LOD with the weights or something, because in the config file I raised max speed to 500 and nothing happened.

    On turret (possibly):


    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class TurretBase {

     body = OtocVez;

     gun = OtocHlaven;

     gunAxis = OsaHlavne;

     gunBeg = usti hlavne;

     gunEnd = konec hlavne;

     minElev = -4;

     maxElev = 20;

     minTurn = -360;

     maxTurn = 360;

     soundServo[] = {Vehicles\gun_elevate,0.031623,1.000000};

     turretAxis = OsaVeze;


    So these are probably missing:



    However this might cause entire turret to turn up/down. So you might need a fake "gun"


    I really have no idea how it works.

    Here is how BI Cobra has its turret defined:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Turrets: Turrets


    class MainTurret: MainTurret


    gunnerAction = AH1Z_Gunner;

    gunnerInAction = AH1Z_Gunner;

    primary = 1;



    memoryPointsGetInGunner= "pos_gunner";

    memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir= "pos_gunner_dir";

    memoryPointGun = "machinegun";

    minElev=-60; maxElev=+10; initElev=0;

    minTurn=-70; maxTurn=+70; initTurn=0;

    gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\air\optika_AH1Z";



    The gun defines are probably inherited from above ( ? ).

    I belive min/max/initFov could be added.

    The full BI configs+ .hpp files are added in released MLODs. Worth checking out. Also the class "Helicopter" since now I really am totally confused with yet another version of rotor definitions:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Helicopter: Air


    type = 2;//VAir

    nameSound = "chopper";

    rotorBig = vrtule_velka;

    rotorBigBlend = vrtule_velka_bl;

    rotorSmall = vrtule_mala;

    rotorSmallBlend = vrtule_mala_bl;



    crewVulnerable = 1;


    getOutAction = GetOutMedium;

    class HitHull {armor=1;material=51;name="NEtrup";visual="trup";passThrough=1;} // disabled points from model

    class HitEngine {armor=0.25;material=51;name="motor";visual="motor";passThrough=1;}

    class HitAvionics {armor=0.15;material=51;name="elektronika";visual="elektronika";passThrough=0;}

    class HitVRotor {armor=0.3;material=51;name="mala vrtule";visual="mala vrtule";passThrough=0;}

    class HitHRotor {armor=0.2;material=51;name="velka vrtule";visual="velka vrtule";passThrough=0;}

    class HitMissiles {armor=0.1;material=51;name="munice";visual="munice";passThrough=1;}

    class HitRGlass {armor=0.1;material=51;name="sklo predni P";visual="sklo predni P";passThrough=0;}

    class HitLGlass {armor=0.1;material=51;name="sklo predni L";visual="sklo predni L";passThrough=0;}

    class ViewPilot: ViewPilot


    initFov=0.8; minFov=0.3; maxFov=1.2;

    initAngleX=10; minAngleX=-45; maxAngleX=+80;

    initAngleY=0; minAngleY=-125; maxAngleY=+125;


    class Turrets


    class MainTurret : NewTurret


    outGunnerMayFire = 1; //Engine assumes helicopter gunner is turned out.

    commanding = -1;

    memoryPointsGetInGunner= "pos gunner";

    memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir= "pos gunner dir";

    memoryPointGun = "machinegun";

    memoryPointGunnerOptics= "gunnerview";

    selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";

    castGunnerShadow = 1;

    viewGunnerShadow = 1;

    gunnerAction = AH1Z_Gunner;

    gunnerInAction = AH1Z_Gunner;


    gunnerForceOptics = 0;

    class HitTurret {armor=0.2;material=51;name="vez";visual="vez";passThrough=0;};

    class HitGun {armor=0.2;material=51;name="zbran";visual="zbran";passThrough=0;};



    class AnimationSources;



















    soundEngine[] = {"\ca\Air\Data\Sound\helicopter", db30, 1};

    soundEnviron[] = {"\ca\Air\Data\Sound\noise", db-30, 1.0};

    soundDammage[] = {"\ca\Air\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", db-40, 1};

    class EventHandlers {};

    supplyRadius = 1.2;





    rotorBig = vrtule_velka;

    rotorBigBlend = vrtule_velka_bl;

    rotorSmall = vrtule_mala;

    rotorSmallBlend = vrtule_mala_bl;

    Where did "Main" go???

    Probably BI forgot to clean the configs up after some patch and now we have redundand defines... crazy_o.gif

    Anyway I hope you figure it out somehow. If all else fails just define it as AH1W and put the same selections in. :/

  12. Mi-24 amored cockpits and titanium rotor head able to withstand 20-mm cannon hits. Bulletproof glass can withstand 12.7mm ammo hits. It's a flying tank not cobra.

    Common missconception:

    it can withstand one or - at best - few hits.

    The rotor won't desintegrate from one 20mm hit, but neither will AH64's rotor.

  13. Anybody have suggestions?


    I belive this is how it should look like.

    You made the mesh too flat. Save yourself with normal map now maybe (I wouldn't)? Or modiffy the mesh (never too late, that's what I keep dooing all the time sad_o.gif ).

    Unless there is a new version which is flat on the sides.

    Your grip also seemed too flat to me but now it lookis just fine.

    And add some variation on specular for the stock, the surface is kind of rough.

    PS: there is a lot of M110 high definition pictures here:


    You can find it usefull when adding detail to receiver (the split line) etc.

    Although it seems to have different catches etc.

  14. And I'm having this texture bug with the blured rotor blades:

    Did you use a blurred rotor proxy (save it to proxy)?

    If this doesn't solve the problem then it's the material settings of your rotor blades material: add a render flag NoZWrite


    I think AddBlend or NoAlphaWrite might work simmilar, NoZWrite has a side effect of texture being transparent against fog on horizon (not really that noticible).

    EDIT: I have checked the AH1 BIS model it seems you need 3 selections:

    MainRotorBlurred = the blurred rotor proxy only

    MainRotorStatic = blades only NOT MAST

    MainRotor = both blade sets and rotor mast
