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Posts posted by Panda-PL-

  1. I don't see a wounding system whatsoever, I don't see any AI dragging wounded people, and I don't see shells on the ground like in the video. Are those features in MP only or is my ACE just messed up.

    Shell casings should work perfectly in SP. Wound system aswell.

    AI cannot drag people at the moment, they might be able to do or don't in the future, but as we all suspect this is tricky (like evrything that involves AI in ArmA).

    Personally I don't think it's a big issue, if they could just use medical items it would suffice.

  2. Daniel @ Jan. 04 2009,22:39)]It'd just be really nice to have a realistic mod that everyone feels encouraged to use without worrying about putting newcomers off.

    Again, just suggesting things in the hope it helps ACE becomes community standard.

    I install the mod, type in ACE in browser, pick server and join.

    No extra addons needed.

    This is what I consider to be a community standard - not having to download 10 missing addons to join your server.

    I can go and play with GOL clan, or with any other nice people that are out there.

  3. I'll try to ask this again...  biggrin_o.gif

    What is with the loud wind sound in this mod? I really like this mod i just don't like that wind sound I've been getting. is it just on certain maps? Or what could it be? I'd like to keep this mod because it seems so real, I just can't stand that wind sound thats loud.

    From what I know:

    It depends on ASL altitude you're at. This is specified in map file and also affects helicopter handling, wind speeds etc.

    You will get more wind sound in higher places. If entire map has high ASL elevation you will hear a lot of wind.

  4. One of the most annoying bugs are dissappearing inventory items. I.e. medical accessories (sidearm ammo slots) and HuntIR monitor (main weapon ammo slots) seem to dissappear every time I do something in that menu. Vanilla ArmA also share similar problems but not to those extremes.

    Problem becomes very tough to deal with when multiplayer mission bury the dead enemies with our crucial equipment on them when someone is not aware of the problem.

    Well this is a less confusing statement to that:

    When you drop or equip anything other than medical supplies, any medical supplies you were carrying, get dumped.

    Yes, this is ArmA behavoiour.

    Reason is these are magazines and yyou do not carry any weapon that "fires" them, so they get dumped whenever you pick up a weapon.

  5. Well I've gotten a little bored over the holiday season and started my first plane. A 'Wilga' , probably turn out a recon plane for OPFOR in ArmaII. I'm thinking some ploys are preparation for a Hi res version for baking in xnormal (though that will be a first time also).

    If you have any problems with Xnormal PM me, I have been using it for months.

    Mesh looks ok so far, I'm happy to see separate flaps and slots, it's a great feature once animated. smile_o.gif

  6. About sound mods:

    Read the thread first before asking.

    About grenadier fix: I play ACE without it and few times I was hit with grenade right in my face. It seems default AI is dooing a great job at distances at which normally people would use grenades (200m, above that it's an aera effect weapon and it won't allow hitting a selected person).

    Grenadier fix would cause friendly fire in many cases, it's better if they occasionally overshoot than hit you in the back.

    Quote[/b] ]Is it somehow possible to make the AI use the weapons of the SF Hummer?

    None of the guns, not even the main gun, get used by AI.

    I get that too.

  7. Daniel @ Dec. 26 2008,19:41)]We don't use sprinting to travel long distance, we'll get vehicle transport or tab, but it still seems overdone.

    Leave your extra ammo in the car, bring the car as close as possible. Don't carry everything on your back. Make sure your SAW only carries 2 or 3 extra belts, the rest should be distributed in the squad. Do not carry your own spare Javelin or Dragon tube, ask a friend to lend you a hand.

    If you carry rucksacks it will take longer to get from point to point, also take terrain into consideration - the slope of the terrain is a factor in calculations.

    You need to adjust your tactics to realistic system, getting soldiers to battlefield is not worth much itself, the tirick is to do it and keep them rested.

    Notice your vest and helemt is allready 20 kilos and this is without counting the rifle and ammo. This is not counted into the weight dispalyed. If you have a distance to travel onfoot you'll have to march (holstering the weapon helps too).

    I think the fact you can sprint uphill with 40 kilos on you is itself generous. wink_o.gif

  8. PS..Dunno whose they are but I love the animated HK417 class magazines where you can actually see how many bullets you got left.

    Mine, mine smile_o.gif.

    The Milkor M32 is cool, I think the grenades were finally made stronger too. If I see anyone standing beside a wall he's gone one second later. biggrin_o.gif Haven's seen the model before, it looks good (reticle is cool).

    I cannot bring up granade range display for pistol grenade launcher (mk 13) I think it only works for primary slot GLs.

    One thing I don't like is the stock sluggishness of weapoin handling even for carbines, this can be reduced or removed (dexternity), but for now it seems all rifles just have the same value, so picking one with less gear or shorter barrel really gives no bonus.

  9. Daniel @ Dec. 26 2008,14:25)]Nothing cooler than being dragged out of the line of fire by your mate in multiplayer.  wink_o.gif

    There is something cooler: being dragged by your teammate out of harm's way while being chased by enemy patrolls after having been shot down and had crash-landing while on your way to mission objective and the remaining teams head on for S&R in a hastely formed convoy while your team set up defenses and treat their wounded in a small village...  wink_o.gif

    Be sure to try the dynamic missions, the AIs are much more challanging if they coordinate their actions.

  10. if in the patch u fix the compatibily errors whit other mods like lobomod or others would be good for a completly war's experience  pistols.gif  xmas_o.gif  thanks

    There are no compatibility problems in ACE that I know of.  icon_rolleyes.gif

    There are problems with other mods that are not written/scripted so good. If you expect next version of ACE to fix that I tell you you're at the wrong adress.

    Once people realise they need to use EXH and stop overwriting the default classes it's gonn aget better.

    If it's about AI - using two AI mods at one time is not a good idea.

  11. Just a questions.

    Where is everthing being installed to?  Is some of the ACE mod being installed into the Addon folder or is all the ACE mod suff in its own mod folder?

    There is an uninstall exe inside your ArmA root folder. AFAIK the mod only uses its own folder and ArmA\Dta\ACE for its config files (which shouldn't collide with stock game).

    The mod is made in such a way it won't cause problems if you want to play another mod or stock ArmA with the mod still installed - just use a shortcut without mod=@ace in parameters.
