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Everything posted by PsyWarrior

  1. PsyWarrior

    1.92beta issues

    I have recently installed a GeForce 4 Ti4800 and have noticed a massive performance increase in OFP:Res (I had a TNT2 before). However, after installing 1.92 BETA, I have noticed reduced performance (framerate) AND reduced graphics quality. In addition, Â much of the text has become blurry and almost unreadable, while other text is the same as before (e.g. text "YOU ARE DEAD" is readable but the quote that appears underneath is terrible. The text in the mutltiplayer 'laptop' dialog is also mostly terrible.) I have also seen the same results in a friends PC that was patched to 1.92 beta. Are there amy plans to resolve these issues? Also, good work with resolving the memory map problem. -Supr. Cmdr. PsyWarrior -Psychic Productions
  2. PsyWarrior

    Fueling help

    I believe that the AI will only seek fuel if if they are really low on it. But I don't really know since I rarely play with fuel (in OFP!) -Supr. Cmdr. PsyWarrior
  3. PsyWarrior

    New scripting commands in 1.92?

    Whoops. Missed that. At least 1.92 fixes the memory-map problem.
  4. PsyWarrior

    New scripting commands in 1.92?

    I concur. The map commands would be rediculously useful to me as dialog/map integration is, as the_captain said, monumentally difficult. Just think... *click "launch cruise mssl"* "select target" *map appears* *click once on map* *launch...boom!* or *click "command screen"* *map appears* *click autoselect* *click units near...* *click on map* *all units within 500m of mouse click selected* *click on enemy unit -> attack order given* (the above is an idea I intend to use in Psychic Productions' upcoming RTS mod - COPYRIGHT!) I guess that we just leave it to BIS now and hope that they think it's a worthy idea. -The office of the Psychic Productions Supreme Commander ============================================= -Supr. Cmdr. PsyWarrior