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Spartan 163

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Everything posted by Spartan 163

  1. Spartan 163

    Problem with headlights

    New police car?
  2. Spartan 163

    "Off The Wall" Production

    The C.T.I. maps have a flip MHQ over script. You might want to try that.
  3. Spartan 163

    How do i edit an old unit addon to use pistols?

    What addon you want to update? It will make a big dif if I know.
  4. Spartan 163

    How do i edit an old unit addon to use pistols?

    u need to get it into o2 and then copy n past the pistol proxie in to it.
  5. Spartan 163

    Us colonial marines

    That is a level 4Bravo question. You are not cleared for that information. This company will not confirm if we have any "ALIENS". The anti acid shipments are for personal research only.
  6. Spartan 163

    Change soldier clothes while playing

    Any chance for a window media version of movie?
  7. Spartan 163

    Us colonial marines

    Sorry for not sending you updates nephilim. Real life got to be too real for me. I got the traker model and I'll send it to you for config and stuff. I got a diff marine almost done and I'll send that out soon. We need more aliens? I got some diff types.
  8. Spartan 163

    Predator Addon

    Send it to me. I got all sorts of conversion and graphic programs.
  9. Spartan 163

    Predator Addon

    You could. It just takes a bit to select and rename the parts of the model.
  10. Spartan 163

    Predator Addon

    Send it to me and I'll add the stuff to make it walk n stuff.
  11. Spartan 163

    F100 Super Sabre (nam era)

    Sweet plane! Great handling and nice after burner! I'm still testing it but it is great so far!
  12. Spartan 163

    Nogova 2004

    Need a semi truck? I got one that needs textures (It is basicly a big bus and does not bend at the cab).
  13. Spartan 163

    F100 Super Sabre (nam era)

    If you can't get it to work right just make 2 versions of it. AI controled and PLAYER. Can I beta test it?
  14. Spartan 163

    Mapfact nogova released

  15. Spartan 163

    Lsr delta force teaser

    This is a site I go to to compare and get ideas for units. It has a bit of everything. http://www.specwargear.com/collectorcorner.html Hope it helps!
  16. Spartan 163

    Need help with bugs

    In between working on Zombie, Aliens, StarWars, and other stuff I have been working on adding more Bugs to my own mini Rough Neck Trooper mod. I have a low poly warrior bug and it works just fine( replaced the one in the sst mod to make it run better ). I also got another bug I call an INFILTRATOR (humanoid shape) but I can't get it to atack anything. (I really suck at configs and scripting). Can anyone with more experiance or script savy fix this for me? I'll be happy to send you the files so you can see. I also need this so I can add some other bugs to the BUG ARMY I have. (spider type and flying type)(might need help with the flying one. Was thinking of making like an invisible jetpack thing to make it flyable and to make a ground unit version of it .) I tried the Infiltrator bug in Martins jet pack and it made for some tense fire fights trying to knock them out of the sky. Any help would be nice. BTW: I love the SST mod stuff and cant wait for thier next release. (I only moded the Bugs for myself and will be asking permission to use some of thier other stuff) I aslo have a plasma bug model. You think it would be better to make it into a vehicle so it can shoot those big plasma balls?
  17. Spartan 163

    Need help with bugs

    I tought by your sig that you were doing the halo mod thing. . LOL. Guess not.
  18. Spartan 163

    Need help with bugs

    Sorry about the delay with the apc. I have been working bit by bit to lower the poly count. (most of the were in the weels so I tried to do them from scratch and f*cked them up.) I also remived some parts that had high polys and replaced them with just textures. I'll try to do more work on it and send it to you guys to do the config thing. Are you doing the halo thing? If so I got an ELITE sitting around just doing nothing and some other color SPARTANS that I have been hanging onto. (I also got that rifle model but have not made a gun addon with it yet if you want it)
  19. Spartan 163

    What is your favorite mod

    The only mod I like is the ones that are released!!!!
  20. Spartan 163

    Need help with bugs

    Thanks MSpencer, I hope they don't think I'm trying to steel thier thunder. I just wanted a pc friendly bug for my missions and I got carried away making more bugs. Besides I think these bugs can be used in other type maps, not just StarShip Trooper maps.
  21. Spartan 163

    Need help with bugs

    Â The mod guys are cool, but I want to use these things now! LOL. Someone once said that if you want an addon make it yourself. (well I did and I need a bit of help). These things are not ment to replace the stuff from the SST MOD but to give others ideas for a good starting base. If you want to spam please go to another topic. Once I get the "bug" worked out I'll release it to the public. (if you want to beta test P.M. me. ) (for the ppl from the SST Mod if you need any files of other bugy stuff let me know I have loads of thing I'm waiting to use.)
  22. Spartan 163

    Need help with bugs

    Any help?
  23. Spartan 163

    New star wars thread

    Might have to change the name to IMPERIAL vs REPUBLIC battles. ( the guys at BF1942 changed it to GALACTIC BATTLE GROUNDS when they started thier STARWARS mod)
  24. Spartan 163

    New star wars thread

    Just a funny vid for you to enjoy till the addons start coming out. (you need real player or windows media player to view). LINK: http://atomfilms.shockwave.com/af/content/empire_one_heath Your gonna love this! Â
  25. Spartan 163

    New star wars thread

    Ok here is the part were we start messing with the orginal thred. The old saying if you don't like it you don't down load it goes for this. As for using a model from another game we have seen it done before with stuff from COUNTER STRIKE and HALF LIFE. Also I surf the net verry heavy and I have seen lotf of helos and planes that PPL say they made but I have found the originals. (we wont name names ) As for the taking credit for them If and when I send them out You will have to check the read me for the proper credits and if you check this thread you will see that I am waiting for permission to use the models. The blaster pistol and or rifle done yet? (now that we are back on subject) (moderators if this thread desends to a pissing match please close and we will try and start this anew )