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Everything posted by panzergrenadier3

  1. panzergrenadier3

    AH-64D Apache

    There is one form BOH. I've got a seperate Version without the Mod but can't release because I've got no permission. It's a very cool helo. Try it out... it's easy to seperate it from the mod.
  2. panzergrenadier3

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Sorry, it's not Ilumax, it's Status_cz water textures. Is there any way to make it work?
  3. panzergrenadier3

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    dosn't matter... keg has done a new standart for water.
  4. panzergrenadier3

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Works all very nice!!! Good job Keg! Only the reflections on water don't work. I think because of some changed watertextures (or so   ) Â
  5. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    Very cool new screens on the modhomepage! Looking forward to this great helos!!! Â
  6. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    A betarelease would make suggestion easier Â
  7. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    Very good news about the AV-8 B. It seem like the best addons from the USMC will come up. AV-8 B, UH-1 N... what need we more for "our" Marines?
  8. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    Ideas about the Huey? Yes! A version with rocked pod an doormounted minigun would be very nice! Ladderevac and fastrope from the BAS helos would be usefull. And, but only if your time allow: A UH-1 Y (same funktions and versions, only changed model). What do you think about a beta release. The bird looks very cool right now.
  9. panzergrenadier3

    Updated BAS Pavehawks

    10, if I remind correct.
  10. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    That's great! Very great! THX!!!
  11. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    @FischKopp Nice to hear about! Looking forward to it. @Shadow What's about your work? Will you stop the whole work on this mod? And if so: Would you release the unfinished work?
  12. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    Would you release the unfinished AddOns?
  13. panzergrenadier3

    Combat! M113 Pack by Pablo

  14. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    hm, I wish I could help you. But can't handle a model. My area are islands. Sad!
  15. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    Can you say anything about a release date? Not exactly only to have a new date to waiting for. What's about the other helos like AH-1? There wasn't any screens the last time. It would be very sad if the work don't go on. Maybee you can release a new beta???
  16. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    Sh... !!! What's about the UH-1 N and UH-1 Y? Did they come up faster since you can use the interrior of the ONS Griffon?
  17. panzergrenadier3

    Uscg pack beta

    Any news about this great mod?
  18. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    Would you release the AV-8 B if this addon is ready? would be very nice. And please: Don't stop the work on the AV-8 B or the LAV!! That are very great addons.
  19. panzergrenadier3

    Uscg pack beta

    Nice to hear! Sounds like it will be a very great addonpack. But I think the D... is not the one...? Looks better
  20. panzergrenadier3

    whatever happened to the eagle space 1999

    yes please
  21. panzergrenadier3

    Uscg pack beta

    Great!! Was waiting for it  *makingshortcut*
  22. panzergrenadier3

    Uscg pack beta

    've send an ICQ message. I don't want to offer my help. Just for provide the Dolphin Helicopter. But ok, ... don't wan't to stop you on your great work
  23. panzergrenadier3

    Uscg pack beta

    Hi Pappy, don't sure my message arrived to you. Please contact me, maybe I can help out in case "Dauphin"...
  24. panzergrenadier3

    Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

    What's about a german version of the phantom (F-4 F)? Like this: http://www.airventure.de/koksijde02/F-4F-3846-01.jpg http://www.aeroshow.net/Meeting/Florennes01/Photo/F-4_3.jpg http://www.aeroshow.net/Meeting/Florennes01/Photo/F-4_1.jpg http://www.air-and-space.com/19991105%20red%20flag/f-4f%20cl.jpg or a RF-4 E variant like this: http://www.fas.org/irp/program/collect/rf-4-highroll.jpg ups... american one http://www.kitreview.com/reviews/images/rf4edecalreviewbg_2.jpg http://www.kitreview.com/reviews/images/rf4edecalreviewbg_3.jpg would be cool!
  25. panzergrenadier3

    Lets talk usmc

    Why has you stoped the work on this great AddOns? And what's about the Harrier???