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I was playing the new version of the "Our Weapons" (Nashe Orujie) Mi-2 pack, which is great, and It had a really new effect for Operation Flashpoint that I had never seen before. When you destroy the helicopter, it goes up in flames, and is replaced by a burned out model of it. The burned out model actually depends on how it lands (on its side, right side up, etc.), and is really MUCH more realistic. I would recommend you download it and destroy it a few times to see the effect. It has better textures, is bent up properly, the ground is burned properly, and it even had bullet-wholes and things! Anyway, I was thinking that this might be good to implement, as a frill, for other things - possibly your APC's and tanks (or the Mi-28) and such. It is, hands down, better than the default OFP destroyed messed up model. Just an idea. It is amazing to see how the addons are so much more complex than the units that came with the game! Looking good, -PAZ-
The stuff looks great - best APC's in Flashpoint - ever. I was playing the new version of the "Our Weapons" (Nashe Orujie) Mi-2 pack, which is great, and It had a really new effect for Operation Flashpoint that I had never seen before. When you destroy the helicopter, it goes up in flames, and is replaced by a burned out model of it. The burned out model actually depends on how it lands (on its side, right side up, etc.), and is really MUCH more realistic. I would recommend you download it and destroy it a few times to see the effect. It has better textures, is bent up properly, the ground is burned properly, and it even had bullet-wholes and things! Anyway, I was thinking that this might be good to implement, as a frill, for other things - possibly APC's and tanks and such. It is, hands down, better than the default OFP destroyed messed up model. Just an idea. It is amazing to see how the addons are so much more complex than the units that came with the game! Looking good, -PAZ-
Now that we have all agreed that the Arena system is somewhat effective against RPG's (see RHS thread) and other non-locking short range AT weapons, are you going to try to reconfigure it so that it can destroy those unlocked weapons? I know that the 'incomingmissile' event handler does not work on unlocked RPGs, but I think that RHS has a way to do it, so you could ask them... Don't want to force the subject, as this is like my fourth post about this (sorry, I just have been a huge fan of the Arena system for more that a year, and really want to see it as realistic as possible  ) Sorry to dwell - just an over-enthusiastic fan, -PAZ- Just some nice shots of the system that has the US and European militaries jealous.
This is a good diagram. -PAZ-
Sorry AKM-74 (I do love your addons, and therefore, you ), but from what I have read about this system, it is designed primarily to take out RPGs, LAWs, and other handheld AT systems (as well as longer range lock on stuff). That was from http://armor.kiev.ua/fofanov/Tanks/EQP/arena.html, and is consistent with all other info I have found. Never let anything (pride) get in the way of the addon. The quality of the addon must always come first. Don't be afraid to use the other OFP addon makers for some help from time to time. That is the whole idea of having a mod-making community. Anyway, don't mean to lecture, I just don't like to see tension or harsh feelings in these forums. But the addons are all good, and there is enough room on our hard-drives for everyone's addon (with addom-manager, of course - I plan to use every DKM, RHS, and AKM-74 addon released, regardless of duplicates! More is better, especially if they share info to create higher quality addons) -PAZ-
Back on topic.....Does your Arena system work against RPG's and LAW's (which, really, it was designed primarity to defend against) - because the DKM version that AKM74 is using with his BMP-3 apparently DOES NOT work against them, and only works against weapons that LOCK ON to the tank (hellfires and such) - this is apparently due to an engine limitation. I really hope that your works on RPG/LAWs, because those are what, in real life, is the major threat to IFV. Even if interecepted a few meters away, a Hellfire would probly destroy and IFV, or seriously damage a tank (take out optics, electronics, and such). If yours does work against RPGs and LAWs, maybe you'd feel like sharing with AKM74/DKM - because it really helps nobody if they release an great addon that has the limitation of being blown up a lot because the Arena system doesn't work properly. It would actually be great if the Arena system for all of them was the same, making them all, more or less, compatible. Anyway, can't wait for the release, -PAZ-
