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Everything posted by Planck

  1. Planck

    8007000e Error in Vista

    Run in windowed mode and these problems might disappear. Windowed mode is so much easier and you can also keep an eye on your messenger Planck
  2. Planck

    Frustrations with Biki

    I agree it is a command reference not a tutorial on how to script. If you want to find out about a certain command or group of commands then the command reference is where to go. Some commands lack a description and in the fullness of time I'm sure most of them will eventually have one. You cannot provide information that you don't have. On another note, I was never very happy with the template that was applied, but, I live with it. Planck
  3. Ahh, well, sorry to hear that, maybe it is the simulations type. Have you tried simulation = "shotMissile" ? Planck
  4. I think you need to add a couple of semi-colons onto the ends of those lines maybe.....like so: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon {}; class Proxyrksl_1000gp : ProxyWeapon {model = "\rksl-harrier\w\rksl_1000gp_w"; simulation = "maverickweapon";}; class Proxyrksl_gbu1000 : ProxyWeapon {model = "\rksl-harrier\w\rksl_paveway2_w"; simulation = "maverickweapon";}; }; Planck
  5. Planck

    Project Plan

    You thought raedor was a BIT strange? Ummm.......thinking............. Planck
  6. Planck

    Brits hit by friendlies video

    Which guys? The pilots or the guys that were killed or injured? I noticed they mentioned the orange panels......what happened to their training about recognition markers? I take it, this was the usual gung-ho american trait. It was the same in the first Gulf War thing. Planck
  7. Planck

    PBO's & Config files

    Every BI pbo in the addons folder has a config.bin inside it. Planck
  8. Planck

    camera.sqs help

    Yes, I had this problem once......... Disable your joystick. Planck
  9. Planck

    Not a discussion about the mods

    As this is not about OFP or ArmA stuff, isn't it off topic? I thought these boards were for discussion on aspects of the aforementioned games. This might be more at home in.....emmmm.........ehhhh.........well.....off-topic maybe. Planck
  10. Planck

    invisible H

    You can place as many units as you like in the editor playable or non playable. But, until you place a player unit, you cannot Preview the result. Planck
  11. Planck

    Model Conversion

    I have many models from Elite in Arma already, some look better than others as far as texturing goes. The models I mean here are the vehicles: Air: Cobra, Apache, Ch47D, OH58, Kamov, Mi24, Su25, A10, Cessna Wheeled: Sports Car, Yellow Sports Car, Trabant, Bicycle, Jawa, Mini, Bus, Police Car, PV3S, PV3s Civil, PV3s Fuel,PV3s Ammo, PV3s Repair, UAZG, SGUAZG, GJeep, Jeep, JeepMg, Scud Tracked: BRMD, Bradley, M60, T55G, T80, T80Res Water: Mk II PBR, PBX, LST The models that have turrets are now working as well as I am able to get them working for now. Vehicle weapons in many cases have been changed to use the ArmA equivalents (or close enough). Crew proxy positions however are not correct and need to be fixed when it is possible. Once any tools are available I could pop them into repository so texturers and modellers can make any necessary adjustments to the models, proxy positions, textures and possibly configs. Planck
  12. Planck

    Model Conversion

    Scud is in on my ArmA already, has been for a while now. It will even launch the scud. Check the repository, there you will find configs for most of the relevant models. The Scud is in the BISOFP config as is the Mi24 and the A10 and the T55 and and and Planck
  13. Planck

    Feedback on the demo from a U.S. LAN party

    I think I'm too old to listen to some of these petty rants Planck
  14. Planck

    Navigate by the stars?

    Exactly....according to BI coordinates anyway Planck
  15. Planck

    official complaint to BIS

    Oh dear, I must say I'm surprised to see this rather pointless excuse for a topic still open. Recommend closure ASAP. But then it seems to give some a purpose in life....including me apparently. Planck
  16. Planck

    Feedback on the demo from a U.S. LAN party

    Last time I looked the Demo was Single Player AND Multiplayer. You do have the 1.03.5116 version I trust, if so it has a single player mode. Planck
  17. Planck

    Model Conversion

    Ahh well, must be old age setting in. As for the T55G, was it not one of the goals to get this into ArmA? Planck
  18. Planck

    Model Conversion

    Configs and stringtables for most of the relevant vehicles are now in the repository, in the relevant spots. These are the configs I have been using to get the various vehicles running in ArmA. The Apache btw needs hellfire_proxy.p3d to be present in data3d.pbo, you will need to put a copy in there your self. Each config has the name of the vehicle/weapon/whatever preceding the word config....for example: M2A2config.cpp. Btw.....whats wrong with bicycle and Mini? I don't think they came with Resistance. Planck
  19. Planck

    Island conversion

    Yes it is possible but it will take a looooong time using the method I used for the Elite Intro.wrp. Might be wiser to wait and see if any tools are available soon to make the job easier. As you know the Desert Island was textured with one texture in OFP, but things were slightly different in Elite. In Elite the texture name in the wrp file was replaced by a .bimpas file which listed a texture and an .rvmat file for use. The .rvmat then listed other textures needed for different passes. In ArmA .bimpas is not used any more, instead the texture or bimpas name in the .wrp file is replaced by the path/name of an .rvmat file. The .rvmat file lists all the texures used for those areas of the island that are using the named .rvmat file, for Into.wrp it was easy, only one file listed. which I changed and added the names of the textures I wanted to use into the .rvmat file. Editing one file name, remembering not to change the length of the path or name was all I did......with a hex editor. Then all I needed to do after that was edit a copy of the rvmat with the texture names I wanted to use...and also renamed the .rvmat file to the name I had given it in the .wrp file. Check the In.rvmat file I put in the repository for info. The .rvmat file also lists those files used for the editor satellite textures. Planck
  20. Planck

    Island conversion

    Elite Intro Isle is now textured and I popped it into the repository. Hope I got it in there ok. Planck
  21. Did you try: startupScript = "modfolder\scriptsfolder\global_init.sqs" or startupScript = "\modfolder\scriptsfolder\global_init.sqs" Planck
  22. Planck

    CWR Mission Conversion Status

    I've been trying still to get islands with objects and textures working, but sorry to say ...no luck yet.........however I have lots of OFP vehicles. Planck
  23. Good news and Bad news.............. First the good news: I'm happy to report that I have all the OFP islands in ArmA. Now the bad news: No textures or objects just the terrain......it is winter after all. Planck
  24. Planck

    Editing config.bin

    I'm using Eliteness 2.08 and I am using DePBO 1.45 with it, this might be the problem here. Go to Mikero's site.......link at the first post on this page......and get the latest of everything. Planck
  25. I think you are mistaken, if you had bothered to search you would have found the SQS and the SQF pages without too much bother. Nothing whatsoever has been deleted.......think before you say things like that, and at the very least check further. Planck