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Pappy Boyington

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Everything posted by Pappy Boyington

  1. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    Ocean Island V1.0 Mission Pack
  2. Pappy Boyington

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    muzzle flash is done via modling, sorry. but yes the stuff you need to know is in the eventhandlers section. just look at the event handlers section of the Class M2Static. theres only one there. a fired eventhandler. you will need to add that to the current fired eventhandler (if any) for the bmp2 and m2a2. and if there is a current one it ends with "; (sometimes ";";) so for instances: fired="_this exec ""blahblah.sqs script if this that and the other thing"""; then you add it in ""<here>"; if its like fired="_this exec ""blahblah.sqs script if this that and the other thing"";"; then you add it in "";<here>"; the action is defined between the first and last " " and scripts are defined between twin " so its like ""script.sqs"" so if the line ends with 3 """ then you want to insert your script with a ; ending the first, after the first 2 "". if i confused you i applogise and will be more specific for you if nessacary
  3. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    theif! Â no no if you can make these missions please do, im sure they will be better then mine. i just completed 3 missions. gonna fine tweak them tonight with custom music and then release in an hour or so. Mission 1: Police Shoot Out: playable 1 to 4 players (individual) you are a police oficer outside the chinese resturant. armed gunmen (wyw_opfor) have takin over the resturant and have hostages. you job is to rescue those hostages. catch: civilian causulties are not permited.. so no rambo, watch your fire. u kill a hostage its game over. Mission 2: Biker Brawl: police dont know what to do, and the gunmen have takin over the flaming wheels biker bar! while those stinking cops sit on thier hands we are gonna take back whats ours! playable 1 to 4 players (individual) with 4 bikes or one car (lincon bad mutha). simple enough kill all the gunmen. the mission isnt all that great but with team work you can accomplish it. both missions are simple and rather easy, yet a little hard if your not careful. just enough to have fun. and completed is Mission 3: National Guard: playable 1 to 4 players (individual) with 60 enemy randomly spread about the town. mission is daytime stormy weather. if you play in multiplayer mode you have the option of the 4 roles: (each slot differnt gun) Soldier (M16) Soldier (G36) Soldier (M60, or M249 if you use Y2K3) Soldier (XMS, or M4A1 Scope if you use Y2K3) vs 50-60 wyw olive drab opfor. included is a one minute intro with music. this mission is a modified version of streetfight.noe from the SES member December. its an old mission, and i do have his permission to use this modified version. and this mission is a touch more difficult, even with 4 players. but with skill you can beat it. also it utilizes all of the downtown area, and one enterable house in the residential area (the one with the computer in it) i need to get back to work on the other 2 to make sure everything works. i second that, i thank you for your swift and just action here, and i hope that my replys to his immaturity did not contribute negativly in any way, i tried to restrain myself better then i normaly do this time.
  4. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    i only messed with the island i didnt even do anythign with the units. the triads dont even have a model so watch out for that too. the only things that i noticed work were the Law Enforcment units on the west side. speaking of units i have finished 2 missions, i still gotta write up some lame breifing (the mission isnt all that great so dont expect much) i stil lneed to do the national gaurd one which i will work on later then ill pack up my missions and required addons (wont be much i promise, just the troublemakers malden biker units for mission 2 and the WYW_opfor for all 3 missions i totaly agree with this, which is why i reminded him, and anyone else workin on an island based on this to make sure the name of the pbo and the name in the config are differnt from thier current path as not to overwrite the orginal. this way we can play with all 3 versions if we want to. rather then "pick the best island" cuz that will cause all kinds of problems for mission makers, multiplayers, and users alike.
  5. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    whoa whoa whoa. calm down pop a prozac. your right i didnt say it was final, but i did refer to it as version 1.0 which i shoulda specified was final. second i was merely pointing out why i didnt put the train on my version in case anyone was wondering why i "overlooked" it. and the "other guy that made his more african" i asked him if he wanted to change the name of his or if i should change the name of mine. cuz now we will have 3 "NewOceanIsland.pbo" files and that will overwrite the orginal. so if i wanted to use your version and my version i cant cuz they will have the same name and that poses a problem. thrid off saying your island is better then mine or mine is better then yours is not only rude, but also impossible to compare. theres various levels of "better" for people with lower end computers my island is "better" for people with higher end computers your island is "better" for people that like having 12 gigs of "other addons" your island is better. for people that dont like filling thier addon folder up with hundreds of "needed addons" then mine is better. you see you cant just say "this island is better then that island" thats merely a personal preferance over whos is whos. that goes with any addon, mod, island, unit, weapon, anything. saying "mine is better then yours" is very rude and very insulting to the people who put forth hours and hours of work just to have some snot nosed brat come along and go "lookey lookey mine is better then yours cuz im cooler!" so before you go insulting people and thier work.. think before you speak. also i resent the term "nosey replies" as i didnt just "make a new version" of the island, i took the project on as my own to finish it. wacky iraqi and usmc sniper did a good job on thier beta which they had no plans on finishing, so i took it upon myself to take over the project and update it to what they orginaly described the final to be like (back when this was nothign more then pretty pictures in the addons and mods discussion). and the african version, and your version arent just "updates" and "Fixes" they are completly new islands and finaly reason A: was i didnt want to add 30 megs of fneeded addons onto the already 40 megs. and reason B was its very laggy when its moving. and i was trying to make the updated version of the island more PC freindly to low and middle ranged computers to enable larger scale missions with more men, vehicles or action. as oppsed to a tonal or nogova type island where anything more then 60 units on the entire map will drop your frame rate to the single digits. im trying to be nice here and your getting an awfuly rude additude and i dont like it. its additudes like that which make me start to wonder why i spent sleepless nights updaing, creating, and working on addons and mods like Y2K3, USCG, Ocean Island, and the H53 pack.
  6. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    i considered putting in the train too, but i didnt due to A: i didnt want to tack on anotehr 30 megs of "needed addons" and cuz the thing is very laggy when in use, so i didnt bother. see now what you did was make a completly differnt island please try and rename it in the config and pbo as not to clash or overwrite the orginal version for people that want to use more then one upgrade of this project
  7. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    yea im gonna do a terrorist mission with the WYW opfor later tonight. for a fun feel i plan on using some civi addons like deltas tracktor trailer and the troublemakers malden cycles. the fun civi addons they are good addons and considerably old but i would assume that even the slowest of connections have them. if they do not. then i will come back and make a light version. im working on another project and it is being evil to me so ill take a quicky break from it and make a couple of missions for this island. one with the national gaurd one with the police and one with the bikers from the trouble makers malden by "with the" i am refering to what the player will be either national gaurd police or bikers. each mission will be of 3 differnt levels if all goes according to plan. terrorist cell takes over one or two items and the police are called. second level are when the police cant stop them so they need help, the local biker gang is displeased with these terrorists on their turff. finaly when they cant stop them and most of the city is occupied now the national gaurd moves in. and depending on the size i might end up using 3rd party swat units (the newest ones released) edit: i plan on making the missions single/multiplayer up to 4 or 5 people. in each mission
  8. Pappy Boyington