Looks great! However, I now only use the FDF Mod, and I was wondering if you would feel like offering them these realistic explosions for the next version of their mod. It is all your decision, but I just thought they might fit together nicely. -PAZ-
Just thought I might tell you guys about how in the FDF mod (which is, suprisingly, really good) they redid the BMP's (BMP-1, BMP-2), making them smaller (realistic sized), much better sounds, more realistic (and deadly) weapons, and now the BMP-1 actually shows the ATGM on top. really a top notch job, and it replaces the original BMP's when you play with the mod on. And, oddly enough, I used to not be able to play with all my addons on (even though I have 512 RAM), because I had too many. However, with this mod, I play with ALL my addons, plus 200 megs of addons in this mod, and it plays FINE - smoother than before, without many addons! This mod is great! Anyway, just though you might be interested in their more realistic BMP's. Maybe you could work with them on that section? They also have a good version of the Konurs ATGM (best yet). Keep up the great work, tank pack looks amazing, -PAZ-
Great BMP-3 - love it! However, I just downloaded the Finish Defence Force Mod (which is, by the way, great and well worth the large download) It includes much better versions of the BMP-1 and BMP-2 (actually replaces the originals, when you have the mod on). They are the realistic sizes, which looks good, and they have new sound effects (which are really much better), redone weapons systems (more realistic - more deadly), and now the BMP-1 actually shows that ATGM on top, which is nice (and the BMP-2 has better ATGM too) . The thing is, though I love these new addons, the BMP-2 is actually slightly more powerful now than your BMP-3. The reason is because it has the realistic firing rate for the 30mm of 550 cyclic in bursts/ 200-300 practical (I think is has the practical one). Anyways, I was thinking, since these BMP's work pretty well, the BMP-3, and well as the BMD's, would be better if they had the higher firing rate found in the FDF mod. I just get the feeling that the firing rate for the BMP-3 in the game is a bit too slow. Anyway, I recommend that you download the FDF mod and check out what they have done with the original BMP's, and hopefully you'll agree and up the 30mm rate of fire - maybe aty the cost of a bit of accuracy? But regardless, I love the addons, and I just don't want them to be understrength or unrealistic. Best APC addons so far, and thanks for making them! Are you working with RHS, because I can't think of them making anything better than this. -PAZ-
Hey - Tanks look great! I was playing with Sig's T-72, T-80, and T-90 series tanks (which I worship), and I was thinking - one way which would really allow for them to function more realistically on the battlefield is if they could change their ammo types. Most of the tanks have three ammo types (anti-armor, high-explosive, and some are lucky enough to have ATGM, which are great for far off adversaries and low flying helicopters). However, the tank will not switch from anti-armor until it has completely used it up. Anti-armor is absolute crap for taking out infantry or gun emplacements because it takes a direct hit to do any damage (that’s depleted-uranium for you)! It looks really stupid the tank firing round after round into a bunch are infantry and killing like two guys. And I really hate seeing the marvelous T-90 get raped by a few choppers that, when you force it to change to ATGM, it kills from miles away! So, I was wondering if it would be possible to make a script that would allow the tank to, depending on its target, change its ammo type. I know changing takes time, but these tanks fire rounds so quickly that I didn't think it would really matter. If you wanted to get really fancy, you could make it so that HEAT, SABOT, and ATGM rounds are all "acceptable" for armor targets, and they would only change to SABOT or ATGM (depending on range) after a shot has just been fired and the gun is unloaded anyways - but that would be fancy. Anyway, not sure if you could do that, and if it would take too long, forget it - just thought might let your tanks function a little more creatively and adaptively on the battlefield. Big fan of Soviet armor and Red Hammer Studios, -PAZ-
Though it's probably an improvement over the last version, I don't like how you have to switch to the ATGM on the action menu. Though I realize it's more realistic, I don't like the fact that now the ATGM cannot be used by the AI, which I always thought was quite important in this unit's combat effectiveness. When is that bug going to be fixed, anyway? It would make Sigma-6's tank pack even better if the AI could appropriately use the ATGM's, and if a tank could use heat when taking on infantry, it would make them much more dangerous (Depleated Uranium is nearly useless, as it doesn't explode unless target hit). -PAZ-
