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Everything posted by pd3

  1. pd3

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    Indeed, which is a shame because this campaign looks interesting.
  2. Thanks much for the reply, I'm going to mess around with this!
  3. Yeah, I have used DAC with my own creations, and it seems to work fine. I just wasn't sure if you had implemented any customizations. There are some gameplay altering missions such as Mark50bk's Apocalypse that fundamentally clash with AI mods, so I thought I'd ask. Either way, it looks good, I'm going to give it a go and see what its like.
  4. Will this mod clash with AI altering mods such as ASR_AI? That is to say, do you create ai with additional variables other than the basic skill number?
  5. Which in my opinion makes the whole matter rather curious as to why the feds have such a complete fixation on putting the squeeze on these people. Even more baffling is the fact that they would give them immunity in exchange for testimony that may or may not be useful at all. Even more still: Why are they simply not explaining their innocence to the grand jury, making them look foolish and walking out? I suspect its not necessarily them, but people they're associated with, and this is why they're so hell bent on refusing to turn. Either way, if I were completely innocent, even if the government had pegged me wrong, I'd not go about pissing them off, I'd give them my honest testimony and then allow the media to do the rest. Something does not add up. http://www.vice.com/read/leah-lynn-plante-and-the-portland-anarchist-grand-jury-resistors And there we have it. The anarchists overstepped their bounds and the feds are pissed and they're not playing nice. I'm most certainly not an apologist for bad government behavior, but these kids are in over their heads. Clearly their concern is about not ratting out people who clearly may have engaged in some criminal activities, or may bring to light individuals whom the feds might want to "have a word with". I don't know, if you run in those kinds of circles, you're going to have to accept the treatment that association comes with. Irrelevant, once you have associated with a group that is in any way shape or form associated with random violence, property damage, and public threats, especially to the government, you're taking your own safety in your hands. Sure, there may be "peaceful anarchists" (oxymoron?), however the violent ones are the proverbial turd in the punch bowl. The big problem here is the fact that even though these kids may not have done anything, they're making it known that they wish to protect (and thereby implicitly support) those who perpetrated criminal acts.
  6. As far as I recall, when I had some interest in this story, is that there was some vandalism done during some protests which it was suspected the individuals detained were associated with, either directly or indirectly. The government was cracking down on anarchists and saw that as a pretext (whether you believe it to be legitimate or not), to make an example of them following the vandalism associated with some may day protests. The court pre-emptively granted her immunity as a strategic gambit to prevent her from invoking her fifth amendment rights, all she really needed to do to exonerate both herself and her associates is to provide the information requested by the grand jury. She refused to do this, IMO for obvious reasons, she didn't want to incriminate her associates. She was already granted immunity, so it wasnt an issue of serving time herself for admitting anything, but she obviously knew something, and refused, otherwise she simply would have provided the information and proven how fruitless the endeavor was to begin with. Normally I would find this sort of legal stratagem questionable, however I really have no sympathy for aggressively left wing activists. They're not rational, they're violent, and obviously willing to justify that violence to the point where they would rather serve time in prison than admit any wrongdoing on their collective behalf.
  7. I think so, with the exception that I understand that AMD is in a bad way financially. I really hope this bid by intel is not accompanied by AMD folding based on the market disruption that results from them basically not telling ANYONE they were doing this. If that is the case, I hope it results in some kind of antitrust claim being filed. Again, it may be paranoid conjecture, but its our hobby at stake here. I'm okay with AMD, sure they're not as fast as intel, and they consume more power, but if they offer an alternative, more power to them. My 980 black edition is a power hog, but it plays arma 2 quite well. I -was- planning on building an intel based rig after arma 3 came out, however I'm now wondering if the price on intel i7s are going to jump as a result. The absolute WORST outcome should all this be true, is for the PC market to rest primarily in the hands of manufacturers such as Dell, et-al. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.
  8. I hope you're correct. http://semiaccurate.com/2012/11/26/intel-kills-off-the-desktop-pcs-go-with-it/ I can only imagine the bad news this will mean for people who want to build their own computers to play PC games. The first thing that comes to mind is that OEM manufacturers are required to sell motherboards with intel chips on them, which may or may not result in a distribution agreement to PC manufacturers, which may in turn result in exorbitant prices in a market swarming with pre-fab machines, with emphasis on screwing over consumers who wish to buy "gaming machines".
  9. Has anyone else seen this: http://tech.slashdot.org/story/12/11/26/2016228/is-intel-planning-to-kill-enthusiast-pcs I would like to know how BI will respond to a change in the hardware side of the industry if this happens. Enabling dominance of the pre-fab computer market will only lead consumers, as well as the company itself down a bad path.
  10. I was pretty interested in this until I found out there is a certain performance hit associated with using it. Even if its negligible, what I'd be using it for is to mitigate the mushy indistinguishable colors that seem to happen at long distances in A2. That sort of thing should be integrated right into the game, it shouldn't be even reminiscent of games such as Modern Warfare 2 in which they purposely run post processing to unreasonably muddy color definition so its difficult to pick players our unless they're moving.
  11. pd3

    Urban Conquest by tvig0r0us

    I do have one question with regard to "points" that was not completely clear on the initial post. Are point sizes dynamic or must all subsequent capture points adhere to the same size as the initial one placed? I get the impression that the latter is correct, however I'm just wondering for the sake of adaptation to other terrain.
  12. There has been a recent furor regarding Microsoft's plan to force Steam off their OS, theoretically forcing developers to sell through Microsoft's own proposed storefront business. I personally find this terrible for many reasons, not the least of which being that it may further taint consumer demographics (and development of future BI products). And I support Steam's mandate to opt for the Linux platform in the event it becomes a reality. The big question is will BI follow? I'm not saying that BI would necessarily have to abandon windows, however I think Microsoft is tempted to go down a road that is particularly awful for longtime consumers. I use windows, as I think most do on the basis of accessibility, and that accessibility and market diversity is seriously threatened at this point. I believe if there were enough developers serious about venturing into the Linux market with their software, it may well change the industry as we know it. Honestly, I would love nothing more than a lightweight operating system for PC gaming, and it seems like that time may come. I believe this gambit played by microsoft is just "TCPA Lite", only this time its masquerading as a content delivery system. Demographically I think such a future would be horrible for this company and the direction it may take if WGX or Windows 8 store, or whatever that garbage is, becomes the sole means by which people purchase BI games. Personally for me, if Microsoft does go through with this, whether BI follows suit or not, my next PC will probably be the last Windows based PC I ever own.
  13. Just found this: http://www.theverge.com/2012/11/12/3634852/microsoft-directx-11-1-windows-8 I seriously hate Microsoft.
  14. I'm looking for an animation package that was promoted on one of the Arma addon community sites. It allowed players to run and jump over low obstacles and debris. I've tried searching the most predictable terms to try and find it, to no avail.
  15. Ahh, I see. Well, either way, I'm glad this serves as an alternative. The only thing I'm having difficulty doing now is the panic cover stance, was that one taken out too?
  16. I'm glad this pack was made, especially considering I personally prefer the BIS movement anims for walking, jogging/running. However is there any particular reason why the wall related anims were removed? Does it have specifically to do with the removal of the mod anims for walking, jogging et-al? I like this although I see a lot of potential in being able to climb over walls. Nice job, pity about that though.
  17. I've been trying to find information on how encompassing Valve's CEG protection actually is. I'm assuming Arma 2 uses CEG? As it no longer uses SecurRom? If not, then I suppose this is the end of this thread. However I recently came across some discussions regarding performance issues that AMD processor users were having interacting with Valves CEG protection, resulting in poor performance, or outright crashes. Supposedly there is a tool that temporarily fixes this by the name of "orochi CEG". Has anyone out there heard of this? I considered trying it myself, however I'm extremely reticent about the results that my virus scanner returns when checking the file. Ideally, I would like to think there is a bios fix for this, but it seems unlikely. Has anyone tried it? Is this a big scam to get people to install a trojan on one's machine?
  18. Similar to this classic OFP gem? http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8056
  19. Is there a non-ACR version of the MP mission? I've just barely gotten my copy of A2 running again after that wretched update, and I really don't want to dink around trying to get the expansion installed ATM. I am however interested in your mission though.