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    no i never thought to add the tracer effects to the bmp2 and M2A2. that would require you to edit their configs inside their pbo files (bmp2.pbo & m2a2.pbo) which hoesntly would be very simple to do and id be happy to explain it to you if u want to do it yourself?
  9. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    oh good. must just be that clsa plane (i used the csla l410 that tomislav hacked out for private use cut across the grass. and yea they stop on the taxiway as per suggested by the ils tutorial. the suggestion went on to say that this way you can park the plane via script if nessacary every island released with a "big city" ive tried ive drivin into thier city and my frame rate went from 20 to 5, and i was like "screw this" on top of that most islands with citys really didnt have it right. looked like someone just took the buildings and randomly placed them (like i did with the factory/powerplant). so when i saw the potential of this island i wanted to do it right. i wanted a big city feel on a small island map. and like i siad the highest my frame rate got is 38 on the desert island with just me. i get between 15 and 30 on this island with me and a couple other units. which means that you can make a semi decent mission on here without significant lag. Nogova Island has 100,000 models on it (bushs and houses and roads) this one has 2900. i saw those but i used your warehouses and BIS apartment buildings. but i did use the mcdonalds, best buy, cinema, and motel small island with a big city feel. in size it is small, but the airport and the city and such make it seem much much bigger.
  10. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    3 posts in a row, im quite the spammer wacky iraqi and USMC started this project many moons ago. i followed the thread and watched the excitment grow. people were lovin the idea and the island. months later it was released as nothing more then a "beta" it looked nice and i enjoyed what couple missions i made for fun on it. but looked around at the barron land and it felt so empty. an island with so much potential sat there unfinished and soon forgotton. so i took the project of finishing it upon myself. cuz i liked the island and i wanted to see it finished. wacki iraqi and uscm sniper had a dream. a dream of an island that had a real "big city" feel to it. but the dream stoped at "beta", someone had to finish the realiization of it. it is my belief that this, folks, is thier dream realized. special thanks to ag smith for fixing the parking garage and the missing lobby. Changed: Added the following -Port -Airport (ai compatable) -More skyscrapers downtown -More houses in the residential area -Church, hospital, and police station -Soccor (football) field -National Gaurd Base -Factory/Powerplant -Forest (with randomly placed scraped/trashed cars around it for a more realistic feel) -Map location names/text so yea. after almost 3 days ive finished overhauling this island and here you go enjoy. and thanks alot fo wacki iraqi and usmc sniper for starting the island project, and tbe buildings they made. thanks to ag smith for his fix to the sky scraper and his addons that i used from both his mods (3wx & ags) and anyone else i forgot now comes the fun part. enjoying the finished product Links To Pics of the Final Version Download Link
  11. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    ok well one last thing to do before release.... gotta go make some decent screenshots worthy of the news sites
  12. Pappy Boyington

