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Everything posted by profe

  1. profe

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    no, the instruments don't work.
  2. Looks great. Any chance you may be motivated to make a superhind?
  3. profe

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Any chance they can be configed as fixed cobra cannons or bmp cannons? Gunpods are indeed damn cool weapons.
  4. profe

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Its odd .... sometimes they work beautiful .... other times not ..... is it something about chopper angle to horizon or the gun angle or time locked on target? During my testing I was starting to see a trend ..... but just couldnt put my finger on what it was. Then again ..... could simply have been Choas theory. I find they work best against a stationary target and they are terrible against a moving target perpindicular to the missile. Sort of simulates the wire guidance in a way though. I find that they work best if you point the aiming dot at the reticule. It may be coincidence, but I noticed the closer I aimed to the reticule I would get the most hits, even on moving targets.
  5. profe

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Well I just tried em, Sure there's some issues here and there, but they are still pretty amazing. Excellent work, let's hope with the american release and the tools the community will have influx of talented people like you guys.
  6. profe

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    *joins turkmenbashi fap fap fap! Funny to have the same hinds on both ofp and arma installed at the same time
  7. profe

    Be 32K

    I won't complain
  8. profe

    Be 32K

    well, I'm stumped, couldn't find them individually in your page so I downloaded the kp cti package. It's not like it's a big download anyways. Can't wait to try out this uav business.
  9. Yes I'm the one in the high horse when we got a bunch of know nothings making demands and hassling game devs like it's their god given right. Yes urbanwarrior, my wrath, I just killed 500 nerds with a single post.:rolleyes: I guess I can't voice my opinions if they are different than yours. I love ArmA, and I'm eagerly awaiting the addons the community will make, but I don't need to come in here and fuss because I want my way all the time. I'm sure BIS has a lot of work on their hands and the last thing they need is people acting like spoiled brats on their forums. BE PATIENT!!!
  10. The people in the know should nothing, the tools will be released when they are ready. This is not a cake you put in the oven and say "should be done in about an hour". Let BIS do their work and stop nagging, we will get our addons and tools in due time. I'm sure a lot of you want to work on your "awesome" addons, and even more of you can't wait till other people get to work on the addons you want, but nagging at bis is not gonna make the tools magically appear. So chill out, and maybe get your fat ass some exercise.
  11. geez, just be patient and wait. Surely you have other things to do than sitting at your desk waiting for video game addons. The tools will eventually be released, but they'll be released when BIS decides, not when we demand.
  12. profe

    Be 32K

    yay, hind. YAY.
  13. profe

    New sniper system?

    and will not implement it, you want realism, buy yourself some guns, this is a game, and nobody cares if you are l33t znipr in a game.
  14. profe

    Be 32K

  15. profe


    Being a big fan of the hind, I thought it would be awesome to have a superhind for ofp, till we can have one for arma *crosses fingers*. For those unfamiliar, the Superhind is a hind with upgraded avionics, censors, cockpit with digital display, a dual feed 20mm cannon, and some other goodies. It's developed by South African ATE and is being fielded by the algerian air force. " border="0"> Pictures from the algerian air force If this awesome machine were available for ofp I'd be so happy I could kiss the creator.
  16. profe

    New 3rd person camera view

    Pretty creative addon, it does look cool, but since the camera is fixed to that position it doesn't work that well when looking in in some directions.
  17. profe

    FN F2000

    looks nice, a bit too shiny though.
  18. profe


    @ rock: I don't know if it'll help, but here's a pic I found of a cockpit mockup http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v326/Kayback/Hindupgrade.jpg
  19. profe


    and the interiors are lovely and then it's got the awesome effects when firing the rockets and the cannon on the p model I loves the hind.
  20. profe


    Bah, are people really turning their backs on arma modding? Wankers.
  21. profe


    vit's pack does have an mi35m iirc.
  22. profe


    the difference is you don't know what you are talking about. The mi35 is simply the designation to the export version of the mi24, the superhind is ATE's huge upgrade to the hind. The hind(mi24 and mi35) have analog and rudimentary control panels. The superhind has a redesigned cockpit with a modernized control panel including digital displays, as well as many other changes to increase the helicopters performance.
  23. profe


    The mk.V looks awesome with that new cockpit. Can't wait to see how it turns out.
  24. profe

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    I love the idea of integrating slx into ffur, but I don't think dispersion values should be changed, it already sometimes feels like you can't hit things in 2.5. I think 2.5 values are perfect as they are, and even then I find myself and my squadmates running out of ammo during single engagements, I fear that if dispersion is increased further the whole squad will be out of ammo before they could take out a squad or two. Please consider this when/if adjusting the values.
  25. what is hwtl anyways? and what is the difference between the hwtl and non hwtl version?