This engine is called the "X-Ray Engine" -PAZ-
There is a new game out there called "STALKER: Oblivion Lost". And though I am only mildly excited for the game itself, the game engine is a marvelous composite of all of the most recent technological achievement in FPS's, and it's set on a near Flashpoint scale (huge maps). It has great physics, realistic shadows, awesome details (trees, ground, buildings, vehicles, players, weapons, ect), and particle effects system (with realistic physics)....you name it!! BIS could do great things with this engine. It allows INDOOR COMBAT - with realistic lighting (move past a light - see your shadow on wall move totally realistically over bumpy surface). Key Features: Levels combining closed spaces as well as enormous open areas Visualization optimized for hardware TnL (both FF and shading capable parts) Continuous level of detail technology for all the geometry ~100 000 polygons per frame at 60 fps on average hardware Detailed character models (500-10 000 polys) Powerful skeleton-based animation allows usage of motion-capture hardware and produces smooth and realistic motion of characters Detail objects (grass/small stones/etc) Portal-style, non-linear subdivision based visibility detection system Intelligent hardware state caching technology Both Direct and Radiosity lighting models Colored dynamic lights and dynamic "soft" shadows Intelligent shader subsystem Dynamically generated textures Reflections, chrome effects, etc. VR-Simulation engine optimized for massive payload High-performance collision detection allowing simultaneous motion of large number of characters in high polygonal environment Realistic physics simulation (ballistic, motions, fluid engine, snow, rain, explosions, etc.) Motion compensation scheme Particle system with real physics High quality HRTF 3D-sound with clipping and partial wave tracing "Low-penalty" & "low-delay" reaction technology (less then 1ms to start HRTF 3D Sound Source to play) Context-relative multiple-mixed music streams in MP3/MP2/WMA/ADPCM formats High-performance collision detection allowing simultaneous motion of large number of characters in high polygonal environment Computer rivals possess virtual hearing and sight, which when combined with worked out AI makes them tough enemies Different kinds of enemies, military vehicles, helicopters, boats, etc (work in progress) Accurate hit calculation algorithm Powerful built-in scripting language Full realization of C-language and partial C++ Only 6-8 times slower than real (x86) code AI Simulation Level-Of-Detail and Culling Virtual sight, hearing, feeling Fuzzy logic controlled agents Advanced terrain reasoning with tactical assessment Adapting tactics with reinforcement learning Dedicated snipping tactics Team maneuvers Support for all D3D compatible accelerators, starting from 2nd generation (TNT/Voodo2/etc) The most important part of the mathematics is optimized for SSE & 3Dnow! instructions Editor supports both 3DsMAX 2.5/3/4 and Lightwave 6.5/7 as modeling tools Anyway, I would love to see something like this in OFP2...it's a great engine and BIS not having to develop it's own would save time and let them focus on content (so we wouldn't have to depend on add-ons for all our fun )! The web site is: http://www.stalker-game.com/ A great showcase video of the engine is at: http://www.fileplanet.com/files/110000/116768.shtml The game itself is looks okay, but it's nothing compared to what flashpoint could do with it. -PAZ-
The biggest problem to me is that the BMD-3's AT-5 SPANDREL ATGM should have a max range of at least 4,000 m, not the 1,000 m you currently have them at. Anything within 1,000 m is cannon fodder, not for the ATGM anyways. Min range is 75 m. I know your just using the BMP-2's missile (opened the file up in notepad ), but I would suggest you use the ATGM from ASH's IFV pack, or make your own, or course. That is a really good pack, making the BMP's way more realistic and effective in combat. I would recommend anyone to download that, and perhaps you could release a "realistic" version of the BMD-3 with lower amour (not bullet proof) and better weapons, like ASH's pack. The reload time is a little long for the game, but accurate (20 seconds, and it says they launch off 2-3/minute). If you want to make your own missile: http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/land/row/at5spandrel.htm. Otherwise, great add-on!!! -PAZ-