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    wow you're mean yea dont worry we had him killed for that bout the rpg bug.. thats.. odd
  13. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    dont worry about it. cuz i figured out the ILS thing and the AI lands.. taxi's and takes off! Â umm there is one tiny problem thou. after the AI lands.. he goes right to the ending waypoint taxi's over the grass, i blame this due to he is slowed down right at that point. but thats ok thou! cuz the AI does not kill themselvs landing or taking off!!!!!!!!! they take off/land north to south on runway L18 i broke the factory so i gotta fix that but release should be soon (like later tonight) after i fix that Landing Take-Off
  14. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    ok this is the part where i ask for help the good news is i got the ILS postion allows the AI to land on the runway that i wanted it to. the downside is the "taxiin" and "taxiout" ils postions.. dont do shit. i got 8 for taxiin and 6 for taxi out as per the tutorials and the ai lands, turns around, and goes in the water so i need help placing the taxi waypoints for the ILS system
  15. Pappy Boyington

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    i dont know whats wrong or why it does that
  16. Pappy Boyington

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    that is VERY weird thats an ecp feature. and i disabled all ecp scripts that i didnt want or use, including that one
  17. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    thats why theres a parking area behind it ok even if i get the ILS working tonight it might be anotehr day or two before release. cuz teh factory is gonna need to be fenced in. and fencing in a large area peice by peice by peice is not easy nor fun ok i applogise for these pics being at night, im still testing the lighting situation to make sure differnt areas have proper lighting Factory/Powerplant i gotta fence that sucker in.. oh boy. Inhome Computer now you can drive to best buy, get your new joystick and play OFP:R on your computer i know its a lil goofy to have a 1 meg addon file just for that single placment on the island.. but he did great job on this and it was about to be under estimated. so before we forget great work like this. i put it to great use
  18. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    i was thinking more about my post and i feel i may have come off rather iggnorant and i didnt mean to be. your upgrade and mine are differnt. i fully belive you should release yours too. varaity is nice. the reason i declined your offer is becuz we combin forces, you want to use bas houses, i want to get rid of the bas dependancy. we'd end up comrpmising on something, and althou it would solve the "whos idea to use" problem, we both secretly would be a touch disappointed or upset that our orginal idea wasnt used. having embarked on this project only a few days ago and learning wrptool along the way i fully understand just how difficult this is to do and i, as well as others here would hate for you to keep it private even after you showed us screenshots. so please by alll means release it when your ready. oh and i apprecate you ofering to rename it, cuz i already embeded the names in the map and Ocean Island International (airport) is hard to change good luck with yours. ag smith, thanks for the fix, ill check those out now wackyiraqi, i plan on including all needed addons in one file (island and addons) its 42 megs packed. the aces_it is only found on atwar and the PC is on ofp.info. look for "Stg Nathan" its the SGN_newpc. i stuck it in the orginal enterable house from your art_bd pack on the island. the problem is theres "no odol" format so i had to guess.. and ill be damned if it wasnt the luckiest guess ever
  19. Pappy Boyington