  20. After the ridiculous mess that resulted from updating arma 2/OA via: "you know what", I'm trying to figure out why the game is not running properly, and furthermore, why certain resources are not being used or acknowledged by the game. When I attempt to manually enable addons via the expansions option, the load order seems completely borked. I have |-Official DLC |_ Addons |_More Addons |_Etc |_Arma 2 |_Operation Arrowhead. Certain critical resources seem to refuse to load via this method, I cannot determine whether its CAA1, or Arma 2. Either way, its completely unacceptable, the game has been completely F'ed since this has happened and I'm still reeling from it. All the unnecessary changes just leave me with more questions than answers. Currently, I've attempted to run everything via command line through a batch file My set up looks like this: arma2OA.exe -nosplash -mod=@CBA;Infantry_Armor;@caa1;@JSRS1.4;@SPECOPS;@avgani1.2;@lingor;@MJB;@RYD_HAC;@DAC;@SAP;@ASR_AI;@POOK;@duala When I look at my load order in the expansion section it "seems" to appear fine except that instead of: |-Arma 2 |-Combined Operations |-DLC |_Addons etc. It looks like this: |-CA |-Combined Operations |-DLC |_Addons Its also giving me seemingly different errors now, that I believe are attributed to stock Arma 2 not being recognized within my current setup. Can anyone tell me what I can do outside of manually enabling everything via expansion menu (which seems hamstrung at this point anyhow). Ideally I'd like to just properly include everything via command line so that I can get back to full functionality. I can provide a video of the errors I'm receiving for clarity if needed. -Edit- I'm starting to wonder what is the direct cause of all the strange loading issues I've been having, however I've determined that I can essentially fix the load order issues and effectively eliminate unloaded assets by tinkering with the _runA2CO.cmd file So I'm assuming this is an exclusively steam issue? If so I'll continue the discussion in the steam thread. Currently the only problem I have now is that "Arma 2" is listed as a resource twice on the load order for all the game's assets, and I cannot figure out why. That aside the game runs fine. I'm only concerned that if I'm loading redundant assets, that I may be wasting RAM in the process.
  21. Well, strangely enough I had no entry for any stock BI assets at all in that config file. They were all addons that I attempted to activate, but somehow ended up in a rather screwy load order with them always at the top, and ARMA 2 and OA always at the bottom, which is what I now believe to be the reason for some unloadable assets showing up in the editor for some islands. I literally could not change the load order of OA or Arma 2 if I wanted to in the expansion section, they were locked in place. I'm not sure how to configure the file you had specified as the BAF and PMC data for myself is all located in the common folder, I don't know if its simply redundant to specify the same folder for different DLC. When I attempted to include the DLC and OA, however I received strange shader error messages which followed up with a failure to launch. So, I'm still left scratching my head. That forced update really did a number on my configuration, and I'm genuinely not interested in reinstalling, however that's for reasons outside this thread. I personally always liked using the command line feature, and for the longest time prior to this, it worked just fine and dandy. I honestly don't think a community made launcher can fix the issues I have at this point, and I'm still not entirely clear as to why they happened in the first place. I do know that I can now run the _runA2CO.cmd file with my addon load order specified and it generally works fine. The only problem is that, again, Arma 2 for some reason shows up twice in the expansion section in-game, and I'm not sure why. Anyhow, thanks for the responses, I may just have to sit tight and hope that the people that f-ed this up will somehow release and update that might correct it again. For the meantime, I do have a semi-workable solution. EDIT Nevermind, it stopped working again for some reason... Oh, its because I wanted to add different criteria for the command line. Does this mean if I want to use -maxVRAM-maxMem, etc I need to separate them with their own set of quotes? Because simply combining them with -mod seemed to prevent mods from loading.
  22. Since this most recent update have people noticed certain models have failed to load in the mission editor? Specifically fuelstation_army.p3d
  23. I'm not commenting particularly on on you, but the fact that this needs to be even done is a sign that somebody massively fucked up. This is not BETTER. Somebody's mother needs to be slapped for raising a stupid motherfucker. Holy shit, I fucking hate Steam sometimes. Secondly, is there no load priority now? Is that not going to fuck up how the addons interact with one another? I really hate it when people attempt to make things more idiot friendly. Its always a zero sum proposal and I think the idiots these days are getting far too much credit. Now I'm getting all sorts of errors when I try to run certain maps now. I keep getting ca/buildings/fuelstation What the hell? Fuck sakes. People need to learn to leave things alone.
  24. What the hell is going on here? Why can't things simply be left alone? I can't run Arma 2 CO now. And I'm under the impression that the way the game handles mods has changed? WHY?! It was perfectly fine the way it was. I was asked to update by Steam, and then after the update had finished I keep getting the error "invalid application configuration". It seems this update has basically ruined my Arma 2 setup. And I'm not interested in playing Arma 2 if I can't run it the way I have been, flawlessly up until this point. Can anyone tell me what has happened and if there's a rather painless way I can revert back? I've gotten the game to run, but now I'm getting missing asset errors such as missing ca/buildings/fuelstation_army.p3d Did that stupid update fuck with CAA1? Jesus christ.