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    a bug i mentioned on my site. due to teh way i wrote the CD player script theres no way to stop the song without destroying the vehicle. "towing" an invisable radio would cause lag if u use more then one car. and play music is kinda not good when your 500m from teh car and the music is crystal clear. so the way it is now was the only other option that i had to go with and i went with. sorry bout that. but im very glad you like the rest of the mod you are very welcome
  20. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    i dont do modeling. i can [make] texture, i can config, i can edit scripts, now i can edit islands, but O2 is the son of satan and i dont screw with it. it was ALOT easier to just stick your building inside that one. scorpion. unless someone has released a 50 story ladder... yea the forementioned reasons are the only way in there. ok its almost 11am. im goin to bed here then gonna get up and work on the ils system and hopefuly release sometime tonight pending astitine's descion on island naming (to aviod conflict)
  21. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    sorry for a second reply.. but i feel this deems a new post rather then edit the other again. updates and pics from the final layout of my version City Night residential nieghborhood at night. that building on the bottom left that looks like this [] is the hospital, and next to it on the same block is the police station (editor names point that out). and up top you can faintly see where i put the national gaurd base. City Veiw to the limits of my veiw distance (as my fps clearly shows.. i was at my limits ) as much of the new city. you can see how i fixed the cinema, admin building and fuel station in that pic as compared to the previous one i showed yesterday 2005 Mustangs Are In!!! thats right boys and girls the car dealership has the new 2005 mustangs in finnaly. stop by for ofer details and financing (2005 mustangs downloaded seperetly & not required) Car Dealership the title and pic are self explainitory. thats the lot for the dealership I C Trees this large large large forest extends along most of the highway serving as scenery. (note: the ground texture transitions between teh forest floor and the grass has been fixed since this pic) National Guard National Guard base pictured here. not a very large force, just enough for anti-terrorisum and riot control. (not pictured is the generals quaters with 2 static cannons to show honor for the veterans of past wars) Island Port title and pic say it all. its the port for the island. i forgot to get pics of the factory/power plant. but its just as cool and that is my dream of how this island should be like. the same dream i feel usmcsniper and wackyiraqi had when they embarked on the project. as of right now im keeping the name Ocean Island. but if astitine wants to use the ocean island name then i will then change mine to something else. Addon Dependancies: ags_port (port pack) ags_build (city pack) ags_indus (industry pack) f3wx_o1 (3rd world explosion mod object pack) aces_it (runway textures) jof_objects1 (mapfact airport addon) art_bd (orginal pbo that had the buildings in it) sgn_newpc (cuz one of the houses in the residential neighborhood just got a new computer installed ;) ) and for ease i have packed up ALLL required addons into one rar file totaling 40 megs (cuz the AGS stuff is like 10 to 20 megs a peice, but essential for creation of the perfect island)
  22. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    wow. that looks. rather laggy. at least for me anyway. Â you look like your goin with more of a jungle-ey theme for yours whilst i kept mine urban. wow this is uncomfortable. ok well we have 2 completly differnt ideas here, and since im naturaly hard headed and stubborn, i can really see how our attempt to combin forces would probably end very badly. Â and please, im just being honest here. i have only one thing left to do and thats the ILS (ai landing) system which ive read tutorials on how to do and belive i can do it. so the question here is are you gonna rename your version? or should i rename mine? as not to clash for users who have a differnt preferance? edit: i mean no disprespect by declining your ofer, its just once i have my mind set on something.. well you know how it is. but i will say this much mine should be released either tonight or tomorrow depending on the ILS thing. and once that happens you can feel free to use parts from it (such as the port or the factory) for your version.
  23. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    hamburgers from mcdonalds and flashpoint games from bestbuy i also added a nice forest away from, but parelle to the highway so that you have some scenery im 99% sure.. before i boot up my game and check... that i have indeed finished all that i wanted to finish. added all i wanted to add. and tweaked what i wanted to tweak. you will have a MUCH noticable differnce in teh release version and this one
  24. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    ok i wasnt gonna do this but heres some beta images. i plan on updating (overwriting) the orginal release of this island with the new version. addon dependancy: bas_o.pbo no longer needed (took out powerlines and palm trees) added: ags_port (port pack) ags_build (city pack) f3wx_o1 (3rd world explosion mod object pack) aces_it (runway textures) and i used more objects from the orginal art_bd.pbo changes thus far and planned: -sky scraper block now has more large sky scraper type buildings for a more city look. -more buildings downtown -8 more houses and a church for the residential neighborhood. -soccer field (football for yall overseas) -small military base for the National Gaurd -port -big airport planned: (means im working on it within the next 15 minutes ) an industrial area at the end of the highway away from downtown this island does only have that one military base becuz this is the dream that i think they had and a dream that i had too.. one that i wnat to see relaized and this islands potential used. this island should be where all the civi addons go, where the fta mod (thats that civi mod right?) would go, an island where after the years of war fighting to liberate malden and everon and nogova, now.. we can finnaly come home and live our lives once more. where the biggest threat we face here is a bank robbery or small terrorist actions (hint hint WYW_opfor). i think the national gaurd should be to contain riots and protect from the wyw opfor other then that this is a quiet lil place to live. having said that. heres some beta pics.. that some things have changed and i will mention that with each pic. Airport: the Airport, with 2 runways, 3 parking pads, and 4 hangers (one out of veiw due to view distance/lod when i took the pic). airport terminal and control tower (fit to look ajoined) and a small concrete pad for parking cars and busses. Changed since the pic was takin: that concrete running up the left runway there is changed to grass. the concrete pad is a perfect rectangle. other then that, the airport is final. Downtown Part I: this pic is self explainitory really. note the sky scraper with the penthouse that was once missing a lobby... now has a fixed lobby! special thanks fo agent smith for his "building11" whose enterable lobby was EXACTLY the size i needed. i basicly stuck a building inside the old one using the island editor.. and althou it sticks out slightly.. it does look natural. the u shaped building with the hot pink sign on top is the motel, with 6 apartment buildings around it. the lone building you see is suppose to be like a "city hall". its non enterable but it does have a heli pad behind it. thats all thats goin on that block changed: the cinema on the left hand side has been repostionied and givin a concrete pad around it and the "admin building" on the street across from is has been repostioned 180° Downtown Part II: the other side of what you saw above. again the admin building is been reversed and the cinema repostioned and ground around it changed. also the fuel station you see there has been moved to a new block and is no longer on that one. the best buy was moved down a bit, and that building cut off at the bottem is actualy the car showroom, with a fenced off area for the new and used cars with the opening/closing gate. around town i placed several phone booths at differnt places. for realisum. also i palced a couple radio towers in differnt areas for realisum sake. the biker bar area has been left as it is. i figured biker bar = trouble and noone really wants to put up business in a trouble spot. oh man after that tour im hungry, you hungry? lets go to the McDonalds drive thru once again i ask that you not pester me with requests, and suggestions and ideas, cuz im molding this in my own dream's image, and im sure that you all will be pleased with the final result. i also want to point out the FPS rate in teh corner there is based off my system which uses 256 ram currently. on the desert island with just me i get 35fps. and on this island with only 2 people, helo, and a car i get between 17 and 30 fps. which is absolutly incredible for my system, so on better ones i assure you the rate better. i put in quite a few enterable buildings but not many due to the fact that if u can go in it.. it will lagg the area just a bit. so 1 in 4 buildings is enterable. so thats my update. i just finished the military base and tweaked the port (hopefuly). now im about to get started on the last and final area... the industrial zone. and please keep in mind this is the first time ive EVER edited an island. so i know how to place objects and a handful of other small tasks. so "landing auto pilot" probably wont work here, so learn to fly damnit! cuz i dont know how to do that. someone who knows how to do that let me know how i can do it with wrptool and i will do it.
  25. Pappy Boyington

    New Ocean Island

    ok this seems incredibly easy! question is. does anyone care for updates? or should i just continue the world